
Hi.I'm Momo. I'm 18 years old and I don't have my parents anymore and you might wonder why I'm dragging my huge luggage with me. Well, my story starts back in the city I previously lived in. My parents past away because of a car accident back in when I was still a child so my grandmother on my mother's side was the one who took custody of me. But just a few days ago my grandmother died because of a heart attack. I was super sad since grandma was my mom, dad, sister, and my best friend. She raised me with all the love and care that she could give to me. But due to the sudden heart attack, she died. But one thing that bothers me was in the hospital before the day she dies. She was in so much pain but she manages to utter those words. "Momo, Go to my hometown in Kami Valley. On our old house, there is a box inside my drawer, get it but don't open it yet, and proceed on the foot of the Kami mountain. In there you will see a man in a white cloth show that to him. He will help you live your life dear." She said and clench her chest in pain and the last words she said is what brings me to tears every time I recall. "Remember that whatever you see, whatever you hear. You must keep it a secret...and Grandma always loves you Momo dear." She said in between huffs before putting the warmest smile she could utter. That was the last time I saw grandma alive. She can no longer hold me and I can no longer feel her warmth...but! I have to be brave! Because I am his granddaughter and she did not raise me to be a crybaby!

"Okay! Let's go Momo!" I exclaimed trying to cheer myself! I walk for about 30 minutes from the bus stop to our old house. The memories are quite blurry but when I saw the muddy pathway and the smell of the fresh air I somehow recall my childhood days. Upon arriving at the front of our house I walk inside and surprisingly it was unlocked. It was a small wood and concrete house where I spent my summer days back when I was a child. Except for looking much older than in my memories, the house didn't change at all. The weird papers sticking on the door, windows, and walls. The creaking of the wooden floor and the croaking of the frogs, nothing change at all. I walk towards grandma's and grandpa's room and saw her favorite dresser. Oddly, grandma's scent is all over the place...I don't know why but, It was comforting. I walk inside and open her dresser and just what my grandma said there was a box inside. I get it and shake it curious about what is inside. There were no sounds coming from it and It was sealed too with the same papers sticking on our front door. I shouldn't open it yet and must do what my grandma told me but curiosity kills the cat so I ripped the paper sticking on it and open it. "Hm? It's just a hairpiece?" I said and check it but there really is nothing! It's just a piece of a weird but pretty hairpiece with a snake and a monkey embroidered in it, nothing more nothing less! "Grandma! You're such a scam!" i exclaimed and touch the hairpiece but upon touching it a stinging feeling from my fingertips spread all over my body as if I was electrified followed by a gush of memories that flooded my head.

"I love you Momo," Mom said carrying me in her arms. Who's that baby that mom's carrying? is that me? Then the scene blackout and its change.

"I told you! She can't live with us! Give her to your mom or else we can't live normally" Dad said exasperatedly urging mom to give me a way to grandma. But mom doesn't want to so father slaps her and that's what made the baby me, cry. I gasped at the next scene. Dad's head was cut off making mom faint in shock. Then the scene blackout and it changed again. I clench my chest and catch my breath. I was sweating a lot and my heart is thumping so loudly. I wheeze as the next memory play in. It was me on my 5th birthday. Mom was driving the car. I was on the passenger seat playing with the hem of my skirt. I remember this. Mom told me that we will celebrate my birthday with a picnic. My memories of mom are all blurry but I can tell that she's good to me though sometimes she'll suddenly scream and faint. So this day was special because this is the first time I saw mom happy. She doesn't have the usual bags under her eyes and she wore makeup for the first time as well as a white dress matching mine. I thought that this day is the happiest day of my life. Upon arriving at the place mom put out the picnic basket on the flowery grass and lay the picnic cloth for us to sit under a huge cherry blossom tree. We eat and talk about things and It was a beautiful sight, though the scenery is pretty no one is around, but it doesn't bother me as long as mom is with me.

"Momo, I love you," Mom said after tying the rope on the cherry blossom tree. She then hugs me and put the rope around my neck.

"I love you Momo" She repeated and that is the time that I cry and beg. Mom cries too but she carries on with her plan telling me that it will be okay because she will come too as soon as she did me. But I was so scared. Will I die? Mom will kill me. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOooooo!!!!" I screamed as my breathing hiked up making me dizzy. I slump on the floor as the scene switches again. This time it was mom driving furiously after she failed hanging ourselves. She's crying hysterically and was asking for my forgiveness until a huge truck crashed on our vehicle throwing us off the cliff.

"Ouch! My head...Mom? Mom?!" The five-year-old me scream before the car was completely submerged in the water. I was losing consciousness and was having difficulty in breathing, I also swallowed a lot of saltwater and my head is aching like hell.

"Momo" A deep soothing voice as if carried by the water flows inside my ear as a fragment like memory shows a man wearing a long and elegant white cloth.

"I'll be waiting for you Momo. Please remember our secret."


I open my eyes and found myself lying on the floor. It was already dark and the hairpiece is now on my hand. "What the hell is that?" I asked myself and push myself up with all the strength left in me. I clench my chest as I felt dizzy again. "That was a weird dream" I whisper as a flood of tears flow down on my face.

" I remember now. I clearly remember now. The reason why Mom is always out of her mind, The reason why she died. I remember it all now...And it was all my fault! Even dad's *urgh*" I groan as I run hurriedly on the bathroom located at the back of our house and throw up. I don't know. I just throw up and cry at the same time. This pain in my chest is doubling the pain in my head. Somebody help.

"I'll be waiting for you Momo. Please remember our secret." Gasp. My attention was caught by a person standing right below the foot of the Kami mountain. He's just there starring at me as if he knew someone is inside in this old abandoned house.

"In there you will see a man in a white cloth show that to him. He will help you live your life dear."

Why do I need his help to live my life when I can live on my own? Grandma what is this?!

Though confused about my grandma's words, I hurriedly wash my face, toss the hairpiece inside my bag with its box and run outside. But upon opening the door a familiar figure was outside.

"G-Grandma?" I said totally shock of how my dead grandma is standing in front of me.

"Grandma?" I repeat as she smiles at me and opens her arms urging me to come to her arms. I was too confused but upon seeing her and her smile in my memories I hurriedly ran to her when a voice stops me.

"Don't" A voice of a man said as if carried by the wind. I stop on my track making grandma flinch. But she smiles again and said.

"Come to me" But somewhere inside of me tells me not too.

"What are you doing momo? Don't you want to hug me? It's me your grandmother."

"No!" I said and throw my shoes on her but she just sighs and smiles at me.

"Come," She said and that made my speculation true. Cause if it's my real grandma she'll immediately spank me with her slippers until I apologize for my rudeness.

"No! You are not my grandma!" I exclaimed making her click her tongue and transform into a huge indescribable monster. I lose my strength and plop down on my knees.

"Run inside the house" This time it was the voice of a woman.

"Who the hell are you?!" I exclaimed and crawl towards the house but the monster leaped up and blocked the way.

"When I was being kind and letting you experience a painless death you insolent chiiiiild!!!!" The monster exclaimed in anger and leap at me readying itself to devour me. I close my eyes and pray.

"I don't know if you are real but please god! Help me!" When light shines right behind me and blinded the monster.

"What?" I asked in astonishment upon seeing two beautiful creatures in front of me. One with a toned body with the ears and tail of a monkey and the other one is a beautiful woman with a white long-shiny hair and red eyes but have a scale of a white snake wearing a white and red Kimono.

"Who are you?"

"Though we are not gods we are familiar spirits residing inside your hairpiece." The monkey guy said with his playful tone.

"And we have been waiting for almost a thousand years for you. Monique Mortiz. Our one and only master of a thousand years" The woman said.

"We will explain everything later we should finish this first Hibi!"

"Don't order me around monkey!" She replies as the monkey guy leap around with his huge glave and attack the monster while the woman chants something while standing in front of me creating a magical circle around us and upon finishing her chant huge pillars surround the monster trapping it like an animal and the monkey finish him off with just one swing of his glave.

"You can not stop our master and the secret of you clan will be revealed in the near future. Mortiz" The monster said as it turned into nothingness.

"Whoah! That's one of a kind! I'm glad I was out of that stupid hairpiece" The monkey guy said but all things happened like a roller coaster and I made me lose consciousness.

The days past just like that and now it's my 3rd month living in my grandparents' house. I didn't attend school because of all the shit I am encountering outside the house. Hibi, The woman who have a scale of a snake explained to me everything including why they were trapped inside the hairpiece. Apparently, that was because a god of calamity that brings misfortune to everyone and a human traitor combined powers and trapped them inside the hairpiece after losing the war of gods. The monkey guy even said that this house is the safest place for me because it was built by the Kimi clan (my family) which is the founder of this land and I shouldn't step outside the house or else I might encounter another monster on the way. They even warned me that I shouldn't let anyone inside even if it looks like a human because demons can camouflage themselves to look like a human. They also took the hairpiece on them so that they can protect me with whatever harm it may cause to me. As for the food they were the ones who camouflage themselves to gets food for us three. And days past like a normal shut-in girl and we three grew fonder at each other. Hearing them argue and makeup at the end is what makes me keep my sanity. Though I can't come out, at least they were beside me. I sometimes look at the window and saw some people passing by and Grandma's words didn't leave my mind. I always recall it but somehow as days passed by it slowly getting blurry. Grandma's instruction and some of my memories.

"Hey Momo, Eat your carrots will you!?" Bonzo nagged but I just ignore him.

"Hey, you monkey! is that the right way to act towards your master?!" Hibi exclaimed and hit Bonzo I just let them and look at the window. As I look at the window I was reminded by the guy that is standing on the foot of the Kimi Mountain.

"By the way do you know the guy that is always standing on the foot of the Kimi Mountains?" I asked stopping them from arguing. They both look at each other before they look at me.

"Guy? Who? Where?" Bonzo said while looking outside the window.

"I always saw him outside the bathroom window as if he's always eyeing this house. I even saw him for the first time before I was attacked by that monster you killed to save me. Bonzo clicks his tongue and look at Hibi. He runs towards the bathroom while Hibi told me to come with her. Then Hibi close the door of grandma's room and put me the beaded necklace that she always wore. Telling me that it might be dangerous so I should stay inside. So I did what I just told to and finally, I felt sleepiness inside me. And another weird dream visited me. I was like in the past time. Everyone was busy with their own thing. I walk towards the house and knock on my grandma's room. It was this house but newly built. I knock but no one is answering so I took a peek inside making me witness a much scary thing. I saw a crying little girl being tied down with candles on the floor Bonzo and Hibi was inside talking to the woman in a black cloak. I try to stifle my cry but Bonzo was too quick and caught me. the little girl heaves a deep sigh and look at me. "Sister" She cried. The woman on black cloak slap me and asked me what am I doing? But due to the sudden discoveries I just plop down on the ground and cower in fear. "Mother? What are you doing to Sae?"

Sae? As far as I know, it was grandma's great great great grandma's missing sister. So the me right now is grandma's great great great grandmother?

"You useless child! Bonzo! Go and put that child in her room."

"Yes, Master" Bonzo said and pick me up the ground telling me that I should obey my mother since I will be the next heir of the Kimi Clan. The Clan that will destroy the gods for the demons and spirits.

My body stuck cold as Hibi worriedly look at me while arguing with Bonzo. Then the years past my sister was never found and announced dead.

"Momo, Remember the secret. Remember me"

I woke up on my dreams and found Hibi and Bonzo sleeping next to me. I stifled my cry and kiss them both on the cheeks Thankful for the protection they did for my clan. But I must continue the work of my great great great grandmother's wish and that is to...

"Give that hairpiece to the man standing on the foot of Kimi mountain" I remember the blurry memory of my grandmother. I almost forgot about it, why? when I always repeat grandma's words on myself?

"That is because we've been erasing your memories Momo" Bonzo said. I gasp on their presence as he opens the door of grandma's room. The usual playful Bonzo is now looking so scary and the warm Hibi is now gloomy and cold.

"Bonzo? Hibi?"

"Yes, master?"

"I am not your master!!! You trick me! You told me you'll protect me but you lied all because of your selfishness to eradicate the human world!" I exclaimed making Bonzo mad.

"We did not! We offer our loyalty to your clan but you! and your grandmother and the other former generation abandoned us! We are the ones who got tricked! You told us you'll make a world fitted for us, spirits but all you do was take us for granted to do all your evil doings, to satisfy your lust for the beauty that never fades!" Hibi's face turned paler and paler. Oh my god! What did my clan do to these pitiful creatures?

"Now that the secret is out. We need you to make our wishes come true Momo" Bonzo said and attacked me but the man in white appear. It was the same man who saves my grandmother's great great great grandmother. The secret fox, God of protection, Izune.

"Can You keep a secret?" Izune said and I nod.

August 20, 2020 05:49

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Crystal Lewis
02:49 Aug 24, 2020

Okay. First thing (and sorry to say this first) is that your punctuation, grammar and paragraphing definitely needs some work as it was very difficult to read this story BUT I kept reading because you had a good storyline and interesting ideas so very well done on that!


Gie Garcia
05:43 Aug 24, 2020

thank you. Maybe it's because I am a beginner when it comes to writing. I will improve myself. Thank you for your honest review :D


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