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American Christian Romance

The day had started before the sun was up, being out of bed, showering, then grabbing a granola bar on top of the kitchen counter for breakfast and arriving for her 7 am-7 pm shift.  This was the beginning of a typical 12 hour shift for Elizabeth, starting off her morning at the V.A. hospital.  At the first of her nursing career she had dreaded her first 12 hour shift, but got used to it after having a few years under her belt, just turning 30 that day. 

Elizabeth did her work, having a smile on her face all day because she knew she had a three day weekend coming up.  Her fellow nurses congratulated off and on during the week.  This made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, seeing how much they all cared about her.  She ended her work week feeling exhausted while entering the locker room, following her routine of removing the scrubs, showering off and into her normal clothes which consisted of the jeans and the floral sweater that she received from her boyfriend, Brian earlier that week. 

As she left the hospital, she got a call on her cellphone and noticed it was from her older sister, Sarah.  So, naturally she took the call saying “Hey Sis,what's up?”

“Well, you’re coming to my house Saturday evening?” asked Sarah.

“Oh yeah, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” replied Elizabeth.

“Okay, that’s great, but won't ruin the surprise.  Well, I’ll let you get home.  See ya later, love you, bye.”

 She got into her cherry red Mini-Cooper, then started driving away.  Now finally reaching the apartment building, opens the door, walking into the kitchen and getting out the green tea from the cabinet above the stove.  Waiting for the water to heat up, Elizabeth thought about the call from Sarah.  Wondering if she was going to have a surprise party or something different.  Sipping her tea was relaxing her, then she started to doze off in her chair, so she peels herself out and goes to get ready for bed.                

Later that night, Elizabeth begins dreaming.  It has Brian standing in a room next to a nice, warm fireplace with bright flames coming from it.  He locked eyes with her, while raising his hand which held something in it that she couldn’t see clearly.  He spoke with a slow, calming voice saying “I've been thinking...”

Elizabeth didn’t want to wake from the dream, but the alarm clock told her otherwise.  It went off with the loud, annoying “Beep! Beep! Beep!”  She finally rolled over and hit the snooze button.  Sitting in silence for a while, remembering her dream and it made her smile, also realizing that she could do whatever she wanted on her extended weekend, so she decided to turn off the alarm clock and go back to bed.

Brian wanted everything to be perfect for this weekend.  He had been planning a week earlier, so he made a call to Sarah on Monday, asking her if he could come over to discuss something with her and her husband, Mark.  

He arrived that evening, having a sense of anticipation about what would come next.  He came inside after Sarah answered the door and he heard Mark saying “Come on in! Can I get you something to drink?”  

“I’m fine, thanks.” replied Brian as he sat down in the chair by the fireplace.

After they had sat down on the couch facing him, he began to explain why he was there.   

“I am here tonight asking your approval of me marrying Elizabeth?  I know that you’re all the family she has got, so I wanted to know your opinion of me and anything I can do to make her happy.”

“I think you would be a fantastic couple. I appreciate you asking us. We can see that your relationship has blossomed with the time you’ve spent together.” said Sarah.

“Well, I agree and you’ve got a steady job with your online business, so you can provide for her.” replied Mark.

“Oh, I did have another thing I wanted to discuss with you.” Brian told them.

“I was wondering if you guys could let me surprise her by you inviting her over to your house on Saturday, making her think it was going to be just for her birthday, but I would have a special dinner for me and her set up?”

“I’m sure we can work something out.” Mark said as Sarah nodded her head.  “All you want from us is to get Elizabeth to come over on Saturday night and to use our house for your romantic dinner?”

“That’s right. Your house has much more style than my boring apartment and I think that it would be a much more memorable moment for her with me surprising her.  I’ll pick up the food on the way over and give you my AMC gift card, so you guys can see a movie while I set everything up for Elizabeth.”

“It sounds great, I guess we’ll see you on Saturday at 6:30 pm and I will tell Elizabeth to come at 7:00 pm.” said Sarah. 

Saturday evening came for both Brian and Elizabeth.  Brian started at 5:45 pm by calling Elizabeth’s favorite Italian restaurant ‘Gabriella’s Italian Bistro’ and ordered two of their chicken alfredo meals.  He picked up his order and headed over to Sarah and Mark’s.  Brian arrived on time, the sacks in-hand along with a bottle of red wine that he bought for the occasion.  As he walked through the door, he found Mark had lit the fireplace for the evening and also handed Brian two red candles and a lighter.        

Elizabeth started by thinking about what she wanted to wear for the evening.  She thought about her options for a few minutes and then decided to go with her green & white striped turtleneck with white pants and her brown shoes.  

Everything was set up perfectly, just awaiting Elizabeth’s arrival.  Then he heard the doorbell ring and the door being pushed open.  She entered the house, finding it to be dark inside and she walked a little further, seeing the glow from the fireplace with the dim light of the candles.  Not knowing what else to do, she said “Hello?”

Brian walked into the light saying “Your table is ready, madam.”

She asked him “What is all this for?” when she sat down.

“Well, let’s just say for now that I’ve been doing some thinking.” Brian told her.

The dinner went on as planned and when they finished the meal, Brian said “Now it’s time for your surprise.” 

Elizabeth could tell why she was really here, but didn’t want to ruin the moment for Brian.  Brian left the table, getting the dessert plates out and when he sat the plate down in front of Elizabeth, there was a ring on it and then knelt beside her saying “Will you marry me?”

She replied instantly “Yes, I will.”

Then they went into the den and sat on the couch.  Brian was looking at a picture on the mantle above the fireplace.  Elizabeth had seen it many times throughout her life and said to him “That was my parent’s wedding picture.”   

February 20, 2021 04:49

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1 comment

Bonnie Clarkson
18:27 Mar 25, 2021

Good start to the story. Good for lack of passive verbs. Overall good story. The room could be omitted. As is, it sounds like the fireplace is beside the room. Fireplace implies a room. I did not see connection with title.


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