Emphasis on the Should

Written in response to: Start your story in the middle of the action.... view prompt


Sad Fantasy Suspense

This story contains sensitive content

Author's Note: This is a slightly modified excerpt from one of the books I and my writing partner are in the process of writing.

This story has some deaths in it.

No mission could ever be considered simple, but this one should have been as uncomplicated as they came, Darien mused darkly as he took cover behind a broken down wall.

Emphasis on the should.

The mission had been to investigate a suspicious occurrence in Izunti—and nothing important ever happened in the small, inconspicuous town of Izunti. Darien should know—he used to live there. When he and his team of Phoenix Warriors had gone to investigate, he hadn’t even bothered to bring along any of the other queen’s guard, certain that whatever the situation actually was, it would turn out to be so small and inconsequential that it would be a good chance for some of the other Warriors under his command to stretch their legs.

In hindsight, he now saw that was a deadly mistake.

When he and the twelve Phoenix Warriors under him arrived at the town, they found not a city, but a smoldering wreckage. The report of its destruction, or even its attack, had never reached the royal palace—because there was no one left alive to report. Shocked and distraught at the utter destruction of his former hometown, Darien had led his team down into the wreckage to find out who had done such a thing.

Now there were only four of them left—and they had found out, all right.

Report, he kythed to his three remaining warriors.

South Wall, twenty paces away from your position, Endrus, his scout, replied. No sign of her.

East side, next to the Reshuin, Finwae chirped. He was the youngest of the original group and was clearly panicked. I think she’s coming my way!

Hold on, Finwae, we’re coming, Darien told him. Archeon?

Archeon was Darien’s second in command and was the most collected of the three.

I’m to the North, Archeon responded, his thoughts sounding strained. I had a wall collapse on me so I’m going to be a bit.

Need help? Darien asked, concerned. Archeon knew his limits, but he had a tendency to understate his injuries. “I had a wall collapse on me” could mean anything from he was mildly inconvienenced by a blocked passageway to he was nearly unconscious with more bones broken than not.

I’m…fine. Archeon replied reluctantly. My right leg is broken, but I’m mobile. I—

She’s here! Finwae interrupted fearfully. She’s right on to—

To the east, Darien saw a purple glow erupt as he heard Finwae scream in his head.

Two left. And no time to mourn Finwae.

Endrus, he barked, get to Archeon and get him out of here. I’ll draw her off.

I’m not leaving you, Phoenix! Archeon responded sharply. She’s not one to take alone, and I’ll just slow Endrus down if she goes after him. Someone must get a report back to the castle!

Sir? Endrus asked.

Darrien paused for the briefest of moments. Go, he told Endrus. I’ll get Archeon.

He felt Endrus give an acknowledgement, then turn to make his way out. If he was going to escape, he was going to need a distraction. A big one.

Cover your eyes, Archeon, he said. Closing his eyes, he felt inside him for the golden energy that he knew was there—Phoenix.

I’m going to need a Endric Burst, he said, think you can manage that?

The day I can’t manage an Endric Burst is the day I join your great-grandfather in the House of the Elderly, a female voice replied drily in his head. Darien felt that the energy presence he was bonded with was a little insulted with the question.

I know you shouldn’t have any issues with it. He consoled the miffed Phoenix, I was just making sure nothing wrong had happened. With everyone we’ve lost today…

We have no time for remorse! The energy presence reprimanded him. We will discuss later—you must press your attack now!

Nodding, he stood up from the wall he had been behind and jumped into the air.

Pushing every ounce of energy he had into the motion, Darien burst into flame, throwing a massive shockwave of golden energy throughout the ruined city.

“Coward!” He yelled, allowing Phoenix to amplify and supplement his voice, while holding him up in the air where he had jumped. “You stay to the shadows, striking in ambush! Are you too afraid to fight like a true warrior? Come and face—”

A burst of purple flame came out of the south, sending him flying.

Moments later, Darien woke up on the street, his head spinning. Vaguely, he realized he had somehow landed right in front of what used to be his house.

The sight of it sparked a memory—of a Dark Mage he had defeated some two years ago. Before the war.

May you die at your own home!” the gnarled old crone had bitterly told him while she had been led away by the royal guard. Darien had laughed the curse off at the time, amused by her choice of words. His own home? That was exactly where he wanted to die, surrounded by his family and friends.

Now he wondered if her curse had been serious after all.

Darien! Archeon said in his mind, forcing him to focus back on the moment.

I’m fine, Darien said, trying to sit up. He was immediately stopped by a large black shard that was buried in his shoulder that he had not noticed. Or maybe not so fine, he amended, trying to make the situation lighter than it was. He was pinned to the ground—and from everything he had seen of the shadowy opponent, he had no doubts whatsoever that it was intentional.

I’m coming! Archeon replied hurriedly.

No, Darien said , you need to get out of here before she loses interest with me.


Go, Archeon. Darien said firmly, shutting out the mental link between them. It would be best if Archeon did not feel what happened next.

“That was not what I meant when I said face me out of the shadows,” he said out loud, trying to keep his voice steady.

“The shadows suit me, Phoenix,” a dark figure replied, appearing out of the darkness. “The question is, how do you like them?”

The dark shard in Darien’s shoulder exploded, and he was immediately overwhelmed with the cold.

He hadn’t felt cold since…

Phoenix? He asked. There was no answer.

“Phoenix is gone,” the figure said, stepping closer to where Darien could see her face. “You don’t deserve her.”

Darien’s heart went even colder than he felt.

“You.” He said, not wanting to believe what he saw. “I thought that you were—”

The last thing he saw was a wave of purple fire coming at him.

The last thing he heard was Archeon screaming.

June 23, 2023 02:01

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17:41 Jun 23, 2023

I can definitely tell this was a part of the book that you were in charge of writing, Euldna...it has none of my sparkling wit added in :) But no idioms? I would have thought you would have added at least one in there! You really were devoted to making it serious!


Euldna Wandheath
02:57 Jul 08, 2023

Of course. Although idioms can be serious too.


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