Mystery Suspense Teens & Young Adult

Monica came to the carnival with a group of friends, but she was the friend that no one cared for and barely got a word in during conversations, so she decided to split from them and no one noticed so she walked all throughout the place. She was amazed at the lights, rides, and everything, but didn't want to go on any of the rides alone. She had her arms crossed and it was a little chilly, she even thought about turning around and rejoining the group to get ignored again, but she remembered the conversation before she left making her continue in the direction she was walking." We should go on this ride first." Amanda said as they all we're walking, but then stopped to see the ride she was pointing at, Monica didn't care what ride they went on she just hoped she wouldn't be left out." No, this one." Mike said as he pointed to the ride on the other side and Monica saw a ride she really wanted to ride she hesitated on saying it but then just came out with it." What about that ride, it's really pretty." She said as everyone continued with their conversation so she said it again because she thought they didn't hear her." I said what about-" " No." Amanda said as she continued to point at the ride she wanted to go on and Monica left.

Remembering how they made her feel she continued walking and it was still chilly her jacket wasn't doing a thing to keep her warm and she was getting extremely sad about everything and in her choice of friends until she looked up and noticed she wasn't in the carnival anymore more like an alley and she was shocked she didn't know how she got there, but she kept walking for some reason and there was a carnival ride up ahead making Monica think she was still at the carnival, but she wasn't so she ran towards it and it seemed to be abandoned so she took a look around, and then further down and their was a carousel and she stepped onto the platform and sat on one of the horses and imagined as if the carousel was working closing her eyes for a second and when she opened them a weird looking guy was looking at her and she screamed." Who are you?" She asked as she got off the carousel and the man walked closer to her and she bagged back." I said who are you?" She asked in fear and then he finally said something." This is my one and only ride, and you just sat on it, do you know what I do to visitors?" He asked and Monica began running, but in the direction she came from and he was still behind her so she continued running and finally came to a stop it was the carnival again and she entered she didn't see the man behind her anymore and she saw her friends again running to them like they we're her savior." Monica, where we're you?" They asked, and they seemed really concerned that's all Monica ever wanted." Some creep was trying to get me, because I got lost and found a carousel that was his, but it was abandoned." She said rambling on, but then she noticed that they weren't even listening and began eating the food and drinks they bought while she was gone and she rolled her eyes because she was used to it.

"Let's go on this ride." Amanda said pointing to another ride Monica honestly felt like they all we're done with the rides, she felt like she was gone for a minute and became paranoid, she didn't even want to get on any rides anymore and continued to look over her shoulder because she was felt as if the creepy guy was still around." You guys go on without me." Monica said with a smile, but then soon regretted because she was all alone even though other people we're around here and having fun, she still felt all alone as soon as they all got on the ride." Suit yourself, loser." Amanda said as she got strapped in and the ride started. Monica began looking around over her shoulder and she just couldn't take it anymore, she wanted the ride to be over, she wanted to recommend that they all leave, but they would want to know why and wouldn't even care about her explanation she definitely wasn't going to be friends with them anymore. They all finally got off the ride and Monica tried to talk." Guys, I think we should leave." She said as she tried to get at least one of them to agree." No, why?" Amanda asked and she continued to search for other rides."Because, I told you guys the creepy guy." She said, but it seemed like no one cared until......

"Time to leave guys." Mike said as everyone looked at him sideways, but then eventually gave in." You got enough Cotton Candy anyway, Chassidy." He said as he nudged her arm and she looked at Mike like he was a life saver. "Who did you see anyway, never mind, I don't care." Chassidy said as she crossed her arms everyone was literally mad, I was literally about to tell her the story she should have already been listening to that's what I get for tagging along with popular, ignorant teenagers. We walked out of the carnival, but Monica still had a weird, eerie feeling so she turned around and she seen the guy that was chasing her and began screaming." What?" Asked James." The guy, the guy that was-" Monica said stuttering over her words and everyone turned around to look and then turned back around looking at her like she was crazy and Amanda wrapped her arm around her." Chill out." She said as everyone walked out and Monica looked one last time and the guy disappeared into thin air almost as if he wasn't even real." Yeah, calm down." Mike said as he nudged me and we all piled into the car, I was literally about to cry I felt so alone almost as if she had only gotten lost and nothing more down the street from a carnival.

May 07, 2021 20:52

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