Luke's One and Only Dare

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Start your story with someone accepting a dare.... view prompt

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Christian Friendship Teens & Young Adult

Luke was a average eighteen year old, senior high school student that had few friends. The ones he did have always played drinking games. One day Luke and his friends played a drinking game Luke got dared. He accepts the dare all of his friends look at him in shock because Luke never accepts a dare. Luke’s friends try to think up something good but not to difficult for Luke to pull off.

Luke’s friends talk quietly to each other to devise a good dare. Luke sits quietly waiting for this dare watching his friends. Argue with each other of what his very first dare should be. They go back and forth for what seems like hour’s till they finally come up with the dare.

Luke’s friend Sam came up with the dare that they would give Luke.

Sam: ( Luke. Your dare is to. We are going to blind fold you and take you there.)

Luke: ( Okay?)

Sam gets up walk’s over to Luke places the blind fold over his eyes. They all grab Luke walk him to the car place him inside the back seat. The rest get in and they take over driving Luke still blind folded trying to remember each stop. Each turn he is trying to remember everything in case his friends leave him some where.

It is not as easy as the movies make it seem to remember stops turns. Everything some one blind folded can remember in the movies. They drive Luke around for a hour till they come to a stop. Everyone gets out of the care Sam walks up to Luke taking the blind fold off of Luke’s eyes.

There is no light any where not even from the car’s head lights. The moon is hidden by the tree’s Luke looks around they are in the wood’s. Luke looks at Sam saying.

Luke: ( Why are we in the woods?)

Sam: ( This is your dare.)

Luke: ( What dare?)

Sam: ( You are to stay in the grave yard at the end of this trail.)

Luke: ( For how long?)

Sam: ( All night long.)

Luke: ( Where are you guy’s going to be?)

Sam: ( We are going to be staying in the car.)

Luke walks down the path the grave yard in the wood. With only a flash light to use the path is pitch black. With out the flash light Luke could not see where to go he slowly walks. Every few steps he takes Luke hears rustling in the woods next to the path. Luke starts tense up as he is walking is seemed like he has been walking for thirty minutes.

After what seemed like forever Luke finally get to the grave yard. He takes a walk around looking at the graves one by one reading who they are. Wondering what their lives was like trying to keep his mind, off of how long he has to stay here. Luke does anything he can to keep his mind busy. But can not escape the feeling that he is being watched.

Thinking it is just his friends playing a trick he goes back to what he was doing. Reading the names on the grave stone’s as he is reading the name. He gets a cold chill that runs down his back Luke thinks to his self. ( It is a warm summer night how can I be cold.)

As the night goes on Luke get colder and colder it gets to the point. Where he can start to see his breath in the distance beyond the grave yard. The rustling grows louder with faster movement. Luke’s gut tell him to run but his mind say stay and stand your ground. Luke calls out to Sam saying.

Luke: ( Sam I know that is you. I know you are trying to get me to run so I lose this dare. Guess what I am not going any where.)

Silence falls after Luke yells out to Sam he takes his flash light. Scans the area to see if he can see Sam but nothing. The rustling starts again as Luke listens to the rustling a shock wave of fear runs through him. Not only is there rustling but a growl comes from the wood line. Luke does not know what to do run or stay because he really is not sure. Weather or not it is his friends trying to scare him off.

Luke has been on dares with his friends where they did stuff. Like this to other friends just to scare them out of completing the dare. So they would have to do a chore for every one for a week. Luke is determined to complete this dare especially since it is his first one. So Luke try’s to devise a plan of his own to get back at his friends for this.

Luke looks at his watch to see what time it is. He has been dealing with his friends none since for three hours. So Luke decides to play along and talk to what ever it is in the woods. Making all the noise to show his friends he will not leave.

Luke: ( Whatever you are in the woods walking around. Will you talk to me? If so stop where you are and shake a tree branch. So I know you will answer my questions.)

The thing in the woods stops walking around begins to shake a branch.

Luke: ( Good. Thank you for that. My first question is. Are you good or bad again shake once for yes twice for no. Are you good.)

The branch shake twice. Fear starts running through Luke but he knows it is his friends. He continues with the questions.

Luke: ( Okay so you are bad. What is your purpose here to guard this place.)

The branch shakes twice.

Luke: ( Okay. Are you just here to scare me off?)

The branch again shakes twice.

Luke: ( Okay. So instead of shaking the branch will you speak to me. So I know what you want.)

The branch again shakes but this time it shakes once.

Luke: ( Okay. Thank you for that. Please tell me what it is your are doing here. Also what it is you want.)

A deep voice comes from the wood line saying.

Deep Voice: ( I am here because you stepped into the circle.)

Luke: ( Circle? What circle?)

Deep voice: ( Luke look around you. The grave yard is in a circle. More importantly the whole entire woods is in a giant circle. The people that made it this way brought me here. From the deepest parts of hell to guard this place telling who ever stepped inside are mine. To do with as I please tell me what should I do with you.)

Luke in complete shock shaking a little bit. Trying to find the courage to keep the conversation going. Thinking his friends are being very creative on this so he has to be as well.

Luke: ( So let me get this straight. You are here to guard this grave yard from any invaders. So technically I am a invader so does that mean you are going to kill me.)

Deep Voice: ( Hmm. Not a bad idea. But I have something else in mind for you.)

Luke: ( What would that be?)

Deep Voice: ( Chuckles) ( Look at your watch tell me what time it is.)

Luke looks down at his watch shines the flash light on it. Looks back at the woods saying.

Luke: ( It is five forty five in the morning. Why?)

Deep Voice: ( Oh nothing. Just when the sun hits that grave yard a hole in the ground will open up. Making you my pet for all eternity. Oh please do not try to escape the grave yard. You will not be able to leave you should have left before we started talking. By having me talk to you sealed your fate.)

Luke not liking this game anymore starts to walk to the edge of the grave yard. Hitting what seemed to be like a wall but nothing is there. Falling to the ground he looks in the direction of where he came from. Starts yelling for his friends but getting no answer from them.

Deep Voice: ( Yell all you like no will hear you. No one out side of this grave yard will hear you. As soon as you stepped over the threshold everyone out side of here. Are no longer here. Your friends came looking for you a hour ago, but got lost they agreed to try again in the day light.)

The sun begins to rise Luke looks at the sun knowing that his time. Will come in a matter of a few minutes scared. He will not seen another sun rise the sun inches closer and closer. Luke hears from the wood line the deep voice laughing all Luke can do is sit and pray. That all of this is just a nightmare and he will wake up soon in his bed. Hung over from a stupid drinking game.

Luke hears his friends calling out to him as soon as they come to the edge. Of the grave yard Luke looks Sam in the eye saying good bye buddy. The ground opens up under Luke he falls for what seems like forever. The thing from the woods follows Luke in the hole laughing all the way. As the fall Luke pays no attention to the thing from the woods. He only prays the entire time he falls Luke begins to feel heat and a lot of it.

As Luke prays he begins to cry Luke never prayed this hard. Asking God to forgive him he will change if God just allows his to leave this place. Luke finally hits the bottom of the pit but he does not stray away from his prayer. Luke climbs to his knees eyes still closed and keeps praying. The thing from the woods continues to laugh at him. Then proceeds to beat Luke across the back leaving open wounds with blood coming out.

A thunderous voice enters the deep dark hot pit. Where Luke is on his knees being beat. The voice says.

Thunderous Voice: ( LEAVE THAT YOUNG MAN ALONE!)

Everything comes to a stop a beam of light comes down the pit surrounds Luke. Bringing him out of the pit where there was nothing but screams of pain. Crying cursing and laughter but Luke never raised his eyes to look around. All he paid attention to was his prayer when Luke was out of the pit the voice said.

Thunderous Voice: ( Luke you will have scars from this. But do not ever return to this place.)

Luke with his head still down says.

Luke: ( I promise I will not return.)

As if all of it never happened Luke’s friends show up. All asking him. ( Man where was you we have been searching for you for hours.) They look Luke over to see if he is hurt any where Sam says.

Sam: ( Hey everyone shut up. Luke what happened to you? You have cuts on your back and you are bleeding. Hey we have to get him to the hospital guys.)

Everyone rush’s Luke to the car to get him to the hospital. Everyone still asking what happened to him they jump in the car. Rushing him to the hospital Luck finally say.

Luke: ( groans) ( Sam I am not doing any more of your dares.)

Sam: ( Do not worry none of us are doing dares any more.)

They finally get Luke to the Hospital the doctors check him out. Luke can not provide a good explanation to what happened to him. Being eighteen the doctor really can not do much. About it so they fix up Luke and releases him to go on his way. Luke told the doctor that he fell off a motor cycle going down the road. So he did not end up in the insane asylum. No one would believe Luke anyway so he just goes on with his life. But Luke has not taken anymore dares every since and stuck to his word.

Luke has never returned to that grave yard ever again. Also telling others not to go to that grave yard on a dare or other wise. 

May 18, 2021 20:38

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1 comment

Bonnie Clarkson
01:39 May 28, 2021

Interesting story. Kept me reading. Good about not using many passive verbs. You kept putting periods in the middle of the sentence; kind of confusing. I would recommend re-writing the first sentence. What is "average"? What is "few"? It also had two passive verbs. The first sentence "hooks" the reader into wanting to read more. A professional editor told me never to start the sentence with "there", that it is too unspecific. I do not want to discourage you, but these were glaring problems. Keep writing.


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