
How long are five minutes?

Long enough to devour a sandwich.

Not long enough to put one together from scratch.

Long enough to buy a book.

Not long enough to re-read your favourite one.

Long enough to call a loved one.

Not long enough to talk to them for the last time.

I learnt the meaning of five minutes when I saw someone breathing their last. I know that being a doctor meant seeing many people's last five minutes, I was trained for that, programmed, even. But this time I was unprepared.

Possibly because this time that 'someone' was me.


That's five minutes, and that's it.

June 05, 2024 16:50

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This hits hard. I was not expecting the ending. I like how you juxtapose the ideas of eating a generic sandwich quickly and buying a generic book with eating a homemade sandwich and reading a beloved book. If I knew I was going to die, I’d much rather reread one of my favorite books than go start a new one. I like the back and forth yes-no-yes-no-yes-no that asks me what I see as more important. The things we really want to do takes time we may not have, and that can be really sad. [Long enough to call a loved one. Not long enough to t...


Dhwani Jain
18:09 Jul 28, 2024

Thank you so much for this amazing comment, Guadalupe!!! I'm doing okay these days, some highs, some lows. What about you?


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Philia S
15:43 Jul 12, 2024

love the story, its kind of poetic the way its written lol(and kinda reminds me of that one einstein quote on relativity) how are you? tis been so long :)


Dhwani Jain
18:03 Jul 12, 2024

Thank you so much Philiaaaa!!! How have you been? (I have no idea what quote you are talking about) I've been great, started college year 2.


Philia S
05:03 Jul 13, 2024

:) topsy-turvy haha but s'alright :) (the one which goes like if youre sitting on hot cinders 2 minutes feel like 2 hours but if youre in the company of a hot girl, 2 hours seem like 2 minutes or something like that) thats lovely! how's college?


Dhwani Jain
18:02 Jul 13, 2024

Cool (ah, I've heard that one) It's great! What about you? You're in school (which class)?


Philia S
11:37 Jul 14, 2024

Nice! What are you majoring in? Yep, I'm in 11th :] crazy how i was in middle school when i joined reedsy and now im teetering on the edge of high school :')


Dhwani Jain
10:14 Jul 26, 2024

I don't have a major as such. I am pursuing a BBA degree from an IIM. XD, I was in 10th when I joined and now here I am, in second year of college! How are you liking class 11? Which stream have you chosen?


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Mae A. Shaw
21:28 Jun 09, 2024

It reminds me of that country song "Five More Minutes" by Scotty McCreery. Five minutes is a precious thing. Thanks for the reminder :)


Dhwani Jain
10:39 Jun 17, 2024

Heyyy Thank you! I haven't heard that song, but I will and get back to you. (BTW, I wrote the story in five minutes too ;) )


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Dhwani Jain
06:41 Jul 14, 2024

I just heard the song, and I LOVE IT!!!!!! Thank you so much for the recommendation!


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