
The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky. What a beautiful scenery! Today is your big day. You looked yourself in the mirror and smiled. You were preparing for your date that evening and was truly excited to see Isabella. Had it already been two years since Isabella and you being together? You started remembering the first time you saw her and you’d knew that she is your girl. You just knew it. And, today, being it is your anniversary, you were planning on telling her how much you love her by giving her a promise ring. Isabella was aware of your intense feelings. However, she doesn’t know that one day you dream of marrying her. Yes, that is how serious you are about your relationship.

That’s because you felt that everything in your world has been perfect. During your high school days, many of your friends have broken up or argue all the time – well you and Isabella are different. Both of you barely argue, as you have so much in common with Isabella and, quite frankly, nothing else can make a life better. However.....if the two of you broke up for any reason, you don’t know what you’d do. Would you cry? Would you argue and shout at her? As a guy, you hope you would not. It’s just that she has such a huge impact on you and you would end up crying your heart out and doing things that will make you regret later. Whatever you do, there’s one thing for sure. You would never or ever trust anyone again.

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

You saw your computer was buzzing with emails. You glanced at your watch and realized that you had been way up too early for your date. As you were checking your email, you notice a letter that makes you stop in your tracks.

It was from Isabella.....

Dear Drake,

I'll always have a special place in my heart for you. At times, our relationship felt like it was the best thing that had ever happened to me, but lately, everything has felt wrong. It pains me to admit this, but my love for you has faded away. I feel like it would be best if we ended our relationship.

I can't stay in a relationship where there is no love, and it isn't fair to you to be stuck in a relationship that's a lie. I hope you're able to move on and meet someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved. And I’m sorry Drake to ruin our three years of anniversary day. I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry.



Your eyes were filled to the brim with tears. You could hold the heartbreak no longer and you fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as your grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears. How could she? You thought to yourself. After three whole years....three whole, perfect years she wants to end of relationship? What gives?

Hours went by. Your tears were starting to dry up. You could still remember the day you first met her. You could feel the memories of her being with you flooding back.



You were a pretty normal teenage boy, just a lot more quiet and independent than other students in your school. You didn’t find a lot of friends you liked or girls who stood out to you. But that all changed when a new student was introduced to your class one day. Her name was Isabella. Isabella was a beautiful girl with a lily-white flawless skin. Unlike all of the other girls in your class, she didn’t wear make-up. All of her beauty was purely natural.

“Class, this is Isabella. She came all the way from France and is happy to be here at our school,” Mrs. Sophie, your English teacher announced. “Why don’t you go sit in that empty seat next to Drake?”

Your heart raced. She was going to sit next to you! She smiled and sat down. Later, in the cafeteria, you noticed that Isabella was sitting alone at a table writing in her journal. You finally got up the courage and went to introduce yourself to her.

“Hi! You were the boy I sat next to, right?” You nodded. “Yeah, I’m Drake. I noticed you were sitting alone and….I was just wondering if I could sit here with you as I don’t have much of a group to sit with either,” You said. She told you that would be fine with a smile plastered across her face that makes your heart flutter.

Minutes seemed like hours as both of you talked about everything. She told you all about her family and how was her life in France. She also told you that she seemed nervous to transfer to a new school as she’s a bit of an introvert and is not quick in making friends. When she told you she had never had a boyfriend, you were struck in the head. To make it casual, you started another conversation bringing up the school prom dance. “My friends and I will be there. Would you like to go with me then?” You asked. She had a surprised and bewildered look on her face that can’t be described. “I’d love to,” she whispered. The bell rang. You told Isabella that you would see her in three days at the dance.

Three days passed. The night had arrived. You cleared your anxious mind and looked at the clock. It was 7.30 p.m. You looked at the mirror and combed back your brown hair with your hands. You still couldn’t quite absorb the fact that you were taking the most beautiful, kindhearted girl in your school to the dance. Just then the double doors opened, and Isabella walked in. She was even more beautiful than the day you saw her with her red and white patterned sleeveless dress.

“You look amazing. Do you want to dance?” You asked her. She hesitated at first, but then she agreed. You led her to the dance floor. It began to go smoothly.

“Drake?” she whispered

“Yeah?” You said.

“Thank you so much, Drake. This means so much to me. I mean I’ve always been lonely until you came. You showed me how to open up to others and I’m grateful for that. I know I came here just a few days ago, but for me, it seems that I’ve known you forever”

A tear rolled down her cheek. She looked up at you. “I’m sorry…..I just…” Without thinking, you lightly kissed her. But to your surprise, she didn’t draw back. Both of you were smiling and laughing at each other. That day was a perfect night for both of you.


“Hey, Drake!”

You were shaken up a bit. You turned around and looked up. It was Andy, your best friend.

“Is everything okay?”

“NO, I'm not…Who the hell did she think she is? Just breaking up with me with no valid reason. I doubt she has been cheating behind my back…”

“Drake, hadn’t she tell you?”

“Tell me what…”

“Belle has cancer. She has probably only a year or a few months left to live. She loved you so much that she wanted you to move on. She can’t bear the thought of hurting you,”

Andy continued to speak but you weren’t listening to him anymore. Your mind was filled with so much information that you weren’t thinking straight anymore. You looked back at the promise ring you were planning to give to Isabella. As of now, this ring will be called a wedding ring. You vowed to marry Isabella and promised to protect her and stay with her as long as she lives.

Through her challenges and problems, she will face in her life.

No matter what. Always and forever.

Posted Jun 26, 2020

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72 likes 151 comments

Deborah Angevin
21:40 Jul 03, 2020

Well-written story; it gave me a lot of emotions reading it. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Would you mind checking my recent story out too? Thank you! :)


00:26 Jul 04, 2020

Thank you Deborah! I'm glad you liked it!😊

Sure, no problem! Have a great day Deborah! :))))


Dee Lee
04:43 Jul 02, 2020

Good story! I loved how you used colorful words to properly depict the situations in your work. There are a few things to work on, but you did a really good job. Kudos!


05:58 Jul 02, 2020

Thank you Dee! I'm glad you liked it! Your story was also great!

Have a great day Dee!😊


Khizra Aslam
10:33 Jul 01, 2020

A sweet story with a quite emotional ending ❤ keep it up👏


11:14 Jul 01, 2020

Thank you Khizra! I'm glad you liked it!😊

Have a great day Khizra!❤️️


Anupama Iyer
05:45 Jun 30, 2020

Nice try... I loved the flashback portion a lot !
Keep writing !


06:16 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you Carnia! Really appreciate this comment you gave me!😊

You too!❤️️


Dobby's Sock
05:20 Jun 30, 2020

Hey Harshini
I noticed a lot of switching back and forth between tenses in one single line, some errors in the prose and such. I like the structuring however, which is necessary in even a short story so that is one attention catching thing about this one.


06:14 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you so much Dobby! If you don't mind, can you point out some mistakes I did? It will be really helpful for me!😊
Have a great day Dobby! :)))


Dobby's Sock
07:05 Jun 30, 2020


What I think could have been worked upon:
1. "You looked yourself in the mirror."
2. "...was truly excited..."
3. "...being it is your anniversary..."
4. "...many of your friends have broken up or argue all the time..."
5. "...nothing else can make a life better..."
6. "...As a guy, you hope you would not..."
7. "...You would never or ever trust anyone again...."
8. "...Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep..."
9. "...been way up too early..."
10. "...As you were checking your email, you notice a letter that makes you stop in your tracks...."
11. "...Your eyes were filled to the brim with tears..."
12. "...How could she? You thought to yourself...."
13. "...he wants to end of relationship? What gives?..."
14. "...She was going to sit next to you!..."
15. "...finally got up the courage..."
16. "...“Hi! You were the boy I sat next to, right?” You nodded...."
17. "... She told you that would be fine with a smile plastered across her face that makes your heart flutter...."
18. "... how was her life in France..."
19. "...not quick in making friends..."
These are just individual sentences. The story as a whole is a different thing altogether.

I just feel that you would have a hang of everything when you'd read a lot. Something that works for me is reading out aloud. For some writers, writing out by hand the prose of their favorite writers worked but that was back in the 20th century or before. So I would suggest that.


07:10 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you so much Dobby!
I didn't expect to have a long and a great feedback from you! Thank you for taking the time to write this! It's really helpful!😊


Dobby's Sock
07:18 Jun 30, 2020

You are always welcome Harshini :)


19:25 Jun 29, 2020

Very touching story! I want to know more! Lol


01:56 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you Catherine! Much appreciated this comment!❤️️

Yeah, I know right! I might consider doing a sequel for this! Stay tuned Catherine! 😊😉


04:51 Jun 30, 2020

Well, if you do, I will definitely read it!


06:10 Jun 30, 2020

Thanks for the support Catherine!😊


17:21 Jun 30, 2020



Shirley Medhurst
18:32 Jun 29, 2020

What a beautiful story of true love.... ❤️


01:44 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you Shirley! I'm glad you liked it! 😊

Have a great day Shirley! :)))


Elle Clark
18:13 Jun 29, 2020

This is a very sweet story - although it didn’t look like it was going to be. It was a nice way to end. A bit bittersweet! Well done.


01:43 Jun 30, 2020

Thank you Laura! Really appreciate this feedback you gave me!😊😉

Have a great day Laura!❤️️


Praveen Jagwani
03:47 Jun 29, 2020

Harshini, this is a great take on the prompt. Well done :) Reminds me of the 1970 film, Love Story. I'm not sure if the last segment of your story is intended to be in the past tense. Even so, the dialogues like this should be in the present tense - "Who the hell did she think she is? “Drake, hadn’t she tell you?”
Keep writing.


07:37 Jun 29, 2020

Thank you so much! I really appreciate you reading and commenting my stories!
Okay, got it! Thanks!
Have a great day!😊


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