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I’m taking my favourite walking trail that runs through the Royal Botanic Gardens. It is April 7th, and spring was at its best, considering that it’s 6:00 pm and the sun was about to start descending west towards the unknown. I have been walking for so long, but it feels so short. The grass is as green as, well, grass, and the trees were somehow greener. Flowers as far as the eye could see, where colours that I don’t think have even been discovered yet. As I pass a bush, coming to life with colour and flowers, something was following me. I’m well into my walk and so I do not think this is peculiar, so I ignore it, it should leave at any time anyway. There is now a big ball of cotton candy surrounding the sky. It is still following me, I could tell by leaves rustling every time I stopped for a brake.

Curiosity got the better of me, so I turned to see what kind of critter was following me. I turned and a wave of warm colour hit my eyes. I could see reddish-orange, white, black paws, and two shiny black eyes. You can tell by the size that it is a little baby who escaped the family, it is a fox. I have heard of fox sightings here, but never one just following me like that! The fox came over and rubbed on my leg. He made a small screaming noise, and I must admit, it made me jump! I picked him up and realized, he is so small! I hold the fuzzball and continue my walk. I have been walking for so long, but it feels so short with my little fox. The grass is as green as the grasshoppers that come by, and the trees are somehow greener. Flowers as far as the eye could see were colours that I now think that I have seen. My fox suddenly jumped down. Though I knew this was going to happen, I’ve been dreading it. The fox found its home. It scampered to the bush and disappeared. 

I have been walking for so long, but it feels so short. The grass is as green as, well, grass, and the trees were somehow greener. Flowers as far as the eye could see, where colours that I don’t think have even been discovered yet. As I pass a bush, coming to life with colour and flowers, something was following me. I’m well into my walk and so I do not think this is peculiar, so I ignore it, it should leave at any time anyway. There is now a big blanket the colour black covered the sky. It is still following me, I could tell by leaves rustling every time I stopped for a brake.

Curiosity got the better of me, so I turned to see what kind of critter was following me. A wave of cool colours hit my eyes. I could see green, and green, and green, and brown, and green. A turtle crawled upon my path! He crawled up to me so I patted it. He was a baby and we walked together. I have been walking for so long, but it feels so short. The grass is as green as my turtle’s shell, and the trees were somehow greener. Flowers as far as the eye could see, where more colours than I could comprehend. I noticed my turtle slowing down and I stopped. He trotted away because… he found his home.

I have been walking for so long, but it feels so short. The grass is as green as, well, grass, and the trees were somehow greener. Flowers as far as the eye could see, where colours that I don’t think have even been discovered yet. As I pass a bush, coming to life with colour and flowers, something was following me. I’m well into my walk and so I do not think this is peculiar, so I ignore it, it should leave at any time anyway. There is now black with a tint of blue in the world above. It is still following me, I could tell by leaves rustling every time I stopped for a brake.

Curiosity got the better of me, so I turned to see what kind of critter was following me. I turned and a wave of dark colours hit my eyes. Brown, black, and white. An opossum has crossed my path. It is a baby, and is so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, cute! It is as big as a jelly bean! So I pick it up to put it in the pocket at the front of my shirt and continue.  I have been walking for so long, but it feels so short. The grass is as green as bamboo, and the trees were somehow greener. Flowers as far as the eye could see were colours that I don’t think have reached my eyes yet. The opossum got wriggly all of a sudden and, I know the drill, put him down and watched him scamper away.

I have been walking for so long, but it feels so short. The grass is as green as, well, grass, and the trees were somehow greener. Flowers as far as the eye could see, where colours that I don’t think have even been discovered yet. As I pass a bush, coming to life with colour and flowers, something was following me. I’m well into my walk and so I do not think this is peculiar, so I ignore it, it should leave at any time anyway. There is now a big ball of cotton candy surrounding the sky. It is still following me, I could tell by leaves rustling every time I stopped for a brake.

Curiosity got the better of me, so I turned to see what kind of critter was following me. I turned and saw my mom getting me so we could go home.

April 03, 2020 20:16

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1 comment

Megan Adams
21:10 Apr 08, 2020

I love the plot of your story! It is fluffy and I really enjoyed reading it. It is a little repetitive, but I think it was okay. And of course the story was made better with all of those cute baby animals! :-)


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