
Dear Detective John Lyons, next of kin, Tulsa Police Department:


These incomplete journal entries from your nephew, Samuel Harrison, were the only salvageable pieces of evidence of his life from 12-21 years of age. I thought you would like to know what his life was like. See final notes.


Michael Johnson, Lead Investigator, Norman Police Department


October 4, 2010

Today my daddy died. He has’nt gone to the lab for a few months and has been home with mommy and me. Mommy has been going there a little bit to get sopplies, but has been home too taking care of him. I knew this was comming, but I didn’t know how bad mommy would take it. She’s in the living room right now sitting on his lap and hugging him. He’s dead! He’s still in the house. She has'nt called anyone yet and won’t answer me when I talk to her. She keeps cuoting quoting dad and saying “sience never sleeps”, over and over. She’s losing it. It’s up to me now to tell someone. I’ll call Uncle John. He’ll know what to do.

October 4, 2011

It’s been a year to the day since daddy died and mommy has never been the same. She keeps saying that I look so much like him everytime she sees me. She’s even playing with my hair the same way she used to do to daddy. It’s scaring me. I don’t want her near me because she’s not the same person anymore. She yells at me and sends me to my room then she’ll come up crying histerrically, smacking herself in the face and says she’s sorry. Like make up your mind, woman! She’s been giving me these shots every night too and says that it’s for my alergies. The medicine isn’t helping at all. It makes me feel weird inside like it’s tearing me in two. She says she’ll take my PlayStation 3 away if I don’t let her do it and that’s the only thing keeping me sane these days so I let her. I am begining to hate her. I miss daddy.

August 17, 2012

Today is my 14th birthday and when I woke up I noticed my voice was deeper. I know, I know. Puberty. But is it normal to have enough hair on your face to shave at this age? The other kids are starting to make fun of me. Even my mind is developing fast. I’m answering all the questions at school. It’s not even a challenge anymore. Especially science. Like I get it. I read through the textbook like nothing. I’ve even started a chem lab in my bedroom. Kinda like dad had in the basement.

Mom was all for it. She even brought me some chemicals from the lab to practice with. She was worried I might blow up the house, but I know what goes with what and what doesn’t. I have already made some pretty cool concoctions. I’m working on making a cream like Nair to get rid of this stupid hair without burning my face off. It worked on a test patch of hair on my leg so we’ll see. Mom says not to get rid of it. She likes it. It reminds her of dad, go figure.

All she does is talk about him. I think she wants me to grow up and be just like him. Maybe I can make a potion to drip on his dead body and bring him back to life. Or make a poison that no one could detect. She’d deserve it for what she’s done to me. Those shots are fucking me up, man. I can’t believe that I came out of her body - as fine as it is.

September 23, 2014

I’m so torn inside. Mom has been spending a lot of time with me lately telling me stories of things I did that I can’t even remember. I keep thinking that dad said these things at some point, but even that I can’t remember. She says that memory loss and confusion is a side-effect of the shots, but a small price to pay for how bad my allergies could get.

Now that I think of it, I remember the farm and the tire swing and all the flowers I used to pick for grandma before she died. Mom wishes I would pick her flowers like how dad did for her before he died. She’s been so nice to me lately; I think I will – just to see her smile.

My body hurts all the time now. My bones hurt. I’m 16 and supposed to be playing basketball with school friends and getting ready to drive. Maybe even having my license by now, but she says that I’m too fragile to do those things. I have too much to risk hurting myself over. What do I have? This stupid room and these stupid chemicals? I’m 6’0” and just under the height dad was. Mom says I probably have about another 2 inches of growing before I’m done. That would put me to exactly his height.

Shit – here she comes with the shot. Oh man! In about an hour my body is going to be in so much pain. I can feel my insides are like, growing. Too fast. My heart pounds and my head hurts. And I’m so freakin thirsty all the time! I get up at night to go to the bathroom about 2-3 times. It’s so annoying because all I want to do during the day is sleep. Sleep and jerk off. Those two things. But, then there’s science. She always wants me to watch stuff about genetics and DNA manipulation on TV. Whatever she reads, she wants me to read it too. We go back and forth about ideas though. It’s nice to have someone who gets me. As much as she makes me angry, I guess I can live with it because no one else understands. Whenever I say that she smiles. Then she goes and writes something down in her notebook right after. I feel like she’s studying me. I know she’s a scientist too, but sometimes I feel like a specimen in her lab. She brings me close and at the same time, pushes me so far away. I need to get out of this podunk town. Here she is…


August 19, 2016

Am I a man yet? I think I’m literally a man. Like old. I turned 18 a couple days ago and today I feel like I’m 30-something. I could go and buy a house and no one would blink an eye. I even buy alcohol for us and never get carded. That’s how bad this is. No one wants to hang out with me because I look like their dad. That’s ok though because I don’t want to hang out with them either. All the stuff these Okie kids talk and laugh about is so juvenile to me. Mom tells me that I’m special and made for bigger things, but I don’t know. I feel really depressed about it. I talked to Uncle John today and he seems to think it’s because mom is isolating me so much. He said that she has a history of trying to control the people in her life. I just don't know what to believe anymore.

Anyway, we’ve been working on this experiment. The one dad was working on before he died. I think I’m close to solving the problem he was having with modifying a gene to rid itself of one parent’s coding. Almost like creating a clone without starting over from birth. I’ve tried it on my cross-bred hybrid rose-lilies. Right now, the flowers are beginning to revert, but the bloom keeps coming back as hybrid. I haven’t been able to get the plant to flower back to the one type yet, but I will. I’ve been giving mom the flowers I’ve been growing for about a year now. She accepts them and seems grateful, but I know she’s wanting me to give her a rose that grew out of my hybrid. I can’t wait for the day that I get it. She’s gonna be so proud of me – and maybe even reward me good for it. Until then, science never sleeps.

October 2, 2019

My life is over and I’m only 21! I woke up last night on one of my usual bathroom trips and overheard mom talking about my experiment to someone. Last night, I found the missing compound to complete the severing. For so long, I couldn’t get the plant to accept the repairs and initiate the homogeneous coding as the other parent’s coding was breaking down, but I figured out how to fill in the gaps. I did it. Now, she’s got the last thing she needs to make it stick forever. And, she’s been talking to some guy about it. God knows how long that’s been going on. What are they trying to do? Does it even matter? We were supposed to have complete honesty in our relationship. No lies. But, she’s been lying to me all along. I'm going to find out who it is and make him pay. I'll make her tell me everything.

October 3, 2019

Now, I understand. I understand it all. I’m the experiment. I’m the hybrid. It explains why every time I look in the mirror, I see my dad. It explains why she wanted me to bring her flowers like dad did all those years…why she…she ‘loved’ me like she did and how my mind wanted to love her back. That shot, every night, was cleaving me in half; was turning me into HIM. All those fake memories she’s been feeding me; they were HIS. She couldn’t bear to lose him so she used me to BECOME him. How could she do this to me?! I can’t let it happen. It’s I’m an abomination. No. No way. Dad’s death-iversary is tomorrow and we’re gonna celebrate like it's the 4th of July – just the two of us….


This letter serves as notification of the death of Samuel Harrison, your nephew, and Linda Harrison, your sister. The fire that occurred on October 4, 2019 at 1712 Spring Street was determined to have been started by a match struck to the gasoline-soaked body of Linda Harrison who was found clutching a bouquet of roses.

We know that she was chemically transforming him into his father, Lucas Harrison, over the course of 9 years. By modifying his DNA to rid itself of his mother’s genetic material and replacing it with the missing material from his father, she was almost successful at completing the experiment and making it permanent.

We have been investigating this case since April 12, 2019 when Linda was fired from Sci-Monex Industries in Norman, Oklahoma for theft of property. Before he died, Lucas Harrison was the leader of an illegal criminal enterprise involving experimental drugs being sold on the international black market through what was called the 'Hybrid Project'. Samuel had unknowingly continued and completed the experiment that his father had started.

The day of the fire, Samuel mailed us these journal pages along with a list of individuals involved in the syndicate.

He circled a name on the list that might be of interest to you. We'll be in touch.

April 11, 2020 03:47

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Joy Saker
08:41 Apr 15, 2020

Wow! That is a gripping, nailbiting tale! I love it. The cracking of the main story with the Officialese is a nice touch.


Elizabeth Blake
18:09 Apr 15, 2020

Thank you Joy! It was a blast to write!


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