Fiction Inspirational Friendship

The new year was approaching fast, and Shiloh could already feel her anticipation and anxiety rising. Why does it always feel like it takes 12 months to get used to the current year, then BAM! it changes to the next? I feel like I'm on a treadmill always trying to catch up, and get nowhere. Every year it's the same. SAME job, SAME friends, SAME car. SAME ME! I'm so tired of all that, and every year I make the same resolution, to change and start out with a clean house, clean car, get new clothes, and by February, it's all down hill. My house is trashed cuz I have stuff all over, and no place to put it. I am constantly on the go, that I have no time to get my car cleaned out or washed. It's lucky if it gets a bath three times a year, she chuckled.

Then one day as she was driving home from work she say a billboard that read; CHANGE CAN ONLY HAPPEN, IF YOU DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT, THAN THE DAY BEFORE. SO MAKE EACH DAY A CHANGING ONE.

hmmmm... what have I done different today? Well, I just drove past that sign, so that could be different, unless I just never noticed it before, which is also a possibility, she thought to herself. I just don't know, I feel like I'm in a rut spinning my tires, and can't get out. She was so distraught.

Later that evening, as she was watching the 6 o'clock news, an advertisement came across the screen. It was a self help infomercial about a class being offered in her area, at the community center.


Monday and Wednesday evenings 7p-9p

Begins Nov 11th commencing Dec 30th(8 weeks)

Topics covered: Self-esteem, setting healthy goals and boundaries, making action plans, and achievable New Year Resolutions. that can actually be kept. Classes are FREE, but registration is required. Please call Jamie at (706) 582-4371

She wrote the number down and and wondered if it would really help her. I'll call her tomorrow on my lunch break, I'm soo tired tonight, I'm going to get a snack and get to bed.. shew.. she yawned.

The next day as she was finishing her lunch and thinking she was supposed to do something, but couldn't remember what it was. Just then her phone buzzed.. it was a text from her friend Karen, "HI! Shi, I saw this class on tv, being offered at the community center, and wanted to know if you'd go with me?, it sounds really cool, and may help us both.." Oh yea!! that's what I was going to do, is call that lady, to get registered. She texted back, " I saw that last night too, and was planning to call her on my lunch break, but I almost forgot, sure I'd love to go with you. Do you want me to register you too?" "Oh, that's so awesome, Please do! I can't wait." Karen said. "Ok great! TTYL, I'm gonna call her now."

Shiloh tapped in the number to call Jamie, at the community center. She answered, "Smithfield Community, this is Jamie, how may I help you?" " Hi! This is Shiloh Kramer, and I'd like to reserve two seats to the self enrichment class, One for myself, and the other for my friend Karen Spiers." " Sure", she said. " Would you like theses sent to you, or just pick them up at the registration table, before the class begins?" "I think it's easier to get them before class, if that's ok" Shiloh asked. " Sure that's not a problem, I will put them in an envelope with your name on it. We will have two tables, one for pre-registers, and the other, for walk-ins, incase there are still seats available." Jamie said. " Ok, thanks, I can't wait!" "Bye, now, see you then, thanks for calling" she said. ""Bye"

Shiloh texted Karen back.." Two seats saved for the class, do you want to grab a bite to eat before we go?" "Awesome! yes, food will be good before we go, thanks" Karen texted back. "Ok, I'll pick you up at 6p. "k" C U then, TTYL"( smiley face).

12:45, Oh gosh! I didn't know it was getting so late, my next client will be here at 1p and I have to get my station set up, I hate to feel rushed. Shiloh worked at Cutz By Dezine, the local hair salon. She has been a stylist for over 20 years, and was really getting tired of it. She loved her clients, and her tips were great, plus she also got commission, but she just wanted something different. Something MORE, she just couldn't put her finger on it. Finally 5 o'clock came and she was beat, she cleaned up her station, and swept the floor, thinking about what she wanted for dinner. I really don't feel like cooking, it's just me n the cat (Peety).

She decided on fast food, she pulled up to the drive thru at Hot N Now, and ordered their Bundle and fries combo, with a large Root Beer. I know it's not the most nutritious, but it's the most delicious, she thought to herself, as she took in her first mouthful of her juicy cheeseburger. MMMMM... DE-li-cious.....

Two weeks later, it was the night of the first class. Oh, no! I have no clue what I'm gonna wear, I have so many clothes that I truly hate, she thought as she was rummaging through her closet, I just can't make up my mind, she thought exasperated. Note to self, get rid of Ugly clothes, what was I thinking? Ugh! Finally she decided on her black leggings, black boots, and a purple velvet top,(since it was chilly out). She took a quick glance in the mirror and decided on a purple scrunchie for her hair. As she was pulling her hair up, the door bell rang, she went to answer it. It was Karen, " I thought I was picking you up?" she asked surprised. "well I was too excited, and couldn't wait any longer, besides it gave you more time to get ready," she laughed. "Ok let's do this", she said with a sigh.

"Have you decided on what you want to eat?" Karen asked. "I'm thinking a Zaxby's grilled chicken salad sounds good, I don't want anything too heavy". Shiloh answered. "Oooooh, that does sound good" she said as she maneuvered the car to pull into the parking lot, "I'll just go through the drive thru and we can eat at the community center".

Thirty minutes later, after they finished their meal, it was time to go in. They walked over to the registration table and gave the lady her name. "Two tickets for Kramer, please". "Let me check our list, here it is..for Shiloh and Karen Spiers?" "That's us" Shiloh said. "Welcome, and here's your material packets, get some refreshments and seat yourselves wherever you want, through those double doors." she instructed. They both got some lemon water and pretzels and found their seats in the middle front section. Shiloh looked around and saw all kinds of posters on positive thinking, reading each one.



and one by Maya Angelou, that read,


hmmm.. she thought that's interesting,

The room started filling up as people chose their seats, then the projector came on, indicating class was about to start. 5,4,3,2,1. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome! My name is Sven and I'll be your instructor for the next eight weeks. I'm happy you are here and ready for a change. It starts with the triple A's, Attitude, Aptitude, and Altitude. If you change your attitude, you learn aptitude, and achieve altitude, to do whatever you set your mind on. We will cover a lot of material in a short bit of time, there will be home work. There's no grade but to be honest, if you don't do it your wasting both of our times, and only hurting yourselves, by blocking your potential. So let's begin."

"The first thing we will learn is how to set achievable goals, for lasting results. Don't set your goals so high that you know won't happen, like " I want to fly a plane, but don't want to get the education, to get the pilot's license", start small like "one thing I will do this week is..."" Shiloh thought about it and decided, my closet!. I will sort through my clothes, and get rid of what I don't or won't wear. "That will be your homework for the week, and on Wednesday we will discuss the plan of action, and how your doing." As they were leaving Sven passed out hand cards that read:


and encouraged us to have an accountability partner. Karen told her she was ready to get started on changes, and would definitely be her partner. We're in this together, she said, Let's sail our vessels.. they laughed.

The weeks went by, she had cleaned out her closet, donated her unwanted stuff to charity, cleaned out her car and washed it, and put it on her calendar to designate Saturdays for that. She cleaned out her kitchen drawers, and got rid of all her mismatched things and extras. She was starting to feel lighter, like a weight had been lifted off of her. This is so amazing, I can't believe how good being accountable feels. Karen was also setting and achieving her goals, and they both felt so good.

Wednesday night was their final class and Sven had them write out their New Year's Resolution, and how they could apply what they learned in class to follow through for the whole year. Shiloh wrote the same one she's always wanted: Change my lifestyle, and change my attitude(which, I've never done before). But this time, she knew that it was way to vague, so she added: By changing my attitude, I can be more grateful for the things I have accomplished, and by making a list, of my goals, and how I plan to achieve them, I can make the change happen. I will hold myself accountable to others, and seek their support if I feel discouraged. I will keep up the momentum, with a weekly progress chart. I will not give up. I will succeed. I can change, I can be content with my choices and changes I've made. I have a good life and finally happy being ME!

Now I'm ready for the


January 06, 2021 18:42

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