
Chapter One

James was standing on his balcony, staring at the clouds thinking of nothing. Then he glanced over at his neighbour’s home. On their balcony stood Jessica, a girl he had been falling for since grade school. Now they were in the ninth grade waiting for the summer to end. Waiting for this dreaded season to pass them by. The had done nothing yet and it was already late August. Well they did do a few things, just nothing that much. Jessica was turning 14 August 22nd. James had turned 14 only a week ago. Jessica saw him glancing over. Everybody in school knew they liked each other. Last year they had most of their classes together (six of eight to be exact). James was techy nerdy guy who hacked their school system and figured out a way to put her in 3/4th of their classes together. Somehow, he couldn’t figure out how to get her into his class for Math and English last year. He just assumed that he couldn’t because each course a different teacher controlled the settings on the computer system. It was not the government, or the governing body assigned to school itself. He just believed he was up against bigger techs and it was not worth it. Like Jessica was beautiful and awesome and everything, but totally not worth it. Well she was, but she wasn’t.

Anyway, the glancing turned into unintentional staring, which then turned into Jessica bursting into laughter while looking at James. James said, “What, what’s so funny? You laughing at me, or with me, or neither?

“Come on James, said Jessica we both know you want to talk to me. What do you want to talk about?”

“Who me?” He continued.

“Well of course. Who else could it be? There are only two of us here. And we both know that you like me. Everybody knows. Come on.” She replied.

“I do? Since when?” He responded.

Jessica explained, “we all know what you did before school started in the eighth grade”.

“What I do, huh?” James went asked.

Jessica went on saying “we all know that you put us together in most of our classes. You hacked the school system or worked your charm on all the teachers. You got to know them before grade eight started. I bet you did that for grade nine too” jokingly said Jessica.

“That’s a lot of work Jessica”, James expressed.

“You did that for your elementary and teachers and you are hardworking”, vocalized Jessica.

“Oh thanks, for calling me hard-working. However, in elementary we only had one teacher. In secondary we have eight”, verbalized James.

“You’re more than capable of it. I believe you could. You have tech skills. You are in-love with me, and everybody knows it. AND you had opportunity. You know what that means right?” Jessica communicated.

“What”, uttered James.

“You had means, motive, and opportunity”, articulated Jessica.

“So, what now you are calling me a criminal or something? voiced James.

“I am not going to debate that with you, even if technically you may be if you did hack their system, but I do not know the law. You did not harm anyone. I just don’t know anything. I am not here to judge” told Jessica.

“So, do you love me?” he yelled over to her.

“I thought you would never ask”, said Jessica. She continued saying, “Well what do you think?”

“Why do girls always do this? Why cannot they just say what they want to say and answer the question directly. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” cried James.

Jessica started laughing so hard her belly hurt and she peed a little “You are really funny. Fine if you really want to know, of course I do” laughed Jessica.

“Wait do you really mean that?”, James excitingly asked Jessica.

“Well duh”, Jessica spoke loud and clearly when responding to him.

“Yahoo!!!!!!” James jumped for joy like a mad man.

Just then the mailman began walking into shade because he too dreaded this horrible sunshine. He stepped onto James’ property giving his house some mail. He then walked over to Jessica’s home and did the same thing. They both rushed downstairs to their mailbox. They were both expecting important mail that they were looking forward to seeing. They were expecting it to be from school. They arrived and opened their mailboxes simultaneously carefully taking out the envelope from the mailbox and sure enough it was both two separate letters, in two separate mailboxes.

The exclaimed, “Yes” simultaneously.

James said, “Look we open it simultaneously, at the count of three, okay?”

“No, problem, that’s exactly what I was thinking”, replied Jessica.




James and Jessica hurriedly ripped open their envelopes that their school had given them. The envelope showed their classes, who they were with, when, where, everything.

“Let’s see! Let’s see! Let’s see!” Said Jessica.

James showed her. “The exactly match!!!!!!!!!!” Hon, we are going to see each other everyday this school year replied James.”

“We can already see each other everyday, but this is even better. I feel practically married to you. This is so awesome. This is the best day of the Summer vacation” responded Jessica.

“I feel the same way” said James.

James then kissed her smoothly like smooth peanut-butter being spread on Jessica’s lips.

Chapter Two

“So, what are you to do now?” James asked curiously.

“Well I am supposed to be celebrating my 14th birthday on the 22nd. You can come to it. I have not planned very much. But now that we are dating, you really should be there” replied Jessica.

“And of course, I will be there. When will you have it?” He responded to her comment.

“On my birthday, just like every year without fail. I hate celebrating early, or late, especially late” responded Jessica.

“Can I call you “Jelly” from now on as your nick-name?” said James.

“Why?”, asked Jessica.

“I do not know I just want to. I want to show my appreciation some more. You know I do love you” He replied with hope.

“Yes, James you may. What nick name do you want?” Jelly responded.

James said, “how about… coach?”

“Why that, because I just love basketball, floor hockey, flag-football, and of course soccer. And ever since I met you people have been calling me coach or treating me like that.” He respectfully replied.

Continuing he said, “come on, I thought since we knew each other since we were eight you would know that about me, Jelly.”

“Well I can’t know everything about you. That would be creepy wouldn’t it be?” said Jelly.

‘Maybe”, responded James.

“But, if we are to get married some day, I want us to be in love and close”, said James.

“Ya let’s think about that when we get there.” Jelly responded in a way to show that she was not in the mood to discuss that. She just wanted to think of her 14th birthday. Time was flying. She had not mentally prepared one bit, neither had she done any shopping for food, beverages, supplies, clothing, you know the normal things required for a party—party gear. She was beginning to get stressed out. James noticed this.

“What’s wrong?” asked James,

“James, I am so worried, so stressed. I have no plan for my party. I haven’t gotten anything ready yet “explained Jelly.

“Do not worry I will help you. I will go shopping, clothing, food, beverages, supplies, electronics” Jelly said with enthusiasm.

James thought to himself “Oh boy, what have I done.” “I hate clothing shopping. I am going to hate going shopping with her. Everything else especially electronics is going to be fine. No, I am going to love electronics, but I doubt we will get to do any of that”, James kept thinking to himself.

“Thanks, Jelly. Thanks a bunch. When can you go shopping with me? Said Jessica.

Chapter Three

“How about right now? Reasoned James.

“Sure,” Jelly.

Just then her my mother yelled “FIRE”

Both James and Jessica ran into her house and tried to see what the problem was. There was a small kitchen fire. Jessica had no idea what to do and neither did her mom Jane. James quickly grabbed a lid that was lying on the kitchen counter to cover the dish and that alone mysteriously put out the fire. At least to them it was mysterious. James knew it would suffocate the oxygen and stop it from spreading.

Jane with gratitude in her voice “Thanks.” What are you to up to now?”

“Jessica, or should I say, “Jelly” now is my girlfriend and we are going to the mall to buy a few things to help her celebrate her fourteenth birthday” announced James.

“A boyfriend? Jessica you never told me you had a boyfriend.”

“When did this happen Jessica?”

“Just minutes ago,” Jessica responded rapidly.

“Do you work yet?” replied Jane.

“I do, I work at my dad’s night-market business. We sell stuffed animals” said James.

“I am very pleased to hear that James.”

“Okay, take care off my baby girl, she is only 13 you know. Take good care. Go get her the stuff she needs” said Jane.

“Mom!!!!!!!!” Jessica interjected.

“Jessica you ought to be more like your new boyfriend and start working at this young age and get good work experience, how will you become a business owner and then eventually an investor?”

“That’s not fair mom, his dad owns a business. It’s a small business owner. It’s easier for him. His dad can give him a job easily- if there is a job available anyway”, somewhat angrily set Jessica.

“You can always James to see if his dad could hire you, or at least if they can consider you or even if they are hiring. You could really learn a lot, gain a lot experience and get some great pocket money. Then you could use 40% to invest and 10% into savings for a crisis fund and 10% into an emergency fund. Jessica, just do” calmly said Jane.

Jessica calmed down.

“Okay, mom. I will”, said Jelly.

“Now you may, go to mall with James” said Jane.

Chapter Four

James said, “can we go clothing shopping last?”

“No James, my mom is cooking everything. My parents are shopping for us for everything except for my clothes. This is a clothing shopping experience for you and me together”, elucidated Jessica.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Thought James in his mind. “Do we really have to only do that today? Can we also do something that is fun for the both of us, like eating at Earls? Please!!!!” said James.

“Yes, we can, and we will I promise. And I will pay for my share”, said Jessica.

“Okay thanks, said James.”

“So, coach, what colour do you think looks best on me?” said Jessica.

“I am thinking either white or brown” replied James.

“Coach, I like your suggestion. Let’s focus on brown and its different shades.”

“Sure, whatever makes you happens” said James.

They went to The Bay and found a few great brown colour dresses, beige, dark brown, pale brown, red brown, and medium brown. When she went to the fitting room James expeditiously went to his dad’s store Teddy’s Little Bear Store. He asked to speak to his dad Jacob, but he was not there. However, his mother was working that day and she came since she was also a part owner (40%) of the store came out to speak to him.

“Nice to see you son. What makes you come here?” said Joan.

“Mom can you please give my friend Jessica a job?”

“We are looking for someone, and we met Jessica before, and we know that she is your good friend. She can work here if she wants to be a sales associate. We pay 1% commission, so its rather low. You can fill her in” Joan said.

“I appreciate it, mom” said James.

James bolted back in time and said to Jessica, “hey Jelly, Jelly, Jelly, I got great news, my mom will hire you as a sales associate. Maybe you can start on your birthday. She said to fill you in. I will teach you everything you need to know on how to do your job. We pay one percent commission.”

Jessica came out running without fully putting on her red-brown dress, running for joy. Immediately, James stepped up and protected her from her embarrassment of her physical display of clothes on her body, or lack luster display, however you want to put it. Essentially, he covered her physically with some nearby items.

“I am glad you are happy Jess.”

Chapter Five

Three hours of dreaded shopping continued before they went home. Jessica had bought three items for her party and then for more parties and special occasions to come.

“You know that if you didn’t provide me with a job today, I would be pretty mad at you for telling your mom already without my permission that I am your girlfriend” said Jessica. In fact, at first, I wanted to slap you, but I refrained to see what my mom thought of you as a boyfriend. And she was happy to see your success, so I don’t need to slap you. Plus, you already got me your gift for my birthday, multiple gifts actually: a job, and a dress.

“Don’t worry about it Jelly” said James. “I got your back”, he continued.

Chapter Six

The next day, Joan called Jessica’s house and Jessica picked up.

“I am looking for Jessica.” Said Joan.

“Jessica here.”

“Oh, hi, Jessica what James told me that you want to work for us?” said Joan.

“Yes, I did, replied Jessica.”

“Since you are a great friend of James, and we know you well we can and are willing to hire you at minimum wage + 1% commission which is now $18/hour + 1% commission” said Joan.

Jessica heard her use the word “friend” to describe her relationship with James, at this point she was trying to be strong and hold her tears back. She didn’t want to weep, maybe it was just a misunderstanding, or maybe James just hadn’t gotten around to telling her about their new formed relationship. So, she clarified what she had heard.

“Hey, I heard did you hear that me and James have started dating?” said Jessica.

“Oh no, he didn’t tell him, in fact, he used the term “friend”, so I did that too to refer to your relationship status with him. I apologize. I will talk to you and him about that later, just make sure your relationship doesn’t affect work okay?” replied Joan.

“I will make sure of that” said Jessica.

“So anyway congratulations, how long have you been dating?” retorted Joan.

“Today is the second day”, speedily replied Jess.

“Anyway, I want you to celebrate your birthday, but not too hard because the next day you have work at 546 Fortune Ave” responded with commanding power Joan.

“I won’t let you down”, said Jessica with confidence.

After the phone call, Jessica called James and instantly James picked up and said, “Hi.”

“Hey, your mom thought we were still just friends. In fact, she said that you said that you told her that” said Jessica.

“It was just an innocent slip of the tongue. I was trying to do a really great thing for you and I had only a few minutes to do it, or at least at the time when I did it I felt a lot of pressure and thought I only had a few minutes to do it, because it weighed on my consciousness so much I really wanted to accomplish it for your sake because I love you so much Jelly. I really do” said James.

This was a bold face lie and he knew it, because he was not ready to commit to the thought of having a girlfriend especially not a friend who was a friend for six years. Three years, sure. Not him. Even though his friends have girlfriends and they have known each other for like ten years, but only a few. But no-one would know this because he would not tell any anybody this. It was his secret and not for the world to know.

April 18, 2020 05:14

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