Science Fiction Funny Teens & Young Adult

Why have I not bought the book again? How I am I supposed to pass this exam if I don’t even have the book? My dad is going to kill me if I don’t pass it. Statistics 101. I used to be really good at maths in high school. I got lost somewhere this semester. I probably get lost every Friday at the Lazy Lizard and every Saturday at the Boston Beanery, and every Wednesday, and Tuesday, and…whatever… No, now I remember, I forgot to buy the book because of that girl, what’s her name? Maggy? Maggy Jane? Man, she drove me mad for months…

And now I am stuck here every day. I mean this university library is a cool place: it’s me and my Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino and my buddy Steve. He hasn’t bought the book either though.

Steve, why are we here again? There’s no way we’re going to pass Statistics now, honestly. Let’s put it off and enrol in some summer course for dummies and attend that course again, I mean, we’ve passed the rest of our exams, brilliantly I’d say, considering how little we have studied.

Mike, come on! You kidding me? Statistics is not the point here, we’re here for those hot chicks over there. Every day we come here and drink this giant Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino and they always sit there. Man, we are here to study the situation and make our move. We’ll deal with Statistics at the end of the summer, no worries.

Right, I just didn’t think this would become like a job we have to do every single day. We’re stuck here every morning. I’ll give you that though: thanks to this strategy, we’ve passed all our exams but Statistics, which is much more than I expected from by first year.

Come on, are you serious? Look at them, LOOK AT THEM.

Why have I not bought the book again?

Man, you’re boring.


Ok, here is the plan. It’s time to act. What do we know about them? The blondie on the left reads her horoscope every morning, she has an app or something and she’s really into it. Once or twice I saw her panic after reading something about her day not being great. The other two are also into this stuff but they kind of make fun of her a bit. The one with the fringe and the very tall one love sci-fi, I’ve heard them talking about TV series about black holes, space travelling, magnetic storms and stuff.


So, do you remember when on Halloween you dressed up as that dude from the eighties, with that terrible plaid flannel shirt you borrowed from your dad or something? You had that Walkman thing, it didn’t work but it was cool, real cool. You know where I’m going right? Are you up for it? Tomorrow? Yes, tomorrow.



Hey there, I’m Mike. You mind if I sit here? What’s this place by the way?

What do you mean? It’s the library, the big one in campus. We’re trying to study though; we are not here to make conversation. Who are you anyway?

I’m Mike, I’ve just said it.

Ok, here is the thing Mike, we are just not interested, ok? You look real sweet but…hey, what is that?

You mean my Walkman? Sorry I need to change the batteries, no music today.

What are you talking about? Why would you need batteries to listen to music?

Right, whatever… What’s that anyway?

Oh, it’s an app to check your horoscope every morning, mine is a weird one today, I don’t really get it, something about the past and the future being the same thing, or something.

Right, but I mean, what’s that in your hand?

You mean my smartphone? What are you talking about? You think you’re funny? Because you’re not!

Right. Look, you three look like very nice girls, but I’m a bit confused here: I understand half the things you’re saying, what’s all this app and smart phones and music with no batteries? I was just trying to start a conversation, ok? No need to be rude. I’m leaving you to your girl things or whatever you are doing or… No wait a sec! It can’t be! But maybe… yes… it’s the only possible explanation… why haven’t I thought about it before? I’m so dumb sometimes, o wow… I am sorry, may I ask you one more question? What year is it?

What? Now you’re freaking me out? What do you mean? It’s… wait…Now I am confused, let me check on the Internet. Yes, that’s exactly right, it’s 2022. You two stop laughing, I see you, I perfectly know what year it is, but this freak is freaking me out. Come on, what sort of question is that? Hey, are you ok? Mike? Why are you surprised? You feeling ok?

It’s 2022?!? O man it’s 2022!?!? I did I did it!

Where did he go? I my god, are you thinking what I am thinking? I mean, that horrible plaid flannel shirt!  Are we going to talk about that? Who would wear something like that? And the Walkman thing? O my god, my horoscope actually said that thing about the past and the present and… whatever. I didn’t really get it but that’s the only possible explanation. Girls, that dude came from the past!

Martha, first, I hope you’re kidding, second, I really hope you’re kidding, and third, that dude has been sitting with his friend at that table over there for the past month. Haven’t you noticed them? Every single morning with a giant Mocha Frappuccino. They get it from the same place where we get it. Come on you cannot be serious! So, what now? We cannot concentrate on studying with those two freaks sitting next to us, what shall we do?

Let’s just change library, there are three, I’ve heard the other one, the newest one, is really cool Shall we go now? I mean, I am bored with this place anyway. Let’s try some place new.


Man! What did you do? I mean, I was watching and, I don’t know, they seemed engaged, one at least, the other two were like giggling or something all the time but…they’ve stopped coming now. You must have said something really bad.


Come on man, talk to me!

Why have I not bought the book again?

June 19, 2022 08:12

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Wendy M
21:56 Jun 29, 2022

Hi, I have your story to critique. I enjoyed reading it, well done. Unusual chat up lines, but these guys need to do their homework on women, as well as statistics. It would have been interesting to have a link between the two. Some statistical analysis of their odds of succeeding with the girls would have been funny and relevant. Otherwise it could have been any subject they were studying. I would have found it easier to read with more punctuation and clarity about who is speaking. An interesting take on the prompt. Look forward to seei...


Francesca Zanoni
06:12 Jul 05, 2022

Hi, Thanks for your feedback. You are quite right about exploring link between women and statistics, great idea! thanks


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