Fantasy Fiction Romance

Bael-Roan Island 3089

Remy adjusted the soft creamy gloves as she looked in the hall mirror; her eyes roamed over the rich cream silk of her jacket and delicately ruffled skirt, fuchsia bows decorated the front of her gown and a large fuchsia bow that sat on top of her bustle. Her hat was just as elegant as her gown, made of the same creamy silk with a short white net veil that covered her left eye, tiny diamonds decorated the net veil. Remy's chocolate brown hair braided into a chignon with little tendrils that curled in front of her ears, pearl earrings and necklace completed her look.

“Miss Remy, the carriage is ready.” informed Maria, her mothers maid, as she curtsied before putting on her own cloak

“Maria, I am going alone.” said Remy as she tucked her purse into the hidden pocket inside her skirt

“Miss Remy, your mother said I was to go with you to the shops,” stammered Maria nervously, “Madam was very specific in her instructions.”

“I can buy my own gown for dinner tonight Maria,” sighed Remy grabbing a paper and pen from the chestnut table, “take this note to mother, I will take full responsibility and endure mother's wrath...take it!”

Reluctantly, the maid took the note and walked up the stairs to her mothers personal parlour. Remy quickly exited out the door before anyone else could stop her, giving instructions for the driver to take her to Madam Fleur's dress shop as she practically leapt into the carriage. She folded her hands on her lap, forcing her hands to be still Remy thought of what she would say to her fiance Blake who had just returned from his business trip in the capitol Amithro on the Emperor's island.

Remy couldn't risk her secrets being found out, if her parents found out they would finalize her betrothal to the Duke of Anstien. Remy knew nothing about the Duke, not even his name, her parents have kept everything about the man a secret. Every time she tried to ask her parents if a date had been set yet, they evaded the question only saying that the date was being discussed. She needed to know how much time she and Blake had to book passage on a ship.

The carriage came to a stop outside of the dress shop, stepping out she instructed the driver to return in an hour. Stepping inside the shop, Remy looked around to be sure Mrs. Plums wasn't in the shop; the last thing she needed was the islands biggest gossip finding out about Blake.

“Bonjour Miss Halliwell, please have a seat.” smiled Madam Fleur gesturing towards a plush emerald green chair

Remy sat down on the chair and allowed her eyes to roam over the many different beautiful, rich silks in every shade and pattern. Only a few moments had passed when Madam Fleur beckoned her to the backroom for measurements; Remy stepped up onto the small platform.

“Miss Halliwell...”

“I'm sorry Madam, what did you say?”

“I believe this periwinkle blue dress will look perfect, yes?” asked Madam Fleur smiling softly, “I will add a bit of silver dust to the bodice and skirt and tiny diamonds here and there.”

“It sounds beautiful!” smiled Remy at the dressmaker's drawing

“You are a pleasure to dress Miss Halliwell,” complimented Madam Fleur winking saucily, “I would much rather have more customers like you.”

“This dress will be seventy gems,” informed Madam Fleur, “I also have a new fabric upstairs why don't you take a look...”

Remy blushed placing the tiny sparkling gems on the counter, “I'm always happy to see any new fabric you find.”

Remy forced herself to not run up the stairs, her heart pounding with every step...soon she stood in front of the door that separated her from Blake. Without hesitation, she opened the door, quickly locking it behind her, running into Blake's open arms; his strong arms wrapping around her.

“I've been waiting for this moment for weeks.” whispered Blake reluctantly pulling back so he could see her face, “I found a ship that will take us to Amithro tomorrow night.”

“How many gems do they want?”

“Nine hundred...I promised them half when we board the ship and the other half when we safely arrive in Amithro.”

Remy's eyes widened, her lips forming an o shape, “Where are we going to get nine hundred gems...I've saved only a hundred but that alone took me a full year and a half!”

“We don't have to worry about anything, my business trip took me to the Emperor himself,” grinned Blake excitedly, “the Emperor has hired me to be his personal historian...I need to translate old records as well as everything up to date and of course, the future.”

He twirled Remy around the room as a silvery laugh escaped her lips, her excitement was contagious, “Not only have I been already been paid fifteen hundred gems, I spoke to the Emperor about you and my wish to marry you...he gave his blessing for us to be officially wed once we reach the palace!”

“I'll make sure I have my last trunk packed and ready to go!” gushed Remy as excitement flowed through her

Together they planned how to escape before Remy's parents knew she was gone. The hour was over, there was much to be done and she was already short on time especially since her parents were hosting a lavish dinner for the Duke.

Remy kissed Blake once more; forcing herself to collect her new dress and go back to face her mothers wrath. As the carriage took her home, Remy thought about what she was going to say to her mother; she was sure her father would add his opinion before making her promise to pay attention to the Duke.

Remy had barely stepped into the foyer of her home before her mother demanded her presence in the blue parlour. As she had predicted both of her parents were waiting for her, they looked less than pleased with her.

“Remy, leaving without a chaperone is unacceptable!” lectured Harriet her voice tight with frustration, “People will talk if they see you shopping without a chaperone! This is a scandal we do not need!”

“Mother, it's hardly scandalous,” said Remy calmly, “The Baroness of Kicily allows her daughter to go shopping without a chaperone...”

“Yes and that girl is completely wild,” snapped Harriet angrily fanning her flushed face, “Horace please talk some sense into her!”

Her father downed his whisky in one gulp before focusing his attention on his daughter. She knew that her father was not going to accept any answer from her unless it was a yes.

“Remy, we have told you more than once that you are not to leave this house without a chaperone,” said Horace his voice stern, “if you cannot listen I swear I will lock you in your room if you continue to disobey us...the Duke will be here for dinner in an hour, you will wear your new dress and be the perfect fiancee!”

Remy kept her gaze firmly on her folded hands as he spoke, she felt trapped now more than ever, nodding in reluctant agreement.

“Say it!”

“I promise to be perfect.” murmured Remy sadness filled her heart

Satisfied, Horace stood up and poured himself another whisky; he sipped it slowly as he looked at his daughter. Smirking, he decided to inform her of the date for her upcoming nuptials to the Duke, Horace and his wife were eager to join the ranks of the nobility at any cost.

“Your mother and I have finally agreed to a date for the wedding,” informed Horace a cruel smirk turned his lips upward into a sneer, “in three days you will become a Duchess.”

Remy's eyes snapped up to meet her parents look of glee, she suddenly felt queasy. 'Although it is good news that this wretched marriage isn't tomorrow.' Remy thought as she slowly stood up.

“I think I should go get ready for dinner,” whispered Remy her voice trembled slightly, “I need to take something for my headache.”

Closing her door behind her, Remy slid the lock into place; she wish she was leaving with Blake that night but knew the ship would not be ready until tomorrow night.

Remy put on a dress similar to the one she had purchased earlier, she didn't think her parents would notice. She packed her new dress into the small trunk she was planning on taking with her; her two other bags were safe with Blake.

“You look beautiful darling.” smiled Harriet looping her arm with Remy's, “Remember tonight you need to impress your fiance and for heavens sake sit up straight!”

“Yes mother.”

They entered the parlour, Remy's eyes immediately found the Duke who was dressed entirely in black except for the silver tie clip. The tip of a tattoo peaked out from underneath his collar, his ocean blue eyes seemed to hold her captive; his tips turned up in a smirk.

“Your Grace.” murmured Remy as she dropped into curtsy

The Duke quickly claimed her hand as though he intended to never let her go, he bent over her hand and pressed his lips to her skin.

“The pleasure is all mine my dear,” crooned Ashton as his eyes bore into hers, “I have waited months for this moment.”

Remy swallowed hard as he placed her hand on his arm, she hadn't realized that dinner had just been announced. She couldn't decide but there was something about Ashton that scared her, he felt dangerous. Remy forced herself to focus on Ashton who monopolized her attention, completely ignoring her parents attempts to lure him into conversation.

“If it were up to me,” whispered Ashton leaning closer to her, “I'd marry you right now...however your parents insisted on three days to have a proper wedding gown for you. I suppose it's for the best as I sent a sketch to your Madam Fleur of the gown I want to see you in.”

“May I ask why you chose me to become your wife, your Grace?” asked Remy quietly keeping her gaze on the plate of spiced beef and cooked vegetables with a sweet, creamy sauce drizzled on top.

Ashton chuckled as he reached for his crystal glass of red wine, gulping it down and signaled for his glass to be refilled. He returned his attention to his fiance, “Your the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, I can see your intelligence and wit...I've been told that your are stubborn and can be disobedient but don't worry my dear, I'll soon break you of that and you'll behave exactly how I want you to.”

“I wouldn't be so sure of that!” hissed Remy

“I promise that you'll obey me in every way and you will fall in love with me as I am in love with you,” smirked Ashton cruelly as he placed his hand on her knee under the table, “and if you have any thoughts of running away, I promise you that I will find you and force you to the alter.”

Remy saw that he was serious, Ashton would track her down; Blake had told her that the Emperor wanted to witness their wedding, Remy hoped that she could explain her situation with the Emperor. She peeled his hand off her knee only to have him put his hand back, squeezing hard enough to let her know that she already belonged to him.

'Just one more day and then I'll be gone with Blake.' thought Remy taking a deep breath and focused on her food.

The dinner continued to drag on for another hour, she did her best to ignore the Duke and he did everything possible to keep her attention on him. Remy finished her dessert as quickly as she was able, so she could excuse herself.

“Your Grace, if you don't mind,” said Remy softly, “I would like to excuse myself and lie down, I have a headache that can only be cured with tea and sleep.”

“Remy, it is much to early to go to bed...” stated Harriet

“It's quite alright,” stated Ashton glaring at Harriet, “I hate the thought of my bride suffering in any way...go ahead my dear.”

Remy directed a tight smile in his direction as she stood up and started to walk away. She stopped when he called out to her.

“Remy my love,” said Ashton smirking, “unfortunately I have business for the next two day in Amithro, I just wanted to let you know that our wedding will be at dawn on the third day.”

Remy felt the blood drain our of her face, the Duke unknowingly made her escape more difficult. She simply nodded and hastily made her escape to her bedroom; Remy left a note for her ladies maid with strict instructions to not wake her until noon.

The next day Remy woke up and saw that her clock only eleven o'clock in the morning; she decided to lay back down and think of ways to avoid being caught by the Duke. Remy had no doubt that Ashton would use force to separate her from Blake. 'Maybe Blake will know of a more discreet way to get to the palace and to the Emperor.' she thought closing her eyes drifting back into a dreamless sleep.

An hour later, her maid woke her from her restless sleep, Remy saw that her maid was preparing a hot bath while another maid placed a lunch tray on Remy's lap. She wasn't sure if she had much of an appetite, but Remy knew she would be sick if she didn't eat anything and felt it would be better to find a solution on a full stomach.

“Thank you for preparing a bath Analise,” thanked Remy smiling gratefully, “I'm going to lock my door for the next hour or so, I don't want any disruptions...if my mother asks please tell her that I'm conducting a beauty routine to make my skin glow for the wedding and that the Empress herself stated that this particular routine must be done in quiet for the best results...”

Analise smile knowingly and curtsied before leaving Remy to the peace and quiet of her room; after finishing her food Remy lowered herself into the deep tub filled with hot water that was scented with roses.

The day passed by uneventful, Remy was surprised her parents didn't demand her presence at all. They had sent her a note stating that they wanted her to get all the rest she possibly could before the wedding. As day turned into night, Remy changed into a plain dress and picked up her trunk and made her way to one of the servants passage to get to the kitchen.

Quietly, Remy made her way down to the kitchen garden where Blake was waiting for her; luckily all the servants were asleep and she could slip away unnoticed. She saw Blake waiting by a carriage, their belongings secured to the back; he took her trunk and slipped inside before helping her.

As soon as the carriage began to make its way to the ship that was waiting for them, Remy told him about the Duke being in Amithro for the next two days. Blake assured her that he knew a way to the palace that would keep them unnoticed by anyone looking for her. The ride was silent, Remy was simply happy to have Blake's arm around her. Once they were in their small cabin on the ship, they were able to release a sigh of relief.

“We'll be in Amithro in about five hours,” whispered Blake as hugged Remy close to him, “we should try to get some rest.”

Blake held her in a warm embrace as they laid on the hard bed, it wasn't long until they were both asleep. When the ship finally docked, Blake and Remy gathered their belongings and made their way to the wagon that was waiting to take them to the palace where they would finally be married. Remy couldn't help but look at each face that they passed, certain that one of the faces would belong to the Duke; the ride seemed to last a lifetime but only an hour had passed before they were able to get off the wagon and were led to the rooms the Emperor had given them to live in.

Once both of them had changed into fresh clothes for the ceremony, the tension from their escape finally began to slip away. Remy could feel a blush fill her cheeks when Blake saw her in her new gown.

“You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen,” murmured Blake kissing her forehead gently, “I'm so grateful to finally be your husband.”

“I love you so much Blake.”

They were led to a small stone chapel where the Emperor and his wife were waiting for them, after greeting their Emperor and Empress, Remy explained her situation with the Duke. The Royals shared a look before smiled kindly at the young couple. The Emperor assured them that nothing would happen, that they would be always be protected from the Duke.

The ceremony began though Blake and Remy didn't hear what the priest was saying until he asked them the most important question, to which they both readily agreed to be faithful, loyal and to always love each other. They slipped on a silver band onto each others ring fingers and before the priest could finished his sentence. Blake and Remy shared a kiss that was sweet and full of love.

“I love you with my whole heart and soul.” whispered Remy pulling away enough to speak to her husband. Blake smiled and cupped her cheek with his hand and murmured, “I will always love you for longer than eternity.” before he sweetly kissed her again.

August 19, 2022 22:52

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