Drama Romance Friendship

        Note: This is not related to the story’s topic. This is a series (my first series in fact). If you are interested, I suggest you go read my first episode, go to my profile (link): https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/iron-genius/

Episode 1: Torrey tells the story of how he met Amber Chanel and is about to tell about his brother’s death for the first time in his life to another outside person. This is also the past. It has been five months since Amber’s sister’s death in the present. It has been two months for Torrey (person who is telling the story) at that time when he was at Starbucks.

It was the first time I was going to tell about my brother’s death. I was hesitant about telling her. I mean she was opening about herself. (I think)? She told about her sister’s death. It’s not easy telling people about your family’s death. I knew I had to tell it to somebody. It wasn’t like I was going to keep a secret forever. So, I just had to tell her. I started the story… It was a very sunny day. Logan was driving to the park in California when there was four way stop sign all sides. It was Logan’s turn. That’s when a drunken driver came like 50 mph without stopping at the stop sign. Well, I guess you could guess what happened after that. Collision. That was what happened after the car rammed into my brother’s car. Logan’s car flew into a jewelry shop and then, chaos. Chaos spread the whole town. Logan’s car combusted in the jewelry shop. There was no way of stopping the fire. Fuel had spread all over the place. First responders came quickly. They had come quickly, but not quickly enough. Logan was already dead along with the people who were in the jewelry shop. The drunken driver was knocked out cold with pretty much every bone broken. He suffered the consequences of killing probably like four people. His punishment was going to prison for life. I personally thought it wasn’t enough. I’m pretty sure if it was the 1700s or 1600s, the judge would’ve killed his family right in front of his face. That was not right. It was totally wrong but then at the same time, he killed my brother. My brother, Logan, got killed by that guy. He deserved no meal for 2 days for a year. I knew that was brutal, but he was more brutal. He killed my brother. My brother died in America and my parents wanted to move to America?! After their son died?! I was so mad that I told Amber that I had to go somewhere at five. We left Starbucks and I headed home. When I came home, nobody was there which meant that my parents went to the therapist. They sometimes make me go there for no reason! They send me there when I have a hard time with my schoolwork. Sometimes the math homework is pretty difficult, so I struggle a bit. That’s when my parents think it’s because of Logan’s death. When it isn’t! That’s when they send me to the therapist for no reason! It’s not like the therapist is going to help with my math homework or something! Ugh. Sometimes, my parents just annoy me so much that I just want to run away. I mean how hard could it be?! You get in your car and just drive somewhere nobody will find you! Easy peasy!


April 24, 2021 02:13

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Amel Parvez
10:17 May 24, 2021

huh nice! just wanna say it would be better if u just split ur story in paragraphs. anyways i can relate to Torrey.


Somegenius Kid
04:40 May 25, 2021



Amel Parvez
05:49 May 25, 2021

haha! i like it how much u use capslock. lol


Somegenius Kid
03:19 May 26, 2021

LOL THNKS!!! 😀😀😀


Amel Parvez
03:51 May 26, 2021

💜No Problem.


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