
I started participating last month and my first stories were accepted, but in the past two contests my stories were rejected with no explanation of what was wrong with them. I looked through the terms of use and I do not see any reason why they would have been rejected. Is anyone else having this problem?

I've been excited to participate and would love to continue to

participate. However, I don't see any reason to continue participating in a

contest where my stories will be thrown out with no explanation of what I did

wrong. I cannot fix whatever issue I've run into, and it'd be much easier for

me to write without having to stick to a weekly prompt.

Is anyone else having this problem, or is it an isolated even

that I've somehow fallen into? I would love to continue participating, but I’m

not going to put in the effort if it’s going to be flat out rejected without


To make matters more difficult, there’s no way that I could find to message the people running the contest to reach out to them for a remedy on either my part or theirs.

So, here’s my story that I’ve written off the cuff. I hope you hate it. LOL

The man had never seen a pink frog before, but the rough white bark of the tree made it stand out like an elephant sized pimple on the back of a side alley dipsomaniac. The dark brown bark and bright green foliage of the surrounding trees made the pink frog on the white tree really stand out. He had wandered into the woods during his lunch break, after he had finished his meatball sub, which he always ordered with no sauce and no cheese. His life was filled with chaos in his job, chaos in his home, and chaos in traveling between the two. He didn’t need any more chaos added to his life.

The busy streets of cars honking and people yelling was a vastly different world from the one he found himself standing in now. His co-worker Nancy told him that exploring the woods in middle of city were a great way to get away from the chaos of the city-but he never expected it to be anywhere near this large or this intriguing. After walking for nearly forty-five minutes, he assumed he would have discovered the other side of the woods and they would have dumped him back into the city. Ten minutes behind him, the trail had disappeared, but once he spotted the pink frog he also realized he could no longer see the buildings that had surrounded the woods a few minutes before.

Rustling of dead leaves being trampled underfoot filled the woods. He turned around and faced whatever evil was approaching. A small female voice called out to him, “Frank! I’m so happy you finally decided to take my advice.”

Frank responded, “Hey Nancy.” He chuckled. “Yeah, I finally decided to see what magic these woods held over you that made you talk to me about it every day for the past five years.”

Nancy’s grin filled her face. “Well, I’m sure you understand now, right?”

He shook his head at her. “No, not really. I’m not even sure what I’m seeing. At first it looked like any other forest I’ve seen pictures of. However, for the past several minutes it’s looked nothing like what I’d imagined it would look like in here. How much farther do I have to walk before I get to the other side?”

Nancy hugged him tight to her and whispered into his ear, “You don’t understand. There is no other side. It goes on forever.”

Frank pushed her away from him with a gentle nudge and held his hands up in front of him. “I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at, but everything has a beginning and an end.”

She grabbed his hands, interlocking her fingers with his. “Not here. Not now. Here and now we’re going to be together for the rest of eternity.”

He yanked his hands out of hers and walked back toward the entrance to the woods. “No, I have a wife and five kids to get back to.”

She put her hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed as the pink frog croaked behind her. Her voice was a low whisper. “But, you’re not happy at home, in the city, or at work. You’ve been looking for an escape for the past five years. That’s why I started working with you. I’ve been trying to rescue you ever since you wished that day in the park. You were sitting on the bench, eating your bland sandwich, and looking at the woods you’d always been too afraid to enter. Now you’re here and now you’re free. Your wife and kids won’t even remember that you’d left. Everything’s been taken care of for you and we can enjoy the rest of eternity here in these woods, together, and carefree.”

Frank slowly turned around to face Nancy and her deep brown eyes were fixed on him. A strong wind stirred through the tops of the trees and their branches creaked as their leaves made a loud rustling noise over their heads. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. Nancy pet his head and whispered softly to him. “Don’t worry my pet. No harm will come to you and you’ll be happier than you’ve ever been. No more worrying about getting up at four in the morning. No more wife yelling at you for waking her up because you’re too loud in the shower. No more children screaming that they hate you. No more boss threatening to fire you for not turning in your monthly report on time. No more co-workers holding up your progress and never having to take the blame for your late or inaccurate work. Don’t you understand? You’re free.”

Frank tried to tell her that he didn’t understand. He tried to tell her that he didn’t want to trade his life. He tried to tell her that everyone complains, but that doesn’t mean they want to lose everything they have. He tried to tell her that he loved his life and loved his wife and loved his kids, especially his baby girl who would be starting kindergarten next year. But, all that came out was a croak.

Nancy picked up the pink frog from in front of her and kissed it on the lips. She pet its head and set it on the bark of the white tree.


Far away in a small brick home sat a little girl in a beige recliner. Next to her sat her mom. The little girl looked over and her and asked, “Mommy. Why didn’t you ever get married?”

Tammy looked at her and shrugged her shoulders. “Oh, I don’t know sweetie. It just never seemed to work out with anyone I’d ever dated.”

The little girl frowned at her mommy. “What happened to daddy?”

Tammy scrunched her eyebrows together. “You know baby, I don’t really remember your daddy. Hey, your siblings will be home from school any minute now. I need to go out and wait for their bus. We can talk about this later ok sweetie?” With that Tammy stood up, stretched, and went outside.

Posted May 28, 2021

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Sometimes that just happens. I've been on reedsy for about 8 or nine months now, and only about 20% of them have been accepted. Even some of what I believed to be my best haven't.
Sometimes you just have to move on. Don't let not getting accepted deter your passion for writing; you have a lot of talent for sure!
Keep writing! the more you put out there, the more chance you have of winning!


18:43 May 28, 2021

So it's not a problem with my submission? It's just that some fall through the cracks? If that's the case, I can live with that. I just don't want to be doing something wrong and none of them getting accepted. One seemed like an anomaly. Two in a row felt like I was doing something wrong.


yes, yes! youre totally good, your writing is great!


19:26 May 28, 2021

Thanks! I appreciate your compliment. :-) :D :D

But, I was wondering if I was not following some contest guideline that was getting my stories rejected.


Oh, i don't think so! pretty sure they have to be between 1k and 3k words...and other things. you can find them on the contest page.


Allie Mae Sakry
18:21 Jul 06, 2021

ALRIGHT, time for my two cents on this story:
WOAH. Nancy, whyyy?? I’m guessing she’s a fairy godmother of sorts, but wow did she change everything. The mystery of Frank not liking or actually enjoying the change will forever haunt me. Is he happy?? The world may never know. I liked the oddity of the pink frog, signifying that Frank isn’t in Kansas anymore. He has entered the Twilight Zone. I could see this as an episode, honestly. Not sure if a horror element was supposed to be there, but I felt that and I loved it. And now he lives in a forest. Forever.
I like it. Good job, Clinton!!


Allie Mae Sakry
18:09 Jul 06, 2021

Hey Clinton, I’ve been following you for quite a while now, and I really enjoy your stories! The thing about being accepted isn’t just that you follow the guidelines, it’s also that the judge reading your story has to think it’s good enough to pass on. Most of the stories I’ve written haven’t been accepted at all. In fact, out of the 12 I’ve submitted (the bad ones I didn’t like I deleted off my account), only 4 have ever been accepted as eligible for the contest. They followed the guidelines, they just weren’t good enough to be considered. They receive a loooot of submissions, and there’s only so much reading the few people that determine the winner can do. So don’t feel like your work is inadequate, it’s just that some of the judges have differing opinions on what they think should be passed on and have the best chances of winning based on the prompt and theme. I love your stories, and all that matters should be that your readers like it, but most importantly that YOU are proud of what you write! Please keep submitting, I’d be so sad if you stopped!! 💛


15:50 Jul 07, 2021

Thank you so much! I will continue writing and submitting stories. ☺️


11:23 Jun 12, 2021

Loved the story, really didn't see that huge twist coming. I would honestly be really interested in reading a second part and hopefully Frank makes it out?! As everyone has said, your descriptions are so so amazing and I really look forward to reading your stories. I really enjoyed that bit of an emotional rollercoaster when you wrote "He turned around and faced whatever evil was approaching " and then we find out it's Nancy and breathe a sigh of relief and then bam she's trapped him in the forest. What?! The story, as a whole, was amazing.
Also, please continue writing. I, for one, have really enjoyed your stories. I also found that one of my stories had not been approved and when I didn't hear back as to why, I reached out on the live chat on the Reedsy website where someone put me in touch with someone from the contests who let me know what happened so that could be helpful for you maybe? It's always nerve-wracking when you don't know why.


12:55 Jun 12, 2021

Woah, thanks for your words of encouragement. I will definitely write more, but I’m taking a break at the moment from this contest. I’ll consider writing a sequel, but for now I can’t imagine how he would escape. Maybe good fairies?


Svara Narasiah
13:53 Jun 09, 2021

Yep, it’s happening to me too. I’ve written 27 stories and 2 of them were not approved, though they fit the prompt and nothing was wrong with them. I think it’s because more authors are being added to Reedsy, which makes for more stories, so the judges may not have enough time to read them all. I hope they get some more judges so all stories can be read. The story here was amazing, by the way!!! Don’t let this get you down, keep writing :)


14:00 Jun 09, 2021

Thanks! I’m glad to know it’s not just happening to me. I was starting to think that I was doing something wrong. ☺️


Svara Narasiah
14:02 Jun 09, 2021



Francis Daisy
01:53 Jun 07, 2021

Be bold and brave! Drive on! You are writing and writing well. Not every story is accepted; can you imagine how many submissions the judges have to look at and read through each week? At least we have one another to rely on.

I love how you likened your pink frog to a pimple on a tree! Such an image! Your descriptions are amazing!


Monica June
18:15 May 30, 2021

Oh, that's interesting- I actually didn't think they rejected any stories. Thankfully (although oddly), all of mine have been accepted. I don't know why; your writing is much better than mine xD
I love reading your stories, please keep writing for all of those who enjoy!!


18:32 May 30, 2021

Thank you Monica, I really appreciate your word of encouragement!!! 💗


Monica June
18:36 May 30, 2021

Of course!!


20:25 May 28, 2021


You're an amazing writer. Please, please don't let your stories not being approved deter you from posting. It would break my heart.

Now for your story...

I really like the creativity you instilled in this story although I truely wish it could have been expanded more. You've got some great material. I found myself confused w/ this sentence so I think you should take a look at it:

"His co-worker Nancy told him that the woods in middle of city a great way to get away from the chaos of the city, but he never expected it to be anywhere near this large or this intriguing. "

I love this sentence:

"The man had never seen a pink frog before, but the rough white bark of the tree made it stand out like an elephant-sized pimple on the back of a side alley dipsomaniac."

You're a king at descriptions! I especially love how you described the white tree in the forest. How peculiar. I could relate to this story b/c I'm sure my mother feels the same way as Frank at times. So much chaos raising 7 rowdy children(Of course I'm quite the opposite)! Again, the storyline was so interesting. I'd love to read a longer version!

My friend, keep writing, and please keep posting. It would tear me to see you go! I want you to remember why you write. Don't you want to become a better story-baker? Do you write to get your stories accepted or do you write to improve? Your stories getting accepted won't help you to successfully write and sell a book. It's your skill and creativity that will. Please, please don't give up. It would break my heart to see you go.

Keep up the good work! Looking forward to reading your writing in the future!!!


21:23 May 28, 2021

Thank you so much for your encouragement and your high praise. I definitely don't feel like I deserve any of it, but I definitely love to hear it. :D I've fixed that terrible sentence you pointed out. Thank you so much for your input!


21:25 May 28, 2021

What matters is that I feel like you deserve it. Seriously dude, believe in yourself. And your welcome:)


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