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Drama Friendship Happy

Can you ever picture yourself with someone complete opposite of your personality , well there is a story of Olivia and Madison. Olivia is a 13 year old girl ,who is so talkative that she can make any stranger her friend in some minutes, whereas Madison is a total disaster. That’s what her mom tells to everyone, if she and her mom will be in same room for more than 5 minutes, I bet you, they can fight for years on a same topic. She is a girl which is too arrogant and cocky and you can’t even make her your hi, hello friend in years.

So there was a feast, in which Olivia and Madison both were invited. Let me tell you one thing they both haven’t met before. Madison was talking to her grandma and her mom also showed up and suddenly they both started fighting on that , I wanna talk to her, I came first, she loves me more and blah blah blah. So her grandma suggested, “Madison why don’t you meet that sweet girl recently moved to our neighborhood, believe me she can be your best friend.”

First when her grandma said her to meet someone she just nodded her head but when she insisted too much, she had no choice but to say yes.

First when they met there was this awkward silence for 5 minutes but then Olivia broke the ice between them and complimented her hair which were pretty messed up when she and her mom were fighting physically. Madison then told her that, “look I am not interested in talking to you because we are very different.” Olivia asked, “like what?” Madison replied, “we are not of same age even” while fisting her hands very tightly and she threw her chair on the mirror when Olivia murmured, “it doesn’t even make sense.”

Madison roared, “are you kidding me? I am trying to be polite and you are talking to me like that, my grandma was completely lying when she recommended me to talk to you just because you are damn sweet!”

Olivia shouted, “oh really, am I the one here playing the role of villain, you know what, lemme just tell you one thing. Your grandma was right that you are a horrible person, who only care about her own feelings, I wish I have never given my words to her to make you the less selfless you are.”

That speech of Olivia worked like a magic on Madison because in her whole life after the age of 5, her family have never saw her crying and she was sobbing loudly. Olivia stated, “listen, I didn’t mean to hurt you but I don’t know you were being so rude to me and you are a very nice person, okay, don’t cry please, I beg you.”

Madison quickly snapped on her, “I am not a cry baby and if you think I am crying because what you said, stop fooling yourself”

Olivia whispered in her ear, “are you depressed, because if you are then tell me your problems. We both can deal from it together. Trust me I also had that problem and when you share your problems you will feel light headed.”

Madison grunted, “OMG!, What’s your problem”

Olivia calmed herself and said exhaustively, “you don’t want to share anything with me so here, take out you mobile phone, I know a psychiatrist which can help you”

Madison growled, “man, you are too much, I can’t tolerate you anymore” and yelled, “get out from this house.”

They were the two people clearly saying and expressing what they felt but can’t seem to understand each other due to their different thoughts. It wasn’t their age only which was making them different, it was their nature.

As those harsh words came out from Maddison’s mouth , Olivia walked out quietly from that house losing all hopes. She stepped out from the house and inaudible conversation of guests began.

Madison’s mom came to Madison and clapped loudly in the anger , sighed and squealed, “Madison, Madison, Madison, can I ask you where have you got so much talent. Huh, to insult such a sweet girl in front of everybody. She was right, you are the most terrible person, I have ever met in my life.”

Madison stated, “mom, she was too much.”

Meanwhile Olivia was repeating the whole incident to her mom. Her mom asked, “darling, why did you asked her about that depression thing?”

Olivia replied, “mom! , Because before throwing the chair, she tightly fisted her hands and she did every time when she was angry and another thing that she have some scars of nails on her palm. You know mom I also used to do that thing when I was going through anxiety and depression.”

After hearing the whole story her mom understood what was Olivia missing when she was convincing Madison that she is also suffering through depression from Olivia have gone through too.

Eva was the mom of Olivia and Eva explained what Olivia should do and she didn’t. Eva said, “go to her and discuss those scars on her palm in alone, and she would definitely understand what you were trying to explain and she would also go to the psychiatrist.”

At that time Olivia realized that her mom has the solution of everything and without wasting anymore second. She ran to Madison and started knocking on the door and when she went inside she saw Madison alone in the corner of the kitchen. She didn’t said any of those things because she knew that it wasn’t the right time and instead of saying all that. She said, “I understand you Madison” and Madison slapped her. She said, “if I am here crying in this dirty kitchen corner, it’s all because of you.”

But this time Olivia didn’t walked out but as a substitute, she told her about that scar thing.

Madison rather hugged her and at that time words weren’t enough to express. Madison discussed every single thing with Olivia and got convinced for going to that psychiatrist and actually they were same. They were the meant to be friends.

January 12, 2021 20:57

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1 comment

Tia Jackson
05:11 Jan 21, 2021

This is so sweet


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