Drama Mystery

I had always wanted to know what I would grow up to be or what I would Be leaving behind i of course always had high hopes, i had never actually thought that I would get to know until now.

scientists finally invented a time machine of sorts only showing small glimpses into the past or present its Still being worked on, still in its early testing fazes, hopefully one day we could actually interact with the people or stay there longer then 8 minutes But for now it is awesome.

even though it’s not at its finest they still started renting them out to the schools to teach kids about our history and how we will change the world.

its very exciting finally Our questions will be answered all of our miss guided guesses or hunches on the passed or present could be answered by one tiny machine.

well I mean it’s not that tiny but you get my point Also not one there are about six of them hence why we had to wait so long for our turn.

i honestly didn’t mind the wait though it gave me more time to think about what I might see, what might be waiting for me in the near future.

i hadnt slept much that night knowing it was finally our schools turn to try them out I couldn’t wait to see my mark on this word.

i talked to my parents about it they each had high hopes for me telling me they believed I would do great things I couldn’t help blushing at there words even my friends had high hopes for me making me feel even more nervous for today.

”Hunny I can’t wait to here what your future holds you Will be fine so no need to be nervous”

my mother told me smacking my hand out of my mouth trying to stop my nervous habit.

I had always wanted to do great things and now I will see all of them, all my accomplishments.

right now I’m waiting in line impatiently tapping my foot, I still have three people ahead of me.

i Decided to think more about what I will see maybe I stopped climate change I’ve always wanted to try to help with that or maybe I became a spokes person that’s always needed for that kind of stuff.

maybe I became an actress and donated my money to help cure cancer?

or I could just me an actress that would be cool maybe start a trend on cleaning our planet.

Ive always wanted to help with things like that l’ve even signed up for every group or event thing just to get my name out there the world needed change and I was willing to be that I am willing to raise up and.....

”Cathy step up please”

my teacher mr.tailor ushered me into the box telling me to count to ten.

Not bothering to wait for a response he closed the door on me I quickly took a seat and started counting.



the box started to glow a light blue distracting me from my counting.

i watched as the box started to shake my palms started to sweat with anticipation and my smile never seemed to leave my face I had smiled so much today it was actually starting to hurt but I wasn’t going to let the pain stop me from keeping it up.

Finally everything stopped the door swung open allowing me to look around I was at a cemetery?

Looking around i noticed which cemetery we where at this was the place we buried My grandparents, what are we doing here?

i made my way over to them there was an new tomb right beside them I read it out loud.

here lies Cathy Denis grey from 2003 to 2022

there was nothing else No little comment No in loving memory Nothing absolutely nothing I felt so heart broken I did nothing I was nothing just another person to walk this earth.

but that wasn’t the worst part no the worst part was 2022 is next year.

I'm dead in a year.

i heard the beeping of the time machine indicating had to go back my heart sunk further my parents had been so excited to finally see what my future holds how could i tell them that I die in a year it would be devastating to hear your child dies next year Everyone will be devastated.

i sat back down on the seat the door closing on its own, I closed my eyes trying to hold back to tears this wasn’t fair.

once I got out everyone surrounded me making me feel even more overwhelmed I couldn’t stand it.

i tried to push past them but nobody moved nobody saw the pain in my eyes the worry all they new was that I had an answer even if I didn’t like it.

”So what did you see”

”how much money did you make?”

where just a few of the questions I heard One of the only sentences I could make out what with my jumbled brain and There screeches to be heard.

Finally I made my way past them and ran out of there as fast as I could hoping no one followed me my mind kept racing with what I had just found out how does it happen?

Did it happen quick or was I in a lot of pain?

so Many questions ran threw my mind making my breathing hard and my heart beat quicken.

i started to panic once I made it outside I fell to my knees the tears fell along with me wetting the pavement below.

i was full On panicking now, my breath coming out harsh and loud, my tears and nose leaking very unattractively but I didn’t care one bit, I deserved this cry.

i also deserved to live but I guess I was the only one who thought that.

September 02, 2020 00:39

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Crystal Lewis
12:15 Sep 07, 2020

Fantastic story and fantastic ideas ! It was very sad and the last line was excellent. However, you just need to really work on your punctuation. Capital letters at the start of the sentence and for the word “I” and full stops at the end of your sentences. A sentence is one complete thought or idea so when it is finished you put a full stop. I hope this helps and keep writing. Feel free to check any of my work. :)


Kristen Cloney
17:24 Sep 07, 2020

Thanks yeah I’m pretty bad with spelling I’ve got all the ideas but never the words or spelling which can make it pretty hard to write and yeah I’ll make sure to check your stuff out


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