Daisy's worst Birthday

Submitted into Contest #1 in response to: Write a story about a birthday party with a major plot twist.... view prompt



Daisy was turning twenty years old, blond, and wearing a dazzling yellow dress. She walks in when suddenly twelve people jump out at her yelling, “Surprise!”. She couldn’t believe it. Her mom had thrown her a surprise party for the first time in her life and she would’ve been happier if it wasn’t for the events that transpired earlier that day. She decided she had to tell her mom what happened because not only was she angry she was scared, as anyone in her situation would be. But, before she could speak to her mom, she had to get through a lot of greetings which felt like it lasted for hours given she had a lot of family there that she hadn’t seen for a while. After an hour she had gotten past the greetings. Now she could finally talk to her mother, she thought. But then she saw her mother talking to a man. Even though she only saw this man from the back, she knew who it was. It was her ex boyfriend she was dating for two years. She approaches them nervously thinking, “Why is he here?”  She tried to greet them normally when her mother looked at her with a serious look, and stated,

       “So you have found out about our drug trafficking business”.


 Daisy just stood there frozen thinking this could not really be happening and tried her best not to freak out, but she couldn’t help it.  Sweat started to pour down her face. She even began to gasp in and out. That’s when her mother said,


“Calm down, I know how you feel, I felt the same way when I found out about 22 years ago.” 

Daisy simply just stood there, not knowing what to say. I mean, what could she say?  she just found out her mom’s a criminal. After a minute she took in a deep breath and asked her mother a question while at the same time wondering if she really wanted to know the answer.

“Have you ever... killed anyone before?”

Her mother looked her directly in the eye with a smile and said,

“Oh dear! Of course not!”

Daisy thought to herself “Well, at least she’s not a murderer.” 

Her mother then started laughing.  “That’s what I pay my underlings for.”

That’s when Daisy heard someone knocking at the door and awkwardly said with a fake smile,

“Let me go get that”.

She answered the door and to her surprise, she saw her current boyfriend, who just happened to be a cop. He then said,

“Sorry I'm late. Got caught up at work.”

“No problem,James,”she replied. She proceeded to lean on him as she whispered in his ear.

“Can we talk outside for a minute?”  They quickly trotted outside to talk. That’s when she explained all that just happened to her. After which James looked directly into her eyes and said,

“I’m so sorry.”

Daisy broke down crying right into his arms and said,

 “What am I going to do”? 

James held her tightly and said,

“I don't know but, come with me to the police station so you can file an official report.”

Before they knew it they were surrounded by all of Daisy’s family and they all had guns. Her mother stated rather ominously to them,

“Sorry darling, I can't let you do that.”

Immediately afterwards, she knocked Daisy and her boyfriend upside their heads with her gun. 

Daisy didn’t know how long she had been out.  But, when she woke up, she found herself tied up in a chair.The ropes around her hands and feet were so tight she could feel it sinking into her skin. The room was cold and full of spider webs. She could hear this unpleasant creaking sound which made her want to rip her ears off. Once she became fully conscious she realized that this was her mother's basement and started yelling for help,

”Help! Somebody help!”

Hoping one of her neighbors would hear, she continued to cry out over and over. 

Hearing her daughter’s cries, her mother walked up to her smiling,

”Relax. I'm not going to hurt you.”

Daisy looked agitated and tried to wiggle her arms.

”Then why do you have me tied up?”

Her mom leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “So that you don't do anything stupid.”

She backed away and smirked,

“You should be more worried about your dear James.”

Daisy’s eyes opened wide with worry,

“Don't hurt him!”

Her mom grabs a chair and siat down directly in front of Daisy,,

“Well now… That all depends on you.”

She leaned in just a little closer,

“I would like nothing more than to get back to the party, but first you have to join us.’

Daisy repeats after her,

“Join you?”

Her mom’s face perked up with excitement,

“Yes! Yes! I would love nothing more than us to work together.”

At that very moment, Daisy decided to play along until the moment she would be able to get to safety,

“Okay, as long as you don't hurt James.”

Her mom then started to  laugh for an extended amount of time. Daisy said,

“What’s so funny?” while looking confused.

Then suddenly her mother said,

“This was a joke.”

Then unties her. Daisy stood up looking very angry and said,

“What do you mean a joke, what about the guns you had.”

Her mom then went on to tell her that they were beebee guns and how she got the whole family in on it which only made her more angry.

“Why would you all play like this, you made me feel like my life was falling apart.”

Her mom then stated in dismay,“I’m sorry, dear. it was nothing but a harmless prank.”

Daisy then asked, 

“Wheres james?”

Her mom pointed to the stairs,

“He’s just upstairs.  We already told him it was a joke.”

The mother smiled and said,

“Why don't we go back upstairs and enjoy the party.”

Daisy walked past her mother and said,

“I don't think so.  Goodbye mother.”


She then left the house with her boyfriend feeling quite right in doing so. Her mother had some nerve.  That was no happy birthday surprise.

August 10, 2019 00:06

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