
Just one more week. Sally looked at the calendar and sighed. She had marked the date a fortnight before in a drunken spur. And now she felt compelled to go through it. If she didn’t, the shadow of the consequences will always loom in her conscience. God, she felt pathetic. How hard is it going to be? She looked at the packed box in the corner of her closet and a lone tear escaped from the corner of her eye. She closed the closet with a thump and left the room.

Outside it seems that a child has thrown his color box on a blank canvas. There were colors everywhere. Sun seemed a little brighter than the chilly winter whites she had gotten used to. The wind was still a little cold. A little reminder of the departing season. She grabbed her bag a little tightly and started moving towards her destination. Her workplace was at 15 minutes walk from her house. She pushed the door of the small building and was immediately greeted with a strong scent of flowers and woods. She narrowed her eyes accusingly towards Belinda, the elderly receptionist who was busy arranging flowers on her table.

“You do remember that the official spring season is still another week away.” She said while putting her bag on the table.

“Yes. But it is never too early to spread some cheer and good smell.” Belinda said dropping in the chair in front of her.” Don’t be so grumpy. It’ll grow on you.”

Sally just smiled in return and resumed to organize her desk. She worked at a wedding coordinator’s office handling the back of all those fancy plans and over the top décor. The pay was well and her boss was a good man. Plus she had Belinda to keep her company. Not much there to complain about.

David, her boss, entered the office and gave them a small nod as greeting. She organized her notes and got to her feet after him. They spent an hour going through the pending tasks and new ideas. By lunch time, she was swamped with things to do. It was good. She’ll have less time to think about the devil in her closet.

As soon as she closed her diary, Belinda dragged her out to eat. And no one refused Belinda. They went for their usual restaurant for lunch. Sally has been coming at this particular joint for two year s now and she had developed a good friendship with the owner Lilah and one of the waiters Dean. They all sat down for lunch time together. Over the years, it had turned into a ritual for them. Sally felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up.

“Where did you go, girl?” Lilah asked her.

“Just thinking about the meeting this morning.” Sally lied. She didn’t want to admit that all her thoughts were focused on that day next week.She didn’t want them to treat her any different because of her decision. It had taken a lot of time for her to convince them that she was good with the changes around her.

“Well. Get yourself back in here. We are talking about the housewarming party I am throwing next week.” Lilah had recently bought a new house with her longtime boyfriend Alex. They were a cute couple and very much in love with each other.

“I was thinking about combining with start of the spring. We’ll have a theme party to celebrate the spring and my new house. What do you say?” Lilah continued excitedly.

Sally was not in her best spring spirits. But looking at Lilah’s face, she didn’t had the heart to disappoint her. And the party was on Saturday. The first day of spring. She definitely wasn’t thinking about using the party as an excuse to get out of her resolution. The party was so much important then her stupid promise. No she was not thinking that.

“It’s a fantastic idea. I will definitely be there.” Sally replied with all the fake enthusiasm she could find. She didn’t want Lilah to get a wind of her plans.

The rest of the day went on as usual. When she got back home, there was a box outside of her apartment with her name on it. She didn’t have any second thought when she picked it up and moved inside. Sally was much too familiar with the handwriting and the contents of the box confirmed her suspicion.  

At the night after she had changed and fed herself, she went inside her room and took that box out from her closet. She opened the newly arrived box and shuffled through the contents with confidence as if she knew exactly what was she looking for. She took out a blue ribbon. Sally looked at the object in hand and gave a sad smile. She dropped it in the old box from her closet and placed the box on the table in living room. She didn’t want to forget the promise. Not now.

Monday could not get here sooner. She spent the week alternating between her work tasks and helping Lilah with the party. Meanwhile Belinda made sure they had a new spring smell everyday in their office. She didn’t blame the woman but she didn’t like spring very much right now.

On Monday, she had a free day since everyone was going for Lilah’s party. She looked at the calendars and the marked day. Sally picked the box and got out the apartment.

As she got out of the taxi and looked at the building, she did not feel the jitters she used to. She pressed the doorbell and a woman similar to her age opened the door. She had a shocked expression on her face and a hand at her belly. One would have to look closely but there were signs of pregnancy.

“I didn’t know you were coming.” The woman said with a voice that suggested that she was still trying to comprehend her presence here.

“Neither did I. I am here to drop this. I wasn’t sure John would be here or not. But I didn’t want to wait.” She said with a somber expression.

“You can come in. John is on his way back.” The woman said but anyone could tell sally wasn’t welcome inside.

“No need. You can take this from me and also this.”She took out the blue ribbon from her pocket and continued.”John bought it for me when we were engaged. You can use it as something blue for your wedding. If he doesn’t go through with it, you can always save it for your kid.”

At the mention of a child the woman looked at her with anger shimmering from her eyes. Sally turned around without waiting for her answer and left the apartment. Once outside she allowed herself to breathe. It went well. She wasn’t expecting the swollen belly but she handled it well.

Once she raised her head to hail a cab, her eyes met John’s instead.

“Sally! I wasn’t expecting you here. Are you here to see me? Was anything missing in the box I dropped the other day”. Clearly he was surprised and blurted it out in single breath.

“Nothing was missing. And yes I was here to see you but I met Roxanne instead. I didn’t know she moved in. But I guess with the baby coming you guys need to be together.” She dropped the bomb on him with a calm she was suddenly feeling.

“I wanted to tell you. But you weren’t there when I dropped your stuff.”He said while wiping sweat from his forehead. “It just happened so suddenly. I hope you didn’t tell anyone back at home. I am still trying to wrap my head around it all.” He gave a nervous chuckle.

Suddenly Sally was relieved that the engagement didn’t go through. The man in front of her was scared and confused and spineless. Nothing like the man she met two years ago.

”Don’t worry. I didn’t tell. I will not be sure about Roxanne though. The news is bound to reach your parents sooner than later.” Sally said clearly enjoying it now.

“I know. I am trying to convince her to keep it to ourselves until I am more comfortable with the situation. She is not as levelheaded as you, you know.” He looked at her with hope. As if she had the solution for it. As if she was the one who created the child. As if she was the one who backed out after one year of dating and two weeks of engagement and cheated on her with her high school nemesis.

“You can keep your problems to yourself, John. I was here to drop your stuff and I already did that. By the way, congratulation for the baby.” Sally spotted a cab and hurried towards at it. She felt lighter by minute. There was no love, no attraction, not even fondness between them.

She got off from the cab at Lilah’s house. It was a beautiful home in suburbs with a lawn and multicolored flowers. Suddenly she didn’t mind the colors so much. Even the fresh smell of woods and barbecue coming from the house was welcome. Belinda had definitely opened her gift.

The season was beautiful and she had many thoughts on how she was going to enjoy it.

March 31, 2020 13:36

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