
Everyone was enjoying the humid filled room that protected them from the pelting rain during the Winter School day. The fluffy warmth complemented the heartfelt feelings that everyone felt amongst their own personal friend groups. Each cluster within the four corners, spreading around their own giggles, food aromas, and signature phrases.

One group, the one closest to the heaters, the one created by the elders of the school. The graduates. One group was louder than the others, having more fun than the others, and enjoyed the fluffy warmth more than the others.

"Have you had any ideas of what you wanna do for your 18th"

"I was thinking, because its over the long weekend, we could do something Sunday to Monday, so people who work the weekend can enjoy it"

"Yeah, one problem, most people will go away for a holiday"

"I know Im probably gonna have to do a Friday or Saturday night the week before or after"

A third voice scooter in mid-conversation. She was the partner of the birthday girl, and her slick words would stick to people like honey.

"No matter what day I wouldn't come, I have exams and work on Sunday"

"Yeah I know, Im trying to work around your work. But surely you can take a break to celebrate my birthday"

"Nah its just a birthday I have more important things"

Her slick words like honey so do sink in like venom. But the fluffy warmth of the room and the carefree giggles of girls made that venom so honey-like. Because it was a giggle moment, the venom hidden under.

"Mary be nice to your gf, Valentines is coming up soon do you two have any plans"

"Why do we need to plan that far a head?"

"It would be nice to plan something or have an idea babe"

"Its so far away there is no point don't get you hopes up I might be working that holiday as well"

"We don't have to do something on the day, we could do it before or after"

"Just seems pointless"

She giggled after that, and so did the others except only one was a fake forced giggle.

"Why cant we plan something nice in advanced, it will keep you on the good side of both our strict parents who need 2 working weeks to agree so anything"

"I just don't see the point in planing 2 months ahead, you don't know what could happen between that time"

The fluffy humid air became stale and blistering in the creation of these sweet venom words.

"I mean it will be one year of dating after Valentine so it can be something sweet or simple I don't care, I just wanna spend some time with you"

"Well why, why does it have to be on a specific day, why do we have to plan it in advance. Its not an actual holiday ya know"

"I just think it would be nice to do something nice"

"Pfft that makes so sense"

"What do you mean, I think everyone here agrees that it would be nice to plan something"

"But why would you plan so far ahead when you don't know what life will be like in two months"

"I was just bringing the conversation up. God its hot in here Claire can you open that window a bit and switch seats with me"

Same slid over into Claire's now empty chair and embraced the cold rain-soaked air, the smell of forest leaves and light spatter of aqua on her right cheek.

Letting her warm humid breath entangle with the cold rain-soaked air Sam said.

"Claire its not hard to ask or wrong to plan something two months in advance considering that Marry's parents need two months to say yes and then no and then swap back to yes like a bi-polar"

"Yeah come on Mary your parents are crazy strict. Like I thought Sam had psycho parents who need weeks in advanced, but your parents are like her parents but on crack cocaine."

“No there not”

“Yes they are you even admitted it”

“Well either way, there right, perhaps we souldn’t plan things in advance, after all I might be homeless again if they decide they actually don’t want me back home”

“We can just hang out and get fish n chips, we don’t have to do something expensive”

Both girls looked away, the middle looking up. The venom one still hell bent on her venom words, the middle pressed between to heated forces and the last. The last staring longingly outside the window, so lonely, so lonely.

No friends around her could make her feel less lonely because it did seem pointless to plan something because the venom words held daggers and she knew why they were there. But Sam wanted the satisfaction of the pieces falling together. She knew things from other people, and she knew the daggers hidden under the thick black venom, so she waited and so she still waits in her lonely world. And the middle girl watches and feels uncomfortable being between the two and the venom girl is blind by the pieces that are fitted perfectly inside the last girl's head.

The silence was thick and not invisible as it should be. It stood, pushed up against the wall, and shot like a beanstalk up, pushing its neck into the ceiling; with its head cranked harshly to the left. It watched with a wide smile if silence could smile.

“Just dosent seem worth it Sam”

“Well I guess not”

“Yeah its not”

More thick silence. This time it covered the room in its shadow.

“Are we still going to that movie tonight Mary”

“ugh yeah I guess so I have been wanting to see it and no one else will go with me”

“Perhaps Claire?”

“I’m not watching a cartoon movie, you two can go together”

“Perhaps you could come with us Claire, we can make it a friend’s night if we invite Emma and Alana”

“No, you two go, I know for a fact the others won’t go”

“Yeah I guess we can still go tonight Sam”

“Cool I'll look at the times”


August 21, 2020 05:09

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