
On a warm summer morning I was sitting at a bus stop waiting for the 8:43 near my house in Pittsburgh. I’ve been working as a chef for approximately 4 years and was mostly satisfied with my career. However like most careers they come with good days and bad days. This day was not good or bad, it would be great!

However this Friday morning started so differently. I noticed a teenager was there who I had not recognized before. I’ve been taking this bus since I started my career and knew everyone else who was going to work at this time. This teenager looked really scared and extremely nervous. I asked this stranger what was wrong. He replied, “No need to worry about me I’m in a bad place. I recently lost my job. My father owned an Italian restaurant that he inherited from my grandfather. I was making good money and we couldn’t keep up with finances. My father had to sell the business and now I’m on my way to a job interview that I’m not even qualified for. I’m a dishwasher and salad/dessert maker. I have no cooking experience whatsoever and I’m lost.” I told this kid we all have to start somewhere. Even a dishwasher and salad/dessert maker has way more experience working in a restaurant than most people ever will. I said, “I started off as a busboy and knew absolutely nothing about cooking when I started and now I’m a chef. You need to not beat yourself up and always look to the positives. You can’t climb a staircase by only taking one step. You need to give yourself time to build from your experiences. You said you’re not qualified for this job you’re interviewing for but I’m sure you know something about it!” I felt I was his only hope. I couldn’t imagine the family having to give up his grandfather‘s business.

I paused for a moment and could see the tears start to run down his face. Just by his demeanor I knew he was hurting. I told him my name was Dan and I was a chef at Grada’s Restaurant. Then I asked myself how could I help this poor kid? I was impressed by how polite and open he was. I told him I wanted to help. I asked him how long he had been working at his father’s restaurant. His response was, “Almost 2 years. My father has been there for over 30 years and knows the procedures and menu like the back of his hand. I’ll never be as good as him when it comes to anything, My grandfather and him worked so hard and it’s not fair.” I said to him, “Of course it’s not fair. How do you expect to know things that your dad would know who has been there 30 years when you look like a teenager.” I realized it was 8:43 and my bus was coming. I asked him if he would be boarding this bus and he said he was waiting for the 8:50. I sat there and once again saw his despair. I sat down again after already gathering my belongings. I asked for his name and he said, “Chad.” The doors of the bus opened and I watched the other riders board and I remained seated next to Chad. Chad said, “Isn’t this your bus?“ I responded, “Not today, I have more important things to do.” “What else do you have to do?” Chad asked me. “You seem to pretty well off.“ I called my general manager (Benito) and told him I would be late. Benito was upset because I was the one responsible for preparing the ingredients in the morning and he would not be able to open the restaurant on time without me there. Then I had an idea that wouldn’t upset Benito or Chad.

I called Benito back and asked if I could bring my new friend Chad to the restaurant. Benito seemed confused and told me I needed to be there fast because he had to get lots of food ready for the catered wedding that was happening later that evening. I totally forgot this was the day Benito really needed me to be prompt so we wouldn’t disappoint the wedding guests.

We arrived at Grada’s at approximately 9:50, nearly an hour after my 9 am scheduled start time. Chad asked how he could help and immediately started working. Benito was impressed and asked where I found him and why he came. I explained Chad’s situation to him and told him Chad had restaurant experience and was showing a great work ethic. Benito hired him on the spot and Chad became our newest Maitre D.

Chad was so thankful and wouldn’t stop telling me how happy he was for this opportunity. Benito was more than satisfied with his newest employee. Benito ended up promoting me to head chef after 6 weeks when Ernie retired. Ernie worked there for 17 years and I felt he never gave me the respect I deserved since he was the head chef. This head chef promotion was a surprise to me. Although I was happy with my promotion I was skeptical of why Benito chose me over the other 5 chefs. All 5 of them worked there longer. I asked Benito why this happened and he said to me he was so impressed with Chad that he wanted to promote me to show me gratitude.

I talk to Chad at work and we take the 8:43 bus together now. It seems that Chad is much happier nowadays and really likes his job at Grada’s restaurant. Recently I asked Chad about the day we met at the bus stop. I said to him, “Chad, by the way what job were you interviewing for when I met you?” His response was, ”A head chef position at Mara’s Italian Cusine.” Mara’s is our rival restaurant. I said to Chad, “I guess you didn’t get that job.”

July 04, 2020 03:43

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