
Let me tell you about the cat in the alley.

One day, I was walking to work eating my morning breakfast of bacon, eggs, and cheese. Seemed like a normal day when I tripped over a cat that had matted fur, scars on their head, and so thin that you can see all the bones in its body. I tear off a piece of my sandwich to feed it. Worried about its well being I go to pick the poor cat up. As I go to lift the cat it claws my arm and leaves long marks down my arms.

Even though my arm was hurt I was still worried about the cat. I looked around for the cat and I see it turn a corner in the alley. I decided to chase it to hopefully catch it and take it to a veterinary. As I take a corner my head feels fuzzy, stumbling across the ground I end up throwing up……..

Did I pass out? I look around to see where I am. What?! Am I in a field? Did someone drag me out the alley? I check my pockets and I still have everything my phone, keys, and wallet I guess I can call someone and figure out where I am. Dam no cell service! Meow! Comes from a distance. I look around to see the cat who I chased charging at me. Scared and confused I flinched as the cats jumps at me. Purrrrr the cat sounds as it rubs his head on my arm reassuring me I’m okay. Maybe the cat will let me pick him up this time…. Yes! It did I shall name you Fairy to call you something as we try to find our way home. The cat turns its head west as if it’s pointing in a direction, every time I try to deter from the way Fairy’s head point it would wiggle and bite my hand as if the cat is warning me of danger… Finally! A town! Did we have Amish town this close to the city? How far did I go? Well I guess I can go and ask a resident for advice. Fairy seemed very relaxed the most relaxed I have ever seen a cat, so this seems suspicious, but nothing I should worry about at this moment. Knock knock “Whom is at the door?” I’m unsure how to answer this, so I decided to say “I know this is weird, but I’m lost and would appreciate some help” the door slowly opens as a 6’1 blonde man with his hair pulled back into a ponytail “Oh a traveler! Sorry to hear you are lost! I know the lands pretty well if you would like help going to a certain place I can help you” I decided to ask him to take me to the closest buss stop and I can pay for a way home. “Buss stop? What is that?” What? I know Amish people at least understand normal society things, so there’s no way he doesn’t know about buss stops. Confused I asked him what state we was in. “Oh the state this is Jorgontown” Where the hell is Jorgontown this is now getting weirder, so I ask can we sit down and talk for a moment.

The kind man takes me in the house where I place the cat down and let it roam the home. The little curious fellow went and explore the whole house as me and the man whose name is Thorgin tells me I am in Jorgontown on a continent called Helluva, so I think I might of been transported to a new world. This is hard to believe, so I ask to stay for the night and I’ll leave in the morning. Thorgin agreed just the cat must stay in the room I stay in….

Waking up I was met with a porridge ate it up grabbed up fairy, so that we can find our way home. As I leave the home the cat goes back to point in a singular direction and wiggle bitting every time I didn’t go the way it pointed. We go through a forest almost like dodging the danger as when I bear or wolf was nearby the car would point up as to say stop! If I didn’t stop the cat would wiggle and bite my hand. Traveling through the woods we make it to a town that looks a little more modern smoke stacks coming from the ground bellowing smoke and soot. As we walk through town the cat guides us to a nearby alley as I make my way to the alley my head feels fuzzy, I start to throw up, and I fall down continuously trying to stay conscious. The cat goes thanks for the food you offered me as a reward you can continue to follow me through time. As my head clears I look around as I notice the landscape has changed more modern buildings no more smoke, but the sounds of honking cars the cat jumps in

my arms showing me the way again as I walk down the street I notice a bunch of antique cars are driving around men in suits and women in long different color dresses. I end up bumping into a guy he turns around and immediately hits me “ what’s your problem bucko? How dare

you slam into me!” I quickly apologize only to met with a swift kick to the jaw. “ Watch where you’re going next time” Fairy comes and licks my face a hard sand paper like tongue scraps my face as if saying pick me back up and continue the journey. I pick up Fairy and decide to continue the journey as fairy points in different directions forcing me to follow. This seems to be a walk through time I don’t know where I can end up next all of sudden I turn into a alley way feeling fuzzy, throwing up, and this time gaining the biggest headache of my life causing me to scream as if 2 nails was stabbing my brain. I leave the alley to notice tye dye shirts and women walking around topless. A deep stench of skunk enters the air sickly feeling continue the traveling fairy send me on. Turning into another alley this time my heads fine I don’t feel nauseous and then notice I am back in my time and fairy isn’t here anymore. I’m unsure if this was a dream or a illusion, but I’ll never forget the cat in the alley.

February 27, 2023 23:48

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Marisa Billions
22:14 Mar 08, 2023

This story is super cute! It could use a little polishing up (some grammatical nit pickiness on my part- but that's just me being an English teacher). But what a charming story, overall!


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Gloria Preston
22:46 Mar 04, 2023

You have a much longer storyline to tell, I believe, than you can tell adequately without more scenes that include action and dialogue. Don't give up on this story.


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