The Problem with Air

Written in response to: Write a story about a problem with no good solutions.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Happy

You might think air is good... You might think air is great! But it’s NOT it’s a mega problem and here’s why...

Think about one thing that everyone shares carelessly, something you can’t clean off before you let it engulf your skin, and that can seep it’s way into your respiratory system without admittance. AIR!! That’s the answer.

After careful consideration I decided that air is the biggest problem that the world faces, and has ever faced!

The invisible demon that is air, does as it pleases!! Travelling in and out of you and everyone in your close proximity! Air can carry diseases and sickness, and it sneaks up on you with it’s ultimate power of invisibility that humans are especially susceptible to.

Air can be cold or hot and change the temperature of the climate. The air being too cold could give you a cold, not to mention cold symptoms that are spread through the air! Hot air can give you heat stroke or just make you all sweaty and gross.

Air is a serious problem and must be stopped!!!

However, air can’t just be taken out. Every human on earth suffers from a horrible addiction to air. The air addicts of the world won’t survive!!!

Anyway, as an alien I propose: That we ban air, and suck it up with a military grade air removal system provided by my planet. Costing a mere 8.2 billion human souls of power for charge. To rid your poor planet that is earth, of the dreadful “air” problem.

You may keep your varying currencies. We just need your souls and delicious corpses. (obviously so they don’t go to waste.)

Thank you,

Please Consider

-same story-

You might think air is good... You might think air is great! But it’s NOT it’s a mega problem and here’s why...

Think about one thing that everyone shares carelessly, something you can’t clean off before you let it engulf your skin, and that can seep it’s way into your respiratory system without admittance. AIR!! That’s the answer.

After careful consideration I decided that air is the biggest problem that the world faces, and has ever faced!

The invisible demon that is air, does as it pleases!! Travelling in and out of you and everyone in your close proximity! Air can carry diseases and sickness, and it sneaks up on you with it’s ultimate power of invisibility that humans are especially susceptible to.

Air can be cold or hot and change the temperature of the climate. The air being too cold could give you a cold, not to mention cold symptoms that are spread through the air! Hot air can give you heat stroke or just make you all sweaty and gross.

Air is a serious problem and must be stopped!!!

However, air can’t just be taken out. Every human on earth suffers from a horrible addiction to air. The air addicts of the world won’t survive!!!

Anyway, as an alien I propose: That we ban air, and suck it up with a military grade air removal system provided by my planet. Costing a mere 8.2 billion human souls of power for charge. To rid your poor planet that is earth, of the dreadful “air” problem.

You may keep your varying currencies. We just need your souls and delicious corpses. (obviously so they don’t go to waste.)

Thank you,

Please Consider

-same story-

You might think air is good... You might think air is great! But it’s NOT it’s a mega problem and here’s why...

Think about one thing that everyone shares carelessly, something you can’t clean off before you let it engulf your skin, and that can seep it’s way into your respiratory system without admittance. AIR!! That’s the answer.

After careful consideration I decided that air is the biggest problem that the world faces, and has ever faced!

The invisible demon that is air, does as it pleases!! Travelling in and out of you and everyone in your close proximity! Air can carry diseases and sickness, and it sneaks up on you with it’s ultimate power of invisibility that humans are especially susceptible to.

Air can be cold or hot and change the temperature of the climate. The air being too cold could give you a cold, not to mention cold symptoms that are spread through the air! Hot air can give you heat stroke or just make you all sweaty and gross.

Air is a serious problem and must be stopped!!!

However, air can’t just be taken out. Every human on earth suffers from a horrible addiction to air. The air addicts of the world won’t survive!!!

Anyway, as an alien I propose: That we ban air, and suck it up with a military grade air removal system provided by my planet. Costing a mere 8.2 billion human souls of power for charge. To rid your poor planet that is earth, of the dreadful “air” problem.

You may keep your varying currencies. We just need your souls and delicious corpses. (obviously so they don’t go to waste.)

Thank you,

Please Consider

-same story-

You might think air is good... You might think air is great! But it’s NOT it’s a mega problem and here’s why...

Think about one thing that everyone shares carelessly, something you can’t clean off before you let it engulf your skin, and that can seep it’s way into your respiratory system without admittance. AIR!! That’s the answer.

After careful consideration I decided that air is the biggest problem that the world faces, and has ever faced!

The invisible demon that is air, does as it pleases!! Travelling in and out of you and everyone in your close proximity! Air can carry diseases and sickness, and it sneaks up on you with it’s ultimate power of invisibility that humans are especially susceptible to.

Air can be cold or hot and change the temperature of the climate. The air being too cold could give you a cold, not to mention cold symptoms that are spread through the air! Hot air can give you heat stroke or just make you all sweaty and gross.

Air is a serious problem and must be stopped!!!

However, air can’t just be taken out. Every human on earth suffers from a horrible addiction to air. The air addicts of the world won’t survive!!!

Anyway, as an alien I propose: That we ban air, and suck it up with a military grade air removal system provided by my planet. Costing a mere 8.2 billion human souls of power for charge. To rid your poor planet that is earth, of the dreadful “air” problem.

You may keep your varying currencies. We just need your souls and delicious corpses. (obviously so they don’t go to waste.)

Thank you,

Please Consider

January 03, 2022 07:21

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