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“I am okay. I am okay. I am fine. Just breathe. You know I did not think that I would start the telling of this story with a panic attack, but I guess I am already in prison so none of this went the way I thought it would go. Anyways, it was my prom night and my date had just picked me up. We were riding in a limo she had rented, and we were both all dressed up. Of course, like any one’s prom it was awkward and tense, but I planned to have fun. It came out of know where, but all of the sudden our limo was no longer moving. With a huge crashing sound my world seemed to move in slow motion.”

“Can we speed this up, this is a police report, not a novel” the detective said

I ignored that request and just moved on, “I came out of the wreckage of the limo panicked and terrified. I had no idea what had happened because well I was in a limo and could not see the road. I was in a huge panic, but I stood up, amazingly mainly uninjured, and looked around for Hannah, my date. She was next to me but unconscious. When we crashed the limo tilted on its side and was crushed in the middle. It looked like a soda can. Sadly, her arm had been pinned down by the caved in roof. Just as I was about to try and help her out. I heard a blood curdling growl. I slowly turned around to see a huge wolf. They’re actually way bigger than you would think, like I thought they were the size of a dog, but they’re like three times bigg-“

“I know how big a wolf is just tell us why you did it!” the detective interjected.

“Oh quiet, I got all the time in the world, I’m in prison at 18! Back to the story, I was paralyzed by fear and I do not know if you know this, how to survive a wolf is not common knowledge. I looked around for anyone that could help me, but the limo driver was obviously dead, and we crashed in a not busy road at like 7. No one was out there. The wolf snarled at me and I kind of panicked. I climbed on top of the crushed limo. The wolf circled around me but ran into the woods. I have no idea why it did that, I assume it heard something. I wanted to burst out into tears, but Hannah was still in the crashed limo. I pushed on the top of the roof as hard as I could, and I moved it barely enough for her arm to slip out due to gravity. I dragged her by the waist and pulled her out of the limo. Her arm looked pretty bad and I was pretty sure that her leg was broken. I fumbled around in my jacket until I found my phone, but as I pulled it out, I saw it was completely crushed.  I was stranded. I burst out into tears, but I had to do something. I went through the limo drivers jacket to find hopefully a phone. I found his phone and luckily it still worked. I immediately called 911, and I am not going to go over what was said because you definitely have it on record. While I waited for the cops to come, I sat of the curb shaking. That is when the wolf came back, I do not know why but it did. I hate that stupid wolf; it ruined my life. At this time, I do not know what came over me, but I got so angry. There was shard of the limo that had flown out to where we were sitting. I grabbed it slowly and waited until the wolf inched closer and closer. When it was close enough, I quickly smashed it over the head with the sharp metal. It winced, I didn’t hurt it that much because I am weak, but he must have decided we weren’t worth it. He ran back into the woods. The police arrived and so did the medics they took Hannah to the hospital, the cops asked me about it. Suddenly I heard a howl. The police reached for their guns but as the turned around I saw that the wolf had returned with a pack. There must have been about 20 wolves. The wolves circled us when they lunged at the police officers. I was attacked by one of the smaller ones but that was the last thing I remember. I woke up in the hospital, but I was so disturbed by what I saw that I screamed.

“What did you see?” she asked.

“Nothing, nothing. That was the problem, I jumped up and fell onto the floor. The nurses came in and tried to calm me down. Long story short, they told me that I had been blinded by the wolf attack, and I may eventually get my sight back, but it is unlikely. Of course, I had a break down and I was in therapy for years to cope with the crash, and everything. Fortunately, Hannah was fine and continued to be my girlfriend. But that was years ago. I know that was a long story, but it was necessary. I went home with my family and learned how to live with being blind. School was hard but Hannah went to the same college as me, so she helped me a lot. One day 2 years after the prom night exactly, I was sitting watching a movie with my family, when my sight came back. I did not freak out because I knew that something was still horribly wrong. I was sitting in my house, with my dogs, but the only difference was…that wasn’t my family. I knew I had to still act blind or they would know that they were fake. For a couple of days, I did some investigating when I could. One day while they were out to get groceries I went down to the basement. I walked down the creaky stairs and flipped on the light switch, for some reason it smelled terrible. That is when I knew where my family was, because that was where their bodies lay.”

“Oh, my goodness” she gasped.

“I-I went insane. I did not think to call the police, I did not think to call anyone. I went into the living room and sat on the couch in shock. Sooner or later they walked back in the house groceries in hand. I pretended to be blind and walked slowly into the kitchen. They were talking about meaningless things, how could they? I slowly grabbed a knife from the kitchen.

The woman who pretended to be my mom said “Hey, what are you doing there?” she said nervously.

I didn’t answer. I am sorry I do not really remember what happened next. I was covered in their blood I felt panicked, empty, alone, and a monster. I never really wanted to murder them. I sat in that house alone not moving, not eating, doing nothing, until one day the housekeeper walked through the door. I still blame that stupid wolf.”

“Okay we have all we need. Please return her to her cell until the trial.”

May 09, 2020 20:42

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1 comment

Laura Austin
15:58 May 21, 2020

You may want to go back and edit for grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation. It's very wordy and has too many run on sentences so it's hard to follow.


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