Everybody needs some space

Submitted into Contest #104 in response to: Start your story with a character saying, “Are you coming tonight?”... view prompt


Fiction Kids Thriller

Everyone needs some space

 “Are you coming tonight?” Rebecca squeaks

Pearl quivered “do I need to?” .Rebecca groaned. Pearl’s fellow surrounding mice always thought about Pearl being absurd and different as most mice were inquisitive and nosey while this mouse was shy and better alone, her best friend was Julie she understood her and for Rebecca she was another friend once she was close too, but then she moved into White Mice Valley because of the riots in Cheesy Chits but now she was back. She was talking about Susie’s (the richest girl in Lordrat School because her family tree was full of robbers and mafias ,so now even if his own parents did not follow their ancestors footsteps they still had the mouldy money, mice !!)But Susie was kind she helped the weaker ones defeat the bullies and be friends with the purest rodents, brave at heart and honest in the mind.

As Pearl didn’t attend the party she sat in her cosy underground room. Read Geronimo stilton, another mouse like her who too was shy. Afterwards she took out her prized mozzarella cheese cube took a nibble to last it all week at least or if she would be patient and eat her less preferred cheddar cheese tomorrow she would be able to prepare her special mozzarella lasagne it was special because she didn’t use the usually used ones like ricotta. She had her meal of a nibble of cheese and went to her old granny two and a half years old she was she couldn’t even get her own food even though she had the money her legs had given in and was unable to go to the local supermarket Rodents supplies from Rick. She made a batch cheese balls and raisin cookies with a twist of caramel. After she reached granny grace’s house “no lock, knock and come in” she read the sign for the millionth time. She knocked “knock-knock” and squeaked “Granny, it is me, Pearl, I have food for you, and can I come in?”Granny whimpered “Come in." Pearl opened the door and it creaked, the bed was not made she went to the kitchen and prepared the dining table for one, of course she wasn’t going to stay she was shy for that. While granny enjoyed her meal Pearl cleaned the whole house did the laundry made the bed cooked one another meal and put it in the refrigerator by chance her grandmother needed another meal and Pearl didn’t know. She dried her fur and set off for her home where her parents would be waiting for her, prepared with her favourite dishes-Blueberry Tart, salmon sandwich with peperoni and cheese. Just wanting to spend time with their only daughter for who they were ready but Pearl was not. Pearl when reaches her destination washes her paws and goes to her parents and tells that she had done enough today, was skipping dinner and sleeping early. Her parents again were heart-broken and knew that Pearl was an introvert; they knew that they had to get close to her because mice like her spent time with their besties so they decided to do something incredible and breath-taking on occasion of her school play “The Curious Cats Come to Cheesy Chits” next month. As if they won’t start they would never finish. So this was their plan they would request her to join and make sure she is selected for the lead role Khasana and when her heart-stopping scene would be over they would invite the WHOLE SCHOOL for a supper and toast Lordrat School and Pearl too. They started their plan by slipping a handwritten letter under Pearl’s room saying

“Darling, we request you to go for the audition for your play ‘The Curios Cats Come to Cheesy Chits’ and hit for the role of Khasana, the lead role. We know you don’t like acting and maybe will not even think much of this letter but only this will be an ideal gift for us on our 25th wedding anniversary next week. We know it will be a burden to you or even frightening and we three will go through this together as united we stand but after this you will not hear such abnormal wishes from us. We promise


Mom and Dad”

Pearl shed tears and wiped them immediately. She was moved deeply. She didn’t know why she never got to know about her parents understanding and supporting her, she thought that they were disappointed in her because she was not ordinary this letter told her that she would never fit in ‘cause she was born to stand out. She switched on her laptop and searched about the play ‘The Curios Cats Come to Cheesy Chits’ on Pawpaw the fastest browser in the entire underground village of Buried Burrow. She found that Khasana too was shy but she was powerful with wisdom. She opened the audiobook online and mimicked Khasana’s dialogs. “I need to do something, Cheesy Chits is my home and many other’s I cannot let this happen father, I cannot.” “Hey cats I know you are curious to know about the land of mice especially when it is like in here, full of magnificent and mysterious mice. So, come and be our guests not enemies, explorers.” “I accept that you have mice as a dish in your menu. But we are not those, otherwise if you still do not agree to have a bond of peace with us, I, as a citizen of Cheesy Chits do not grant you the permission to enter our underground village, because I know something you did not know I know. Cats from the place Popspining marsh, place where these cats originate from, can’t enter a place without permission.” After rehearsing these lines pearl saw a new light in her head. A light of learning and doing something new. She slept a good night sleep and after a cosy night she had a fabulous start. She dressed herself and other boring morning chores like combing whiskers had rubbing la crème cheese. She went to school and applied for the audition which was taking place at the auditorium in the fourth period. After three boring periods of science, maths and chemistry. She went for this exciting period and got to find out that Khasana was a popular choice many like Rebecca, Susie and even Julie were there all dida really job. But because of the shy characteristic part only Pearl was the right option as she actually was shy while speaking. She was selected and her understudy was Julie. Now going home pearl gave her parents the happiest she had ever given to them about she being selected, they all celebrated by purchasing THREE mozzarella cheese cubes as dinner.as the following day approached Pearl got to know that she would have practices regularly She enjoyed them though when she was down on energy she would just let Julie practice and spend time alone on the bleachers.

After four weeks of practice the group was ready. Pearl was dressed in a knee length pale pink tunic and dainty shade of blue lace stitched in the end, bare-foot. She went to school early as instructed and at 10 p.m. sharp it started.

The curtains opened and cheesy chits was up there in its thermecol version and cats come to the enterence some quarrel some other scenes we aren’t bothered about and then comes the beauty. A conversation takes place between Khasana and the cats. The cats return to their own marsh. Curtains closed. The audience hooked on and broke into an applause. When it is time for reviews Pearl’s parents were given the first chance as she was the lead role. They invited everyone to the centre square for the bouquet they had planned everyone gleefully accepted and went there, it was finally time for the toast after eating ricotta, mozzarella, brie, chedder and I don’t know which not! They toasted Lordrat School for organizing such a fabulous event and then Pearl, Pearl was asked to say some words she said “I think that now I will be an ambivert, not the introvert which I was but still everyone needs some space.” Now in her new life she made some changes like eating with her granny, having lunch and breakfast with her parents, going to parties, and wasn't always better alone

July 29, 2021 15:08

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