Romance Fantasy Urban Fantasy

The spell was more complicated than I had anticipated, requiring ingredients that weren’t exactly standard fare in our spell kits. I had to gather them all under the cloak of night, sneaking through the shadows of the campus, hoping no one would ask too many questions.

First, there was the lock of hair from a true artist—this one I “borrowed” from the head of a particularly talented upperclassman who had a habit of brushing his hair in the common room. Next, a drop of ink from a quill that had written a masterpiece. For that, I made a visit to the restricted section of the library, where the dusty old tomes sat untouched for centuries, and carefully siphoned a single drop from the oldest one I could find.

Then, the feather of a raven, symbolizing the link between life and death, creativity and destruction. That one had been the easiest to find, plucked from a bird that frequented the woods just outside the school. Finally, the hardest of all—one tear of frustration, spilled during a moment of creative block. That one, of course, was my own contribution, shed during one of my many late nights spent staring at a blank canvas.

I laid the items carefully within the salt circle, each one placed at the point of a pentagram I’d drawn with ground moonstone. The spellbook was open to the summoning page, its ancient words practically vibrating with power.

As I began to chant, I could feel the energy in the room shift. The air thickened, humming with potential as I recited the incantation:

"From the depths of creation’s core,

I call upon the muse of yore.

With ink and feather, tear and hair,

Manifest before me here and there.

Inspire my hand, inflame my mind,

Bring forth the vision, unbind."

The final word echoed in the room as the candle snuffed out, leaving only the soft glow of the circle.

When he appeared, he was more than just a muse. He was a living, breathing embodiment of temptation. My breath caught as he stepped out of the circle, his dark eyes locking onto mine. He moved with a predator’s grace, and as he drew near, I could feel the heat radiating from his body.

“You have no idea what you’ve called forth, do you?” His voice was a low rumble, sending a shiver down my spine.

“I... I need inspiration,” I managed to say, though my voice sounded small in the charged air between us.

“Inspiration?” he repeated, a smirk playing on his lips. He reached out, trailing his fingers through my hair, his touch light but electric. “Is that all you desire, Lyla?”

My heart pounded in my chest as he leaned closer, his lips brushing the shell of my ear. “What if I could give you more than that?” he whispered, his breath hot against my skin. “What if I could make you feel things you’ve never felt before?”

I swallowed hard, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. His hand slid down to my neck, fingers tracing the line of my throat, sending tingles through my entire body. “Let me in,” he murmured, his voice a seductive purr. “Let me show you what true inspiration feels like.”

I should have been terrified, but instead, I found myself leaning into his touch, craving more of the warmth he radiated. “What do I have to do?” I asked, my voice barely more than a breathless whisper.

“Just let go,” he replied, his lips grazing the sensitive spot just below my ear. “Let me guide you.”

My head spun as his other hand found its way to the small of my back, pulling me closer until there was no space left between us. His touch was intoxicating, his presence overwhelming, and I felt my knees go weak. “Close your eyes,” he instructed, his voice a dark melody.

I obeyed, and the world around me dissolved into nothing but sensation. His hands, now tracing down my arms, left trails of fire in their wake. I could feel his breath on my neck, hot and tantalizing, as he whispered words of encouragement that sent shivers through my entire being.

“Feel the energy, Lyla,” he murmured, his voice like silk against my ear. “Feel the magic within you, begging to be released. You’re holding back... let it out. Let me see all of you.”

My breath hitched as he pressed his body against mine, his heat seeping into my skin. I could feel his lips barely brushing against my neck, each touch a promise of something more. “You have so much potential, so much power,” he continued, his voice a dark whisper. “But you have to be willing to give in to it. To give in to me.”

Something inside me snapped, a floodgate opening that I hadn’t even realized was there. My hand gripped the brush tightly as I began to paint, my movements fueled by a fire I had never felt before. The muse’s presence was overwhelming, his touch, his voice, every breath he took sending waves of desire through me.

I lost myself in the rhythm, in the way he moved with me, guiding my hand as I painted with a fervor I had never known. Each stroke was a release, each line a surrender to the passion he was pulling from me.

When I finally opened my eyes, panting and trembling, the canvas was filled with a vibrant swirl of colors and emotions. I had poured my very soul into the painting, and it was alive with magic.

The muse stepped back, a satisfied smile on his lips as he looked at me. “You did well, Lyla,” he said, his voice laced with approval. “You’ve unlocked something inside you, something powerful.”

I could only nod, still catching my breath, my body thrumming with the aftershocks of the experience. He leaned in one last time, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispered, “Remember, whenever you need me... just call.”

And with that, he was gone, leaving behind only the lingering warmth of his touch and the memory of his voice echoing in my mind.

September 03, 2024 22:36

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Marty B
03:32 Sep 11, 2024

This story was simple, an artist struggling against a creative block threw some elements together to call a muse- but the descriptions were awesome! The Muse's sexual energy vibrated off the page. I recognize this line- 'thrumming with the aftershocks' in my own experience of the creative effort. Good luck in the contest! Martin


Jax Wilder
03:56 Sep 11, 2024

☺️ Thank you so much, I really appreciate the feedback. It's exactly what I was going for, a simple story that vibrates off the page.🙏


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