
"I should have known." As tears fell to her cheeks, he felt nothing. "I should have known you cheated. Was I just another victim, then?" more words. no emotion. "Alden!" He snapped his head toward her, Silver Eyes darting across her facial expression. It was becoming difficult to ignore her and the situation at hand, considering the snowy blank canvas in front of them. Nothing could really be seen besides that flat surface dusted in white. There was nowhere for him to look except for at the ground in front of him. So he responded. "It was never that, Carter. I don't know why it happened... But it did." The bench they sat on was cold, despite them being there to warm it up. It was the middle of winter. They could have met somewhere else, but he likes the cold and she likes the rosy tint it added to her cheeks. Not to mention how he liked the shade of pink her nose would turn when she got cold. This time however, their meeting was different. Alden had to explain to Carter that he didn't cheat. Dramatic, but an important conversation to be had. "I'm sorry." He muttered. His eyes moved back to the field, watching as the snow slowly fell to coat the first layer of pure white. "As if I would believe you're sorry." She scoffed. "I trusted you! I told you it wouldn't work! You convinced me that it would be okay, that we would be okay! What did I do that was so wrong?!" he sighed as he lost his patience slowly. "Carter," he warned, stopping her from speaking with his tone. "You did nothing, you were my special girl. My best friend. But somewhere along the lines… I stopped feeling anything. I hoped that I would fall back in if I just played along, but you knew something was up. I don't know why this is happening. I know it's awful, it feels like there's no closure or care in this breakup. " She inhaled, slowly closing her eyes before growling "break up? Heartbreak. For me." She opened her eyes, the blue tint sparkling slightly. Something that Alden found himself captivated by. When he was in love, at least. "I still love you and care about you I jus-" she stood "I don't want your stupid explanation! you took advantage! You never took care of me or loved me! You were cruel, you were mean, you aren't loving or grateful, you would put the blame on me when we both knew it was you all along, and now? you're lying about cheating on me!" Alden swiftly got to his feet, one quick movement, and he was in her face, "You know I would never cheat. It all happened last night." she growls out a "BULL! " Followed by his sigh, "I've proven time and time again, how trustworthy I am. We aren't doing this again." She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, like how you broke every promise you ever made. Like how you left all those times, like how you didn't trust me, like how you are-" She paused "Were a bad boyfriend?! Makes total sense," her voice got louder as she spoke, you're right, the most trustworthy boyfriend award belongs to you! " silence. Nothing was said. A full silence filled minute passed as Alden grit his teeth and stared her down. her voice was soft when she uttered "You never spoke that fondly of me, but you spoke of her as if she was the best thing you've ever known. there is no way you met that woman last night. "she looked at her feet crying harder. "Carter look at me." she clenched her fists "NO! THIS IS YOUR FAULT! WE COULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY!" She pushed him back. "WE WOULD BE OK RIGHT NOW IF YOU HADN'T DONE IT! " She punched his chest. Once, twice, then didn't ease up as the snow (and her punches) became more and more aggressive. "I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE! THE OFF AND ON IS ALL YOUR FAULT AND I'M SO FUCKING PISSED AT YOU! YET I'M NOT ALLOWED TO BE BECAUSE THAT'S SELFISH! THIS ISN'T ABOUT THE WOMAN, THIS IS ABOUT US! " The only difference from when she started to now, was how she was weakening. Her punches became softer as she stifled sobs. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!" She hiccups. "YOU PROMISED, you promised! You're nothing but a pathetic liar! Why was our relationship not good enough? " She was breaking as he grabbed her wrists "why was I not good enough? All I ever tried to do was please you..!"she starts her sobs once more. Anyone else would think this is insane. Alden understood. She broke down more and more as he pulled her closer. He tucked her head under his Chin, shielding her from the freezing snow that fell. "You are good enough. You are amazing. We were never meant for one another. You know that. " A couple minutes passed. She had said nothing and was trying to collect herself. She tried to soak in his warmth and pretend it wasn't happening. Maybe if she tried hard enough,it would all be a bad dream, and they were still on the couch eating pretzels and cuddling. They were still at the night where their love blossomed. They were still in love and would spend the night talking to one another about the lives they hope to have. Lives that included each other.

 But alas, her eyes open and she was still in her bed. She was still remembering what happened between her and her boyfriend. Ex. the last words she said to him would be something she would remember 

"We'll see each other again, we always do. Maybe the next time it will work out. "

she sighed and turned over to face the man next to her. "Good morning, Princess" Alden said as if the fight from the month before hadn't happened "good morning Alden."

Ready to do it again?

July 10, 2020 18:45

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