Amusement and the Amusing Muse😉

Written in response to: Write about a mentor whose methods are controversial.... view prompt


Adventure Christian Middle School

Exercise this.

(I think we could all use a 😹 laugh.)

May I introduce you to my good friend, Argot.


Sometimes the absurd is the only way to go.😜


When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Whatever it takes.

History has a way of repeating itself.

The good.

The bad.

The ugly.

The politics of identity and identities have gone off the rails…….

And, No.

It is not “funny.”

Neither are the lies spun in the incessant webs of deception.

In the interest of winning a valuable, valuable tool.

Of voice.

Well, at least here.

In the us of the US.



The demonstrations are nice and all,


It doesn’t cut the mustard in the long run.

And the best it can be in the bored moment, is a “time filler.”

What is the US UN-employment rate anyhow?…….

At this point in time…..Who is paying for what……

Disclaimer: I believe most people are good.

Basically good. At least.

But when we need to take it a step further.

Further, better, less empty.

Who will be in your corner when you are “going down?”🫣🤦🏼🙋‍♀️

Not adjacent.

To you.

There is a line that forms at the front, ya know.

Wait your turn.

Does anybody really know what they are talking about these days?

Easier said than done, of course.

Superficiality is a killer.

A killer.

An eye for an eye?

No. Nope.

In order to fight along side of a person for the sake of others, best to know what you are doing. Otherwise, fools rush in.


There a lot of ‘em.


Don’t be one of them.

You’ll know ‘em, when you see ‘em, of course.

The long version, in case you may be wondering: Fools rush in where wise men fear to tread.”






On the one hand. The phrase is used as a warning of sorts. To warn or criticize someone for being to impulsive or naive.

”Can’t help it.”?……..

Sometimes, in the best of times or the worst of times, the lies and the truths run back and forth right in front of our eyes. Foolish people usually do not understand when a situation is dangerous, so they are not afraid to do things that would frighten more sensible people. (mh)

Or. Maybe they just don’t care.


Gives whole new meaning to “piggybacking.”🐷

When did aging gracefully become a “right.”

Taken away from another’s “right.” Wrapped in a beautiful piggy’s blanket of stolen “rights.”

This little piggy went to market.

This little piggy stayed home.

This little piggy had roast beef.

This little piggy had none.


This little piggy cried, “wee,wee, wee” all the way home.😳

Fools rushing. Around. Circling. Showing up is oftentimes half the battle.


When we don’t know what we don’t know.

The little piggies are here, there, everywhere. And they instinctively believe it is their right to speak in delight of how they got to where they got.

Enter: Argot. To stir the pot even faster, further and oftentimes messier.

As in “I’m gonna mess you up.”

Be patient with Argot. He knows not what he does.


He can be a miserable guy.

He doesn’t want others to understand him, really.

Keeping folks at arm’s length, on egg shells, and on their toes is where he prefers his nemesis-enemy-frenemies.

Good and Evil. (Ct) wrapped up in a stud-ly, “hot” “package.” All that is missing is the icing on top, the bow of validation. The hoots and hollers during the strut.

Argot belongs to a group called “The Argotiers.” (Aka/ Thieves.)

They charm.

They smile.

They induce.

They coerce.

They trick.

They smile,

A crooked smile.

They re-group.

They pounce.

They denounce.

They bring you to your knees.

And do it all over.

The next day.

They speak in tongue.

The tongues of the language of the dark, the language of the misery.

From time, to time,

They will throw you a bone.


When you go to retrieve it.

Stomp right on your hand.

Maim you.

Lame you.


LAUGH—amongst their thievery selves, of course.

And plan for tomorrow.

”Under the strictest definition, an argot is a proper language with its own grammatical system.Such complete secret languages are rare because the speakers usually have some public language in common, on which the argot is largely based.(wk)


Their favorite hole?

The loophole.

Their counter parts- The lexeme.

(No. Nope. Not the legume.)

Remember: Dog. Bone. Stomp. Hand.

They use codes.

A subset of the “boss thieves” is the, are the

”Coded Argots.”




Already did.



They are the ring leaders.

In order throw the rest of us off balance.

It does.

Or can.

Throw us off balance.

So does exhaustion.

Being one step ahead has its benefits.

Makes no real difference if controversy is the basis of Argot thievery.

Current events inform us daily there is enough controversy to fill one thousand gagillion lifetimes. But, for the most of us. We only have,



Use it wisely.

Carry yourself honestly fearlessly.

That way. The energy you really need to get the job done.


With, And,

In your reserves.🙂

The steadfast ones who know how to fight the good fight.

The Good Fight.

The Good Ones.

Not the silly, foolish fights. Although the good ones will carry that fight too.

For the masses.

Who follow the scriptural path.

Of goodness.

They have been around the block enough to know the fights worth the fight.


They are well aware of the resistance to the great and the good.


They do not like it.

I don’t know about your reasons for a well lived life, but I will go with these guys.

Hands down.

They won’t stomp on my hand when I reach for their help.

They understand the communication of a hard work, hard fought.

They do not speak in the anti language within a society in order to bring it down.

They bring it up.


Productively even.


If feels good.

It feels right.👍🏻

October 27, 2023 17:07

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