Holiday Sad

“World is filled with secrets”. Do you agree my statement? Yes, there are a lot of secrets that we doesn’t know. Even me just like you.. Have you ever wondered that a dream can change the happy life of a family. The secret that totally shaped the family is my story…And this secret is an incident that took place on summer a years ago.

" What !! really , how ?? its impossible …. how can it happen !!!!” shouted Mrs. Stawarski on seeing an episode of a K- drama. By hearing the shocking voice of Mrs. Stawarski , Mr. Stawarski rushed to the hall. " Claire !! why were you shouting ??” asked Mr. Stawarski. " Hey come on Jasper!!! see this episode the heroine rejects the hero when he proposed” said Claire. Jasper shook his head and went inside his work room to complete his files. Claire and Jasper Stawarski both were in Tijuana, Mexico. They both were middle aged couple with age of 45. They both were lovers and were married at age 22. Their fate they were unable bear their future. Claire was pregnant at her age 23 . But she had a very hard delivery and she gave birth to twins but both died at the same time. The twins were born on summer. Both Claire and Jasper became very depressed after the death of the twins. They tried to change their depression by giving birth to another. But Claire was unable to give birth and every try for child failed which made them even more depressed. They then planned of adopting a child. At that time Jasper’s sister Leah had given birth to a girl child . After the child’s birth she disappeared just like “Inkheart - Resa " . Jasper and Claire decided to grow her since Leah’s husband became mentally affected after Leah’s disappearance. Leah’s disappearance was very suspicious and the case closed very soon when there were no traces about her disappearance. Jasper and Claire named the girl as Phoebie which means “a bright one”. They grew her as their own child and had a lot of love over her. Their mindset had changed like she is their world. By now she was at her age 22. She was on her way for graduation for doctorate. She was studying in “Harvard University of U.K” . They missed her a lot but deviated their mind by engaging in other chores.

At U.K

" Wow!! its interesting… I am immersed in this .. " said Phoebie on observing the chromosomes on the lab with her partner and lover , Ezekiel. They both were friends at their first year and their friendship became and gradually a love . They had introduced each other to their families. Mr. and Mrs. Stawarski liked Ezakiel at the first sight and had a mindset that they are made for each other. Phoebie had planned of visiting Tijuana that summer with Ezekiel. Suddenly a thought strike in Phoebie’s mind. She already know that she is adopted child of Stawarski , by the difference in resemblance. She didn’t ask this question to Stawarski's as it might hurt them. She thought that she can take genetic tests from the local people of Tijuana. Phoebie discussed about that with Ezakiel that she wants to know about her biological parents. Ezakiel refused at first but Phoebie pleased him a lot , finally her accepted. They got graduated by March . They ordered some basic equipment for genetic tests by March and visited Tijuana by 1st week of April. Claire and Jasper had many arrangements for Phoebie and her Boyfriend. They decided to marry Phoebie to Ezekial after they get their work. They spend their first week in their farm house with their family. Phoebie said lie to her parents that she is having an assignment and wanted to get some samples for the genetic testing camp and went with Ezekial to municipal office to receive names of the residents over the part she lived. She visited each every home and collected some samples. She got negative out of all the reports and got tired. On fine evening Claire noticed Phoebie to be sad and went over here. Phoebie said that she was unable to collect her samples. Claire said an idea that she can visit hospitals to get reports . She also said “Hospital is the place were everyone will go . So its the best place to collect samples.” Claire’s idea extraordinarily an awesome idea. Phoebie hugged her with happiness and enthusiasm. Phoebie and Ezekial visited hospital the next day . At first two days they were unable get their expected samples. On the third day , fate played in her life. She visited the hospital were Andrew, Leah’s husband and Phoebie’s real father , was admitted. She overgoing each and every reports. And was shocked by the Andrew’s sample. She went through that report again and confirmed. She was overjoyed by that report. She enquired the nurse over there about Andrew. The nurse said,” He is a patient who is mentally affected and is at room no. 702“. Phoebie became sad mixed happy. Her heartbeat raised as she was getting closer to room no. 702. She opened the door with a lot of sadness. She went in and Andrew came to her and hugged her . Phoebie was little puzzled. Andrew cried " Leah !! we’re were you , I missed and over child is crying “. On seeing Andrew , Phoebie started to cry. Phoebie saw a lot of drawings over the wall. Over there he had drawn the drawings of Leah and Andrew having a baby. He had written “Leah and My child” all over the walls. Andrew took a diary and gave her. He said , " Leah , have your diary , have ..” . Phoebie took that in her hand. She said , " I will be back tomorrow”. Andrew didn’t leave her hand Ezekial came in and bought her out. She cried a lot on seeing her father in that condition. She went home and saw the happiness in Stawarski’s face. She went inside her room and started reading her diary. She saw a photo of Leah and wondered that she looked alike. She started to read and was shocked because the family name of Leah before her name was Stawarski. She also saw that Stawarski's name was mentioned in that. She was confused on the incident that might have taken place during her birth. She decided to investigate about her birth life . She came to know that Andrew and Leah were living in the nearby apartment. She went over there and searched for some clues. She found a code book in Leah’ s cupboard. Leah loved secret code messages. She had already left a secret code over there before her disappearance. The police didn’t take care of it. But Phoebie thought that to be something suspicious so she tried to crack it. She tried nearly for two days but unable to do it. Suddenly Claire entered Phoebie’s room. She found Phoebie was trying to crack the code. She helped her in cracking the code. Phoebie thanked her for helping her in cracking the code. Claire was happy on seeing Phoebie being enthusiastic. But something strike Claire, she had seen these type code from Leah. She was shocked on seeing Phoebie having the secret code. She even thought Phoebie might know the secret and Leah might come back and take Phoebie with her. Tears wept Claire’s eyes. She went in. Meanwhile Phoebie was happy on cracking that code. Phoebie went to Jasper and asked him to show her his childhood photos. Jasper was shocked. If Phoebie sees Jasper’s childhood photos she’ll know that secret. So Jasper told that the photos had been burned. She got little suspicious. Phoebie was forbidden on going to Leah’s room in their house. At night she decided to enter into the room. She went in and saw that the room had many childhood photos of Leah and Jasper. She opened the draw and saw that there were many letters. She took that and closed that room. She started to read the letters . Leah had posted those letters to a man named " Matt”. Matt and Leah had a illegal affair , after Phoebie’s birth she fled with him. Phoebie got a crystal clear idea about her mother., But Jasper and Claire started to worry about Phoebie. They even thought she might leave them. On next morning , Phoebie was normal and had a mindset that Claire and Jasper are her parents. She went in to their room and noticed they were still sleeping. She found that to be suspicious since they both wakes up fast at morning. She went near them and called out their names but she got no response. She touched Claire’s body and got shocked. Claire’s body was icy and no pulse. She immediately took the medikit and checked both Claire and Jasper but they were death. Their death was due to their sadness and afraid that Phoebie might leave them. They had written a letter about that secret. Phoebie started to weep and broke to cry. She felt that she had made a wrong by digging her birth life secret. The Summer secret of Phoebie turned out as Summer death of Stawarskis..,.

June 25, 2021 14:50

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