A day when premonition meets love.

Submitted into Contest #98 in response to: Start your story with a character having a premonition, but no one believes them.... view prompt


Romance Fiction Fantasy

Part-I : The Premonition

“Oh no! Lucyyyyy!” Harry shouts and looks around seeing his family in a little shock,all staring at him. His mom and dad sit beside him and ask, “Son, what happened? Did you doze off and have a bad dream?.” Harry replies, “ No,ma. I think I just had a premonition about tomorrow. Lucy and I are travelling on my bike and get hit by a bus.”

“Oh son! Hush now. It’s all just your imagination. Don’t worry nothing of that sort will happen. You’re an excellent driver.” says his dad. “Yes,son go and have some water and there’s some chocolate in the fridge. Eat it you’ll feel better.Don’t you let that fear of yours send you on a wild goose chase.” As everyone ignores Harry’s intuitions which felt so strong to him, he too let’s it go and forgets about it. 

Part-II: Premonition strikes! Harry’s dilemma.

“Hello! Hello!! Can anyone hear me? Hello!!!,”Harry is yelling at the top of his voice,but there is no one around in what seems to be the most deserted forest ever. He rubs his head, it’s still paining from that strong blow he received which feels like just a few seconds ago. How long was I out? Ow, ow, it hurts so bad. The moment I find whoever did this I’m going to make him pay so badly. As Harry talks to himself in the middle of nowhere, wondering just how and why he was in this messed up place. “Okay, think Harry,think. We went shopping with Lucy on the bike, wait Lucy! Oh no, I remember. We were about to be hit by a bus. Oh god! Please let Lucy be okay.” Harry starts sweating, he’s beginning to remember what had happened little by little when he hears a footstep from behind.

He turns quickly and yells, “ Who’s out there? What kind of sick game is this? Come out now or else I’ll snoop you out myself. I know boxing man, don’t you mess with me!” 

A figure appears out of thin air, or it feels like that at least. He’s dressed up in clothes that make Harry feel like this is some kind of Godly figure. The figure smiles, for some reason the eyes look very sad. Harry asks fearing the worst had happened, “Kind sir, please tell me where am I? I’m very confused and scared.”

“I am Dwayne. Right now where you stand is called MIDDLE OF NOWHERE. I am sure by now you remember the incident wherein you clashed with that bus while you were on your way to the store with your lovely fiance Lucy.”

“Yes,yes! I remember it,Dwayne. Please tell me my Sweet Lucy is alright? I am really scared right now.” Harry begins to cry.

“Hush now,dear boy! It’s okay, I understand. You are not at fault for what happened. It was a blind spot for you. I know you have a lot of questions. Let me begin by telling you about this place. This is the place where people come to when they face situations like yours in life on EARTH.”

“I am sorry, a situation like mine?” asks Harry with a questioning look on his face.

Dwayne continues, “Yes, you faced death today. As of now you are still in the unconscious, look there" Dwayne points a finger towards a huge tree.

 (A screen appears) An ambulance is carrying two people. They are both unconscious. The medical team seems tense. Harry let out a gasp!! It's him and Lucy. He can't believe his eyes.

Dwayne waves a hand and the screen disappears. He continues, " As you can see you're still there ,alive in a way,yet…"

"Yet, I am not there", Harry completes his sentence and continues, "I am in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE! I get it now. So,what does it mean now? And does this mean Lucy is here as well?"

Dwayne responds, "No,she is not. What it means is that this is now a choice of either-or for you. This place is one of the many lands of possibilities that exist beyond your life on Earth,but exist solely as an effect to an unlikely cause. A sad but harsh reality will be lived by many of your loved ones now. But sometimes a small ray of choice arrives at one's doorstep moments before the inevitable. Giving that one a hope,a chance but for a price, thus leaving them neither here nor there. You can either continue to live but Lucy pays the price for this gift or you give up to let Lucy live."

Harry looks bewildered, "This is some kind of sick joke. I don't know how you did what you just showed me,but I'm not staying here for another second. " Harry storms off and starts yelling Lucy's name. He wanders along for almost an hour. It's all the same, what sorcery is this. Harry is confused and sits down with a posture that resonates sadness,grief and disbelief. He says to himself, " What am I going to do? I'll never get to be with you again,Lu. God! I love you so much. I wish we had more time together." As Harry starts crying, Dwayne again appears and lifts him up. 

" I know this is very harsh,but you can either live on and keep the memories of your sweet love together or forget everything by sacrificing yourself and giving Lucy another life."

Harry wipes his tears, "Dwayne, my kind sir. I am sorry for the mean words before. What would I do with those memories? That's the past for me. Lu is my present. I love her, Dwayne. I'll gladly accept to erase this past of mine,if it means my present lives on." (Thus Harry decides to sacrifice himself to keep Lucy alive.)

Dwayne seems to be in awe of Harry. " You truly are amazing,Harry. Before I bid farewell to you I want to show you something." Dwayne waves his hand, the screen reappears only this time the recording seems to be of the same land they are on.

"Dwayne, I don't understand. Why are we seeing this place? I have already seen it enough. I would much rather watch my sweet Lu one last.." Harry is about to finish when he hears Lucy's voice. He looks at the screen and it's Lucy. 

Part-III : Lucy faces her test

Lucy yells," Hello! What's happening? Harry? Harry dear, where are you?" 

A figure appears before her, " Don't be alarmed. My name is Goodman. You're currently in the middle of nowhere. You met with an accident while you were on your way to the store with your fiance. Right now you have two choices ,both equally difficult,thus leaving you in the middle of nowhere."

" I don't follow, Mr. Goodman,is it? I just want to see my dear Harry. Please tell me what those choices are. Anything as long as I get to see my love."

Goodman replies," You love him a lot,it's very sweet to see. However love goes beyond yourself. This is a part of land of POSSIBILITIES. Specifically for causes that are harsh and sad,a hope of choice. But with a price. 

You both can live on but you'll be erased from Harry's memory. He will live an amazing life, perhaps fall in love with someone else (but never with YOU),or you both live on and the opposite happens, you will not remember him and he lives on in love with you but never able to be with you."

Lucy can't believe it. It really feels like she is stuck. She looks up to Goodman and says, " So,it's either me or him,one of us will be forever in pain. Love doesn't mean to possess. It means to be happy ,truly happy in another person's happiness because He and I are not separate but one only. Being with someone else whilst leaving him in such pain and for what? Love makes life better and I'm so happy that my Harry's gets to lead that life. I accept the offer to live on and erase myself from him."

Goodman has water in his eyes, " You truly love him. And that's why.." saying this he disappears.

Lucy shouts, "Wait what is happening? Where did you go?"

Part-IV : What’s happening?

Similarly, Dwayne,too disappears. Harry is confused ,all he can see is the screen with his fiance crying and yelling exactly what he's feeling and that is what is going on?

Another screen appears next to Harry and one pops up next to Lucy. They both can see Dwayne and Goodman, together.

Goodman and Dwayne are smiling. "Lucy,Harry, do you remember what we said? This is the land of possibilities. A land where it's possible you get stuck in the middle of nowhere by choosing yourself or by opening up to endless possibilities by choosing love. Your love for each other has opened the doors of possibilities for you. Mind you very few get through this door. Through this door one gets to live life. We hope you have a great and happy life ahead."

Both Harry and Lucy are in tears,they are jumping and dancing at the thought of being able to hold each other again. 

Harry says, " Thank you,thank you so much for offering this opportunity. Life is indeed a gift and I am so glad I get to share it with Lu for the rest of my life."

Lucy also responds," I can't believe I get to meet Harry! Life is Love and love is life. Maybe that's why they both start and end with the same letters."

" Just one more thing before you guys go back," says Goodman. Harry and Lucy ask together," What's that?" 

"Drive slowly,next time! Mind those corners!"

responds Goodman.

"Definitely! Will do that, " yell Harry and Lucy.

Part-V : All's well that ends well

A bright light appears , both Harry and Lucy cover their eyes. Harry shouts "ouch! What was that? " He slowly opens his eyes. He is not in the middle of nowhere. He's lying in the hospital bed. He gets up with joy and turns to his right,it's Lucy! 

She's staring at him,tears rolling down her cheek. He rushes towards her,pulls her close to him and kisses her. She hugs him and pulls him closer. They both can't believe their luck. 

Harry looks into her eyes,a wide smile on his face,he wipes her tears and says, "You know,Lu I learnt what my life would be like without you today. I want to grow old with you, will you grow old with me?"

Lucy laughs, " Haha! Um ok. But first you have to tell me the answer. What would your life be like without me,eh Mister?"

Harry responds, " Like it's in the middle of nowhere!"

June 17, 2021 13:05

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Yoro O
14:15 Jun 24, 2021

Excellent, positive story which comes together beautifully at the end. Write on!


Pranav N
15:53 Jun 24, 2021

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. :))


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