Underground Comic

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about a person who collects superhero comics.... view prompt



The city lights illuminated the slippery layer of water that coated the street. The moon dimly lit the night sky. Kamran slipped her way through the business workers who were hurrying home after their over time shifts, and the groups of party-goers who were quickly filling up the sidewalk - on their way to the bars and clubs for a Friday night out. If she had known it was going to rain, she would have brought an umbrella. Instead, she resorted to stuffing her head under the hood of her dirt stained sweatshirt. Her hands sat snuggly in her pockets. An overfilled backpack weighed her shoulders down. 

After 10 minutes of walking that resorted to an hour worth of pain in her legs, she turned into a dark alleyway. One filled with men using the side of dumpsters and brick walls to hold themselves up. One where empty beer bottles, pieces of cardboard, and questionable puddles filled every corner. It was no place for a girl to be. 

“What is a lady like you doing out here at this time of night?” A disheveled man slurred and attempted to wobble his way towards her. Kamran kept her eyes ahead, she knew that responding to anyone would only put her in deep trouble. 

She reached a brick wall at the back of the alley and began to pound in the center of it. To any passerby, she would have looked absolutely crazy. 

One of the bricks opened and was replaced by a pair of vibrant green eyes. “Password.” The husky voice requested. 

“XF680ASP” She carefully recited the string of letters and numbers. She was never good with remembering the passwords to her email addresses or social media accounts, but this password? This password was ingrained into her brain. 

The eyes disappeared and a door in the brick wall opened up. Beyond the door was a pair of cement stairs that went deep into the ground. There was zero lighting, giving off the feeling that she was walking towards impending doom. 

Kamran took one last breath of fresh air before beginning her descent into what she called, “her second home.” 

The brick door slammed shut behind her, sending her into pitch blackness. She pressed her hands against the walls on either side of her to guide her down the stairs. She let out a bit of breath everytime she successfully hit a step. 

The sound of chatter, laughter, and fast paced music began to fill the air around her. A yellow light appeared at the bottom of the staircase - she was in the long run. 

Soon enough, she plunged into a very large room full of tables and electronics. Arcade machines lined the walls and a wooden bar sat across the room with a line of people demanding various alcoholic drinks. 

“Kamran!” She jerked her head towards the muffled yell of her name over the loud room. A boy that was around her age was waving her over to a nicely decorated table. 

Just like the sidewalk above ground, she weaved her way around hundreds of people walking in all directions. 

The table she arrived at had a light blue tablecloth and comic books stacked up, each one had a price tag. 

“Glad you could make it tonight.” The boy chuckled. His name was Zay. She didn’t know his age or any other facts about him. All she knew was he was pretty well known and had helped show her the ropes when she first found the place. 

Kamran let out a chuckle, setting her bag on the table and taking her hood off, “why wouldn’t I be here?” 

She unzipped the bag and was welcomed with the musty smell of the comic books that she had piled into the bag. Zay reached into her bag and assisted her with setting the comic books on the table alongside his own. 

Superhero comic books have always been a part of her life. Her room was decorated with figurines of  Aquaman and posters of Superman. Her bedsheets were red and blue and the Batman  logo shined on her ceiling every night once the lights went out. 

She collected superhero comic books for as long as she could remember. She spent her allowance on them. She made sure they were in pristine condition. She would keep up to date with every new superhero and every new comic release date. 

She would buy and trade rare comics to add to her ever growing collection. Once something lost it’s value - she put it on the table and traded it. 

The only problem was - it’s illegal. 

The state recently passed a law where it was illegal to trade and sell ANYTHING without contacting their local government to ask for permission. It would take months for any sort of approval to sell something as simple as a comic book. 

Zay scooped up a pile of comic books into his arms, “I’ll start making my rounds.” He said. He walked towards the bar and began making small talk with the people in line, pulling out comic books for them to look at and potentially buy. 

Kamran stood at the table, watching people walk past her.  The room was filled with more middle aged men than any other demographic. Many wore geeky T-shirts and had uncut hair. Only a handful were like Kamran and Zay - young. 

A man stalked his way towards the table, “I’ll give you $100 for that comic and i'll give you this one” he pointed towards the Green Lantern comic that was placed right in the center of the table. A limited edition Marvel comic emerged from behind his back. 

Of course to the average person - this deal was worth it. One hundred dollars could pay for her exams at school. She could buy $100 worth of new figurines. A limited edition Marvel comic could happily join her bookshelf and sit amongst the rest of her superhero comics. Sadly, there was just one thing that was off. 

She shook her head, “that comic is worth less than $50. My comic is worth over $230. I will not trade with you.”

She watched as the man’s face turned red. Veins began to burst out of his arms and head . “You BETTER GIVE ME THAT COMIC!” The man threw himself over the table and lunged his arms towards her neck. Her arms immediately grasped his arms in an attempt to pull him off of her. She was suffocating. 

Everyone’s eyes turned towards them. Zay came rushing over with a hand full of money and less comics than he started out with. His mouth was agape and beads of sweat were falling down his forehead. 

“Hey dude go away!” He desperately tried yanking the man away. “Can someone come help!” 

What stopped the commotion wasn’t the help and unity of the people watching, it was the police. The police who forcefully entered and ran down the steps yelling “police! Hands up!” Their guns were raised into the air and search dogs barked over the thumping music. 

The man’s hands left Kamran’s neck leaving her gasping for fresh air. People began to run straight towards the exit in an attempt to get past the officers, some desperately tried to  pack up their money and comics, and others were raising their arms in the air undefeated. 

Zay was among the people who had grabbed handfuls of comics, Kamran followed suit and shoved as many in her bag as she could. 

Zay grabbed Kamran’s wrist while she threw her bag over her shoulder, he dragged her out of a secret door in the corner and led her to a long dim hallway. They ran and ran until they came upon a steel door. The bark of the police dogs were getting closer and closer to them. Zay frantically ooned the door, and ran up wooden steps that wobbled with every harsh step he and Kamran took. 

Together, the two burst through the door at the top of the stairs and entered the kitchen of a bar. The cooks who were rushing around with plates in their hand steered off course and stomped towards the two. 

“What are you doing in here!”

“Get out!”

 Before Kamran had a chance to process where she was, she felt Zay yank her out of the kitchen and through a dance floor of people who were grinding up once another to the beat of the blaring club music.

A blast of cold air and stray raindrops flew into Kamran’s face. She was finally outside where her ears could have a break from noise and her heart could have a chance to slow down. The rainy weather was refreshing compared to the stifling underground heat and the high speed run from the police. 

While she was catching her breath, she noticed Zay was no longer by her side. He was now running at full speed up the street - leaving her behind. 

Tonight was another night where she made it out alive. 

Her bag was lighter than it was earlier. 

She didn’t have the chance to collect new superhero comics. 

Her prized possessions were still stacked up underground 

She threw her hood back up over her head and walked in the direction of the alleyway once more. 

It was time for round two.

July 04, 2020 01:59

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