Fiction Contemporary Holiday

It’s May another festive season. Everyone is entirely pleased. The month of May full of JOLLY. The Camboris festival. Where the little children love to run along and beats the back of the drums, and the girls dressed in their beautiful costumes. The dance beautifully to the tunes set before them. The mothers dressed beautifully to watch the ceremony and applaud their kids, the mothers the cheerleaders, the lovers, the charity givers. The boys getting their drums and instruments as they play in an organized manner. The festival dancers, all dance in sync to the beats of the instruments. There is harmony. The trumpets are being blown and balloons fill the atmosphere. There is silence, as the queen of the festival marches in with her convoy of guards and cars and horses, band and flower girls. Every one of them arranged orderly and their actions in sync with the common goal, which is, organization and adoration of the queen, but just for the festive moments.

Idara is pleased to join the festival with her friends. She is so excited as this is her first time in Jingung. Idara,is a native of Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. She is awake before every other person and hops on Lithara’s bed. Lithara a little frightened by the noise, turns her back and sees Idara. ”You scared me”. “That’s what am meant to be doing”, Idara laughs hard. ”wake up, it’s time to get ready for the festival”. “Idara in as much as you are excited, and hyper active, we are not going in the morning, look”, she sighs. “I already told you, we are not going anywhere now. So just eat and get other things done, l you had to wake me up by 5:00am urggggghhhh! Idara”. “Joyce, melody and peace wake up, wake up” Idara shouts. “No, no, no, Idara no just start going”. Joyce shouts. Idara laughs as she knows she is out for trouble. “ Jisoo, wake up”. “Idara no no no, go”. Idara laughs hard as she goes to look for more trouble. She carries the pot and the frying spoon from the kitchen and begins to bang. “everybody wake up”. She moves room by room. They all finally wake up and as she leaves them alone, they fall back to sleep.

She recalls the words of Lithara,” we are going out in the evening”. Idara makes a sad and disappointed face. she showers and gets dressed for breakfast. she had buns and chocolate tea for breakfast. Idara refuses to do any chores. As she goes ahead to practice dress making. This really posed as a big challenge to her, as she finds it difficult to move into the world of professional tailors. Idara is trying a PROJECT UNIQUE about designing customes. Trying and trying again and again and she could not get results for the day. She decides to take a break. She goes out for a stroll and gets chicken and chips from the restaurant close. She sits by the park while admiring the environment. Idara is on holidays, so she is entirely free. Apart from the fact that she loves sewing and wants to move into another dimension of growth in the skill, she would have not done anything this holiday. She sees a dog lying sick by the road. She offers her chicken. The dog refuses to eat and would rather have her bag. Idara trying to offer the chicken and refusing to offer her bag. The dog drags her bag and she gets to pursue the dog around.

Idara tries to catch the dog so she could get her bag. This years festival has begun and today is the inauguration of the festival. The first day, the day is bright and colors fill the air. The dancers are set as they move around in their colorful costumes. The vendors are all set, people surround them to get their favorites snacks as they prepare for the festival. The boarding students come together as their school buses drops them off respectively. With each schools getting ready to show their performance. Other students from day schools are as well present. March past has begun. The students of different schools begin to show their marching talents. As well as different groups participating in the carnival. The main event is held at the stadium. But there were all going to pararde around streets showing their different displays. And finally, showcasing it at the stadium. The dog moves into the valley. “hey doggie, heyyy”, Idara shouts, “can I finally have my bag? Pleasssss,pleaasse”. As she tries to get her bag, she stumbles and falls into the valley. After the enormous performances, it is finally time for inauguration of the festival, time for the Queen Of The Festival appearance. 

Idara rolls and rolls until she finally reaches the ground. Luckily for her, the valley was not as deep as. The dog runs to check up on her as he keeps a pity face and finally decides not to struggle the bag with her. she gets up angrily. The dog follows her as he continues to ask for her forgiveness, by keeping his pity face and wagging tale all along. she forgives the dog and they journey together on the road. They would have still journeyed together anyways, just that they would not have really been friends. As they were moving, they got to a point in the road where the place was full with people, eating and buying from vendors, people dancing, a band playing instruments. “it is the carnival”, she said excitedly in her mind. She goes to get the dog a chicken and join the dancers. She moves around with them then she gets tired and she sits . Suddenly there is a pause of all activities. Idara’s curiosity makes her move forward to check what is happening. The little dog quickly follows her as it wags it’s tail. Hmmmmm, little bodyguard. 

She sees a band in front, comrade of soldiers and girls who could be addressed as flowers girls all organized as they surround the lady at the middle, whose garment was out of this world. and their actions in organization and in sync. She looks at the lady in the middle as they are approaching. She sees the garment. “I wish I could see the tailor who made her this garment”. The dog searches for his new owner all over the place, but couldn’t find her. There is a spiral transition as she moves into the garment of the queen. In the world of the queen’s garment is the 70’s. she moves around as she sees vocalists singing everywhere as tailors around are dancing to the tune of their music while sewing. She meets professional tailors who gave the perfect cuts and sewing for each costume. Making with all fabrics the most professional and world standard designs. A lady dancing and the tailor gets to sew perfect image. Creating a dancing clothe, which is the reflection of the dancing woman. She is so amazed. 

As she moves ahead, she sees the baking community as they dance to the tune of the instrumentals. A peaceful community that flows with music and their peaceful melodies. The only problem is, in all they do, there are totally fast or totally slow. In the GELUST, there are lovers of bread, so all the bakers do is make bread. She decides to tour around. And now, everything is moving totally slow, likewise her. she sees a young boy who is making fabrics. She changes direction to approach the boy. The young boy is totally focused on what he is doing, and so he does not notice her appearance. She greets him, and he gives a stare. “why hast thou cometh this way? Did thy master sent thee on an errand” he asked. “ I just came to check up on you”. “what hast thou come to do”, he asked again. “hast thou, I mean, thou hast come to check on you. How does thou doeth and hast thou decided to abide alone?”, she asks. Thou has not a master”,he laughs, “this hath occurred out of the normal. By the way, I hath not set ,mine eyes on thee on this town. Are thee a sojourner?”, he asks. “tis true, am a sojourner, but thine feel aroused by thy beautiful works. It is marvelous”. “thou loveth my beautiful works, thank you”. “why not go together with the family of the clothe and fabric makers. I see thee isolated in the bush late at night, tis not safe”. He laughs, “this is not my hometown, I was abandoned by the mother of my birth in one of Gelust’s forest. I was then picked and trained by one of the musicians. But the will of the king t’was for a stranger not to dwell with the sons of this land. For in his dreams he sees traitors in them. So I dwell here and make clothes and fabrics”. “thou willist love to learn from you if you don’t mind for your fabrics are excellently beautiful, teach me thine ways. let’s be good companions, agreed?” he smiles, “agreed”.  

 16 days later, Idara learns all the skills she needs to know from the little boy. She socializes with the people of Gelust. But to adapt to their slow mood and fast mood,Was still a problem. They begin to notice that she is not a Gelustian. However, this did not stop her from going to their tailoring world. Idara goes to visit the young boy on the fifteenth day. Then, she sees the beautiful garment in which the queen was adorned. Amazed and curious she asks, “wait, did thou make this garment?”. “the garment which you see before thine very eyes is mine handwork”. “wow, this is beautiful”. The garment shines and it’s light never goes dim. Everyone is attracted to this garment and they begin to praise the young lad. Bringing him gifts and all treasures. On this afternoon, the singers are all gathered and could not stop singing his praises. 

The king’s garment maker visits his residence. “son I will like to have a word with thee”. They move to the back of the tree, as Idara eavesdrops. “your garment, I will like to have thine garment and present it to the king”. The king’s garment maker says as he gives a beautiful smile. “I will meditate on those words and make my decision known to thee, I will inquire from mine soul”. “No there is no need for that, I just want the king to see thy good works. We move now”. Alongside the musicians, the small boy and king’s garment maker moves along. Idara sees a place written, ‘Library’ at the top. This time around everything is in fast mode. She looks at the books in the library. Immediately, a blue light shines at the left. she moves closer and she sees something written on the walls. “his garment has been stolen for centuries. For their generations come have worn the Centorn’s garment without knowing and appreciating history. Change the name of the garment maker. For the greatest garment maker remains unknown and history corrupted. Fanton Dalis not the greatest garment maker, but the Centorn. Reading this, she makes haste to the palace. 

In the front of the palace, ”give me your garment, let me present it to the king”. Idara trying to reach the palace in orderto stop the young boy(Centorn) from giving his garment.. The motion becomes slow and then moves faster. “oh no, can it just be fast here and slow wherever they are. I need to get there on time”. She reaches the palace. She sees citizens of the kingdom all gathered as the king speaks.” Of course, my great garment maker has done it again. A garment, which is the greatest of all times. No kingdom of this world can stand to compete with my garment maker. The fabrics involved in the creation of this prestigious garment is out of this world. Beautiful! I am impressed. I..”. “stop!”, everyone stops to look. “your garment maker did not make the……”. In transition she comes out of Gelust and she is by the seaside near her home, her friends all seen her. Jisoo taps her, ”what are you doing here? we’ve been looking for you”. “you missed and you were all excited for this festival”. Idara smiles, ”it’s nothing I just had to visit the orphanage. See guys we will go tomorrow, agreed? Let’s all go in”.

The next day, at the festival, they are all gathered and having fun. She sees the dog as it runs to hug her. they hug each other. The festival is going on and it’s fun. Idara believes she could just forget everything that happened in Gelust. The event is colorful and full of dancing. Till it is time to formally introduce the queen. The queen is always praised from her head to her toe. The queen’s hype man begins his songs of praises for the queen. “stop, the garment was stolen from a small boy, by the so called greatest garment maker, Fanton Dalis, whose name is Centorn. He made the garment and the one whom you praised is a thief”. She could not hold the spinning thoughts in her mind again. She believes it is not fake. The researches shows some substantial information, which is enough to proof that something like this happened in the past. “Idara sit down what are you doing?” Jisoo whispers. “Idara sit down”, both three friends murmured. Suddenly the crowd begins to murmur and then the media appears. “she is right”, a woman proclaims. “uh uh”, the crowd responds. I have been in the cell and I found this. This same garment from the underground of the cell”, the crowd is amazed. “and I found a writing inside of it. But I find it hard to read English”. “I will read it”, a person from the crowd offers to help. “I am punished for making a very structured and fine garment. Now I leave in the cell, I have made another of it. I will keep it with mine self and praise my self for my spectacular works. For the world despises me and would not praise the wonderful works of mine hands. I will appreciate and love my self. Centorn thine garment is the most beautiful of all times.”

“she is saying the truth”, there is murmuring in the crowd which turns to noise. The queen furiously, shouts, ”stop, not in my presence”. “guys I think we should trend this on twitter and facebook. If we do wkipedia can change this whole information. Sorry queen, but history needs to be documented correctly”, Idara says. “yes”, the crowd gives a powerful response as they all cooperate and within three days, Centorn is made world’s best garment maker and his two garments in the hall of fame. History has been corrected with the facts and not fallacy. It’s been three days since Idara has been missing. She was last seen in the carnival. Where might she be?

May 14, 2021 02:27

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