Fiction Suspense Drama

I was fumbling to get my keycard into the hotel door when someone threw their hand around my neck. "I can't wait to see you at the party tonight, you're going to absolutely rock it, but like, you're going to change...right?" Slurred a very drunk brunette who teetered precariously on stilettos. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. "Oh, you'll do just fine Becky, you'll do just fine." I wanted to tell her I wasn't Becky, but I only managed to shrug my shoulders. "K, Becks, I'll be back later to get you." She wandered off down the hall, giggling to herself.

My phone buzzed. I wanted to ignore it, but I figured after a ten hour flight, people were starting to wonder what had happened to me. I wanted to tell them, but I just needed space. I had been in such a funk that anything was better than sitting around being sad about it. As expected, it was my best friend, griping about how I ignored her call six times. It was only four times, but there was no sense arguing it. "Look, I caught a flight. I just needed some time. I'll explain later. Honestly, the weirdest thing just happened to me. Some drunk girl was convinced that I'm her friend Becky and told me that she's coming back to take me to some party tonight."

"You're going...right?" She asked.

"No, no of course not. That's terrifying. They'll know I'm not Becky." I was quick to answer, but I knew deep down a little fun would do me good.

"You're so lame. Party POOPER." She paused. "TO THE EXTREME." She hung up. Despite the fact that she was completely right, if Becky was anything like her friend, there was no way I'd pull it off.

I don't know Becky, Becky doesn't know me, and impersonating a stranger probably wouldn't be the best way to spend my vacation. Who knew what kind of commitment that would lead to. I threw myself on the bed. Party? That would explain why there were so many people in the lobby. I sighed. When did I become so lame? Before I even had time to ponder the thought, there was a knock at the door. A whiney voice on the other side was beckoning Becky. I swung it open, ready to reveal I was indeed not Becky, only to find myself in a stranger's embrace.

"It's about time. Becky. Where have you been my whole life?!" Golden curls bounced around as she tossed her head from side to side looking me over with her deep blue eyes. "Becky." This felt like the moment where the truth came out, surely she knew I wasn't Becky. "Please tell me you have something cuter to wear." She looked appalled as I just stood there mouth gaping. "Sweetie, this is obviously an emergency. Why didn't you say something. My treat. Lets go, lets go, lets go." She grabbed me by the hand and led me to her room, where things truly began to spiral out of my control. I wanted to tell her, I really did, but, like, I'm all kinds of weird about confrontation.

To my horror, there were five more woman on the other side of the door - none of which came to realize I was not Becky. At this point I felt committed. I was in deep. Internally I was screaming, externally I was playing dress up with a room full of woman who had no idea who I actually was. Hair, makeup, the most stunning black dress I had ever had the pleasure of wearing, HEELS. Oh my word, I had never even..."GIRL. Why you actin' like you've never walked in heels before?" This was it. Tanya was calling me out on my bullcrap. "Did you pregame without us?!" The room erupted with laughter. I smiled awkwardly. "Whatever it is, it has got you actin' silly. Don't stop now!" She thrusted a bottle in my direction.

Next thing I knew there was a drink in my hand, and if I wasn't committed before, I was now. Holy cannoli, I was beyond nervous. I hadn't been to a party in years, let alone as someone that wasn't even me. One shot, two shot, three shots. It took three shots before I felt I could fully embody this Becky character. "This party is greaaaat." I blurted, possibly the first sentence that I had actually formed since the beginning of this fiasco.

"Oh girl, sweet girl. This is only the pre-game. The real party is waiting for you upstairs. When did you get so freakin' funny? You thought we'd let you down?" Again, everyone seemed to laugh in tandem.

Up until this point conversation was shallow, it was easy to get by with head nods and giggles. I mentally noted everyone's names, making careful effort to catch any details I could. With the exception of Tina and Tanya who were roommates, It was evident that nobody had seen each other in at least a couple years. From what I gathered, it had been even longer since they had seen Becky.

There was a knock on the door and all the girls perked up. "IT'S TIME!!!!" They all screeched in unison. I had no idea how they were so interconnected like that. Tina and Tanya locked arms with me and marched me to the door. The door swung open and the person on the other side grabbed my face with both hands and planted a kiss on my forehead. Not skipping a beat, they led the drunken parade to the elevator.

The elevator went up and it took everything within me to keep my stomach down. It was way too late to admit it now, right? The elevator doors opened to expose a sea of bodies tightly packing the rooftop. I only had a moment to scan the scene - a roof top bar, dozens of people, strippers?! The DJ interrupted the buzzing crowd, gathering everyone's attention. "Our girl Becky has just made her appearance, give it up for the lady of the hour!" My world spun as the crowd went wild. It was precisely at that point that I faded to black.

Judging by the lack of pain when I came to, someone had been kind enough to catch my head before it hit the ground. A tight circle had formed a circle around me. There was someone standing at my feet with their hands on their hips. She looked livid. Becky.

May 13, 2021 23:06

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