High School

I stare at the one word scrawled on my paper. I know I should write down more, but I can't seem to. I can only write one.


You see, my teachers will hand me and my classmates papers to write down our resolutions right before Christmas Break because we obviously won't be at school on New Years' day. I hate this because I can only think of one thing to write each time. It's just one, simple word. Yet, I can't seem to accomplish this resolution.

I am currently sixteen. And ever since I was twelve, I have had this as my resolution. Because I am shyer than others and don't really know how to talk to people, I don't get invited to even the smallest of parties. Which sucks because parties sound like the best thing ever. Chip bowls scattered on tables, sodas I have never been able to drink, and in some cases, beer. This all sounds glorious, but like I said before, I never get to go to them.

That's why I have Change as my resolution. If I can somehow just figure out how to talk to other people, then maybe I will be invited to parties. And as you probably know, New Year's Eve has one of the biggest parties of the year. And I really want to be invited to one before the end of high school. If I do that, then maybe I can finally have friends.

It is the day of the break when I hear some boys and girls talking about a big party on New Year's Eve next to me in the hall. I am about to put my headphones on and walk away when I suddenly hear my name in the conversation. I act like I don't hear them but then strain my ears to listen in.

"Do you think we should invite Ethan to the party?" One of the girls asks.

"I dunno. Isn't he . . . you know . . . shy?" The boy with his arm over the girl's shoulder says.

"Come on, guys. Just invite him for the hell of it," girl number 2 says.

"Alright . . ."

One of the guys walks over to me and stands in front of me. I look up at him, my hair falling over my eyes.

"Hey, we were wondering if you would want to come or not," he says. "Cause at least half the grade is coming, and you would be a moron not to come."

I nod slowly and hesitantly, wondering if this is a dream. "O-okay. I just-just need to know where the pa-party is going to be." I stutter, feeling like an idiot. He suddenly nabs my phone and starts texting something. "Hey!" I say loudly, trying to grab it back. Because he is at least a head taller than me, he just raises my phone out of reach, still typing. I am about to punch him in the stomach (which is so idiotic) when he suddenly tosses my phone back to me.

"There. The group chat with everyone going to the party is on your phone. Make sure to check it," he says, walking away with his friends.

I stare down at my phone as if it is a rare gem, my eyes wide. The popular kids just invited me to a party. I mean, I am just a stupid shy kid who doesn't have any friends, yet they invited me. Wow. Just . . . wow.

School eventually ends and I walk home, my hands still trembling. I get home and run into my room, slamming the door behind me. I immediately pull out my phone and look at the text. The location is some girl's house something north of here. I memorize the address and then lay on my bed. Even though it is really early, I still try to sleep, wondering if it will even come because of house excited I am.

New Year's Eve eventually arrives, along with the party. The party is at 11:00 p.m., and goes until . . . well, it doesn't have an ending time. I get on some of my "cooler" clothes (meaning a Legend of Zelda shirt) and then tell my mom I will be out with some friends. She doesn't question it but still looks at me suspiciously. And then at 10:32, I roll out.

After about ten minutes of confusion and aimless driving, I eventually find the house. Dozens of cars are already parked in front of it, and loud music is blaring from inside. I park my car and am about to get out when I suddenly stop. It's as if I can't move, the only movement I can do being moving my eyes. But even that I don't do. Because I just stare at the house, my body trembling. Should I do it and risk humiliating myself? Or should I just stay home, knowing I can't get humiliated there?

I am about to change my gear and drive back home when the boy's from a week about rings throughout my head.

"At least half the grade is coming, and you would be a moron not to come . . ."

For five years, I have been wanting to change. And now that I can, I almost turned it down. Wow, I really am I moron, I think.

I practically jump out of my car and run up the steps, my hands still trembling. My hand hovers in front of the doorbell before I push the button, the loud DING sounding from inside the house. There is some scuffling from inside and then the door swings open, almost hitting me. The same boy from earlier stares at me, a grin suddenly spreading across his face. He turns around, cupping his hands around his hands.

"HEY, DANIEL!! I TOLD YOU HE WOULD SHOW UP!!" He shouts. Then he moves out of the way, letting me inside. I walk inside, the music a dozen times louder than before. Gangnam Style blares from the speakers set up around the house, and brightly colored lights flash throughout the house as if this is a rave.

"The beer and chips and pizza are in the kitchen, the bathroom is to the right, and the party is straight ahead!" He shouts over the loud noise. Before I can stop it, a smile suddenly forms on my face.

"Thanks!" I shout, heading to the living room. Dozens of people are dancing to the music, three couples are making out, and ten people are swimming in the swimming pool. Fully clothed, too!!

My feet suddenly take me around the house, and my mouth starts to talk to people. Before I know it, I am telling stories with the popular kids, chugging soda, and cramming chips into my mouth as I can. And just as the clock strikes twelve, making it officially a New Year, I jump into the pool in all of my clothes. Fifteen other people jump in after me, making the New Year's Party and pool party.

At 2:43, I head home. My clothes are sticking to my skin, and my hair is tangled, but I don't care. I had gone to my first party ever. And it was awesome!

I will forever remember my first party. Even though I am twenty-five, and have gone to hundreds of parties, none of them can compare to my very first. It was the first time I actually had people listen to my stories and enjoy them. It was the first time I realized how to be confident in myself. And it was the first time I tried beer. But that's not important, now is it?

The End.

January 03, 2023 01:08

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Wendy Kaminski
01:56 Jan 03, 2023

Very neat story - love the happy ending!


Isaac Walker
18:58 Jan 03, 2023

Thanks so much for the support! I am glad you like it!


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