Drama Fiction Teens & Young Adult

I have never been so mortified in my life.                   

I was standing in front of the most beautiful man I have ever seen, in just my towel and it’s definitely not in the way you’re thinking.

He doesn’t look surprised to see me but I’m as confused as you are.

Okay, you’re probably wondering what went on that led to this moment. Let me explain… And to do that, I’ll have to go back a bit. Not too much, but just so you get the gist.

My name’s Samantha Anderson but that’s not really important. I’d finally gotten a well-deserved vacation and there was no better place to spend it than The Maldives.

I took my laptop, neck massage pillow, a bottle of wine, and a glass and relaxed on the most comfortable spot on my worn-out couch. I pulled up the search engine and typed in vacation bookings in the Maldives.

I found a promising site and after doing some searching, I realized it was above my price range. I got the email off the site and sent them a message expressing my love for their dealings but how far it was from what I could afford.

I got a reply almost immediately asking how much I was willing to pay. We did this back and forth thing until they finally agreed to a booking at a price a few thousand lower than their initial fee.

That should have been my first sign that they weren’t all they claimed to be. But I was on my third glass and the fact that I had more thousands than I budgeted to spend touring, blinded any reasoning of mine.

So I booked my flight, bought my ticket and went to my room in search of my passport and my hottest bikini. I got my suitcase and started packing. I didn’t go far before the drowsiness of the alcohol got me crashing.

Don’t worry, I made sure I drank enough water before that to prevent a hangover.


I was woken up by the sound of my alarm, I reached out and smacked the stupid thing on my nightstand. It was 11:00 in the morning and I had a slight headache.

I must have snoozed it more than ten times. I should have turned it off as soon as I got the news of my vacation.

I got up and went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I took an aspirin for my head and moped as I made my way to the tiny kitchen in my apartment.

I made a quick sandwich and cleared the couch off evidence of last night. I had managed to get a flight for tomorrow, how cool was that? I needed to pack but there were showing reruns of How I met your mother.

So I decided to watch a little before packing. I found my spot on the couch and devoured my sandwich while laughing at Ted.


I shouldn’t have watched that show, I didn’t realize they were showing marathons that lasted basically the whole day. I know what you’re thinking, no I didn’t spend my whole day on the couch, I got up to pee and get more snacks. That counts and I’m on my vacation bite me.

Either way, I basically spent my day doing nothing and I forgot to pack. Now I’m paying for it. My taxi is going to be here in less than ten minutes and I haven’t even decided on carrying a playsuit or suspenders.

I shoved what I could in my suitcase and duffel and got dressed. I got a text from the driver and I carried my bags out of the apartment and into the elevator.

I’d gotten like two more texts and a missed call before I finally came out of the building. 

“I’m here, I’m here.” I shouted as I dragged my bags behind me towards the car. The driver came to my aid and we were on the road in less than five minutes.

We got to the airport with twenty minutes to spare. I went through the whole boring airport thing I won’t bore you with that and I could finally take a breath on the plane.

It was a ten-hour flight so I got comfortable and caught up on some much-needed sleep.


I woke up two hours before the flight landed so I gathered my stuff and double-checked my bookings with the hotel.  I asked for a burger and water from the air hostess and ate to my fill.

I was so excited to see the photos on the site for myself and I couldn’t wait to get a tan. I got my iPod and air pods and spent the rest of the flight listening to music.

The plane landed, I got my bags and waved for a taxi, I gave him the address of the hotel and I couldn’t keep my eye away from the window for the whole ride.

It was breathtaking; the people, their clothes, the buildings even the fine brown sand was mesmerizing. I couldn’t wait to get to the hotel.

We arrived at our destination and the driver helped me with my bags. I walked into the beautiful building and up to the receptionist. I told her about my booking and she gave a grimace.

Second sign I failed to notice. I was high on the beauty of the hotel.

She gave me my suite key and told me to have a seat, the manager would like to have a word with me.

“Hmm…can it wait? I really want to pee and I would like to freshen up so I won’t scare him away with my sweaty and horrible outfit.”

“No problem but please be here as soon as you can. The elevator is that way.” She said pointing to her right.

I smiled and dragging my bags, I took the elevator to my floor. I found my suite and it was just like the pictures two doors leading to two en suite bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room.

It was perfect.

I chose the room by the left and dropped my bags. I know you’re wondering why I got a suite with two rooms. It was the only accommodation available at that time.

With my toiletries in hand, I made my way to the bathroom to have a nice long shower.

Wrapping myself in a clean towel I walked out of my room to take a tour of the suite, which didn’t seem like a bad idea at that time since I was alone, only to find the most beautiful man I’d ever seen looking indifferent to seeing me.

Now you understand why I am confused right? Good.

Chapter 2

“What in the world are you doing in my suite?” I asked clutching my towel tighter around my body, my naked body.

“I’m supposed to be here, I paid for this suite.” He replied moving around me to walk into the room on the right.

I quickly made my way to my room and brought out some clothes from my bag; I’ll be free to argue when dressed.

He walked out of his room just as I was shoving my legs into my slides in the living room.

“You mister, have a lot of explaining to do.” I know what you’re thinking; who still says ‘you mister?’ don’t look at me, I have no idea how that came out.

“Haven’t you spoken with the manager?” he asked.

“I’m going there right now and you have to come with me.” I opened the door, stepped outside, and motioned for him to take the lead.

He rolled his eyes but stepped out of the suite. We made our way to the lobby and trust me; the elevator ride was awkward.

I walked over to the counter, the receptionist saw me and smiled.

“The manager will be out soon; you can take a seat. Would you like some tea or coffee?”

“I’m good thanks.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the comfortable-looking couch in the lobby.

“Name’s Andrea, if we are going to be living together for the next month, I should at least know yours.”  

“Samantha, and we aren’t going to be staying together, there’s probably a misunderstanding or something.”

“Yh Sure.” His words were laced with sarcasm.

A short bald man wearing a charcoal black suit walked up to us and I pulled Andrea up with me.

“You must be miss Anderson, I’m Jacobs, the hotel manager; nice to meet you.”

“Just Samantha please, nice to meet you too.”

“Ah, I see you’ve met your suitemate, Andrea.”

“My suitemate? You never said anything about a suitemate when I was speaking to you. I didn’t agree to this.”

“Miss Samantha, you cut down our price far more than what I was expecting, the only way the hotel was going to make a gain was if someone else paid what you couldn’t and that means you’ll have to share a suite.”

I was mortified for the second time in less than an hour. He didn’t have to say it like that, it’s not like I don’t have the money, I just have a budget.

“I understand but why wasn’t I told beforehand? A warning would have been nice; is there anything you can do now? I can pay for another room or you can take Andrea to another room; anything?”

“I apologize for not telling you about this before your arrival but there is nothing I can do now; we are fully booked as you are aware. See this as an adventure, you two can get to know each other and have a wonderful time. If that is all, I’ll take my leave now, enjoy your stay.” He shook our hands again and walked away.

I fell back on the couch and started thinking of different ways this vacation could go wrong.

What if he’s a rapist? Or a robber? A stalker? A serial killer? There are many things he could be. How was I sure I and my properties are safe? I’m going to die; I’m going to freaking die.

I won’t get to see the beach or the nice cabins on the sea, I probably won’t make it to the morning…

“Can you stop looking at me like that? I’m not a rapist or anything like that.”

“That’s what they always say.”

“Geez, get up, let's go to our suite and you can think about your life there. People are staring.”

He waited for me to get up and our roles were reversed, I was the one being pulled. We waited for the elevator and rode up to our floor.

He shut the door to our suite behind me and was about to walk into his room probably to unpack.

“Are you okay with this? Aren’t you going to do something?”

“You heard the man, there’s nothing we can do, just accept it, you can start by unpacking your bags and how about we go out for a cup of coffee or something’ get to know each other, my treat, what do you say?”

“Fine, but only because you’re paying.” I walked into my room and copied him.

Chapter 3

I just finished unpacking; Andrea and I are about to leave for the coffee shop.

“I’m done. Let’s go.” I grabbed my pause and changed my footwear.

“Finally, you take forever.” He got up and waited for me at the door holding it open.

“Thank you, kind sir.” Wow, I’m on a roll today; ‘you mister’, now ‘kind sir?’ even Andrea gave me a look.

“Let’s go before you get any weirder.”

“I agree.” We made our way out of the hotel and walked to the closest café, not to worry, we used Google Maps, we’re not trying to get lost.

We walked into the cafe and got a sit almost immediately; our orders were taken and we were sipping from our hot mugs in on time.

“So… why The Maldives of all places?” he asked me and relaxed into his chair.

“Sure, just jump right into the interview.”

“What? We have to start somewhere.”

“Fine, it was the pictures of the cabins on the sea, I had to check it out for myself.

You?” I answered taking a bite of my doughnut.

“Nice, I just needed a change of scenario. Home was getting too predictable.” Oh, yeah I need a tan too.

“I guess we could go to the beach together someday.” He might not be bad, I shouldn’t judge yet; but I’m going to keep my guards up, just to be safe.

We spent the rest of the day getting to know each other and we went our separate ways at the end of the night.


I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, I counted my finger and toes; complete. I looked around the room to check if I was missing anything.

Well, I don’t think he would actually steal or kill me on the first day, but what do I know?

I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I walked into the living room and the smell of pancakes led me into the kitchen.

“Did you make breakfast?” Maybe he’s not that bad. I sat on the barstool by the counter.

“Nope, room service.” He dropped a plate on the counter and sat down in front of me.

“Did you at least order for me?”

“How was I supposed to know what you wanted?”

The nerve of some people.

“Of course, I did, your plate is on the heater.” He said laughing at the look on my face.

“I would have said thank you but I don’t play with food.” I stood up, grabbed my plate, and joined him at the counter.

“Any plans for today?”

“Nah, probably just get a tan, you?”

“Good, I’m having friends over. You can stay at the beach until they leave.” The nerve.

“Hello, I live here too and I’ll come and go whenever I please.” I picked up my plate, walked into my room, and slammed the book behind me.

What was I thinking? My vacation is ruined, how am I supposed to live with someone like that. He’s not the boss of me, this is my suite too.

I was angry but the pancake didn’t have to suffer for it. I finished my food and dug out my hot bikini.

When I walked out of my room, he was nowhere to be found. I exited the hotel and walked to the beach.


After hours of tanning, I walked back to the hotel. When I got back the suite was empty. It’s not like I obey him and came late, I just lost track of time; yes, we’re going with that.

He walked in not long after I did and dropped on the couch.

“We need to talk about a suitable living arrangement.” I said.

“Okay, what do you have in mind?” I did not think this through.

I haven’t even thought about what I was going to say, I expected him to put up a fight.


“How about this; stay on your side and I’ll stay on mine. I won’t tell you what to do and you won’t either. Sounds good?”

“Good.” It seems fair enough.

“Cool, I apologize for my actions this morning, I had a rough night. Let’s go out, my treat.”

Wow, if this is how he apologizes, I might have to set traps for him (not really (really.))

“It’s cool, where do you have in mind.” Wow, free lunch twice in a roll.

I might actually have a wonderful time.

March 05, 2021 14:42

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