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She smiled and closed her eyes, trying to remember how this sweet day began.

She woke up that morning in her two bedroom apartment with a rush of excitement. She didn't know why she was excited, but waved it aside as one of those days when she dreamt of Jason, her long lost high school sweetheart, whom she had not seen for twelve good years. Anytime she had those type of dreams, she would go about her normal day's activities with anticipation and expectation, sometimes even to the point of hallucination. This affected her so much that she couldn't have a healthy relationship with other boys like a normal girl in the university, where she went to study law, because her heart longed for Jason. But that was in the past now, she had decided to move on.

She yawned and thanked God that it was Saturday, for it was only on weekends that she had time to stock up her fridge and also go shopping. On normal weekdays, the same thing happened. First she will wake up as usual, dress up, have her coffee and rushes out to beat the traffic on the way to her workplace. She owned one of the biggest law chambers in the city, so she was either talking to her clients, or, defending someone in court on some days. She loved her job, and for the same was she torn away from Jason because she went to study law in a different city. She wanted to become a lawyer that will never be forgotten in American history, so she worked toward achieving it everyday.

She rose from bed and went to shower. After washing herself thoroughly, she rinsed and dried herself. She wore her inner wear and proceeded to her wardrobe to pick an outfit. She opened her wardrobe and after searching, she finally settled on a black jeans, and pink polo written 'I own the world' in the middle with a black paint. After dressing up, she applied a little makeup on her soft face and examined herself in the mirror. She was indeed a very beautiful young lady, with long blonde hair, a pair of blue eyes that sparkled, full pink lips and a fair skin. She was very curvy and pretty, that any man she passes by would look at her twice.

After assuring herself that she was okay, in her mind she went true all that she planned to do that day. First, she would go to the Motor Licensing Office to renew her driver's license, then she would go to the supermarket to buy some groceries, then she would come home with some friends and they would eat and watch movies. With that she set off, taking her purse and phone.

After she was done with the Motor Licensing Office, she went straight to the supermarket. When she was done picking up all she needed, she proceeded to pay. On her way, she saw the back of a young man who was trying to figure out which fez cap was the best. From where she was he looked a lot like Jason.

"Oh no! not another hallucination, I thought I was over this", she gasped.

Only for the young man to turn around, and her blue eyes met with his grey eyes. They both stood looking at each other, trying to figure out if they were dreaming. She stared at him, looking from his brown hair, to his grey eyes, to his full pink lips, to that strong jawline, his ever glowing fair skin and broad shoulders. She was still smiling and looking at him when a warm hug snapped her out of her mind. He smiled at her and she thought, "that lost sweet smile". Before she knew it, he dragged her to the cashier and payed for everything. He was no longer a naive school boy, he was now a mature rich certified medical doctor.

They both giggled out of the supermarket and went straight to a coffee shop. They sat down and ordered some doughnuts. They started discussing what had happened for the past twelve years, and how they lost each other's contacts. Then they started professing love to each other again, trying to rekindle their high school love. They snapped a selfie together outside the coffee shop, and as she was looking for a perfect caption to post it with, a woman shoved her. She looked at the woman who was running off like she was late for something. The woman was wearing a royal blue blouse. That color blue reminded her of the first locker she saw, when she walked into the school hallway, the day she met Jason.

She was a quiet sixteen year old girl, who many usually made fun of because of what many called nerdish attitude. She was a straight A student, and a bookworm always buried in her books. She wore what people referred to as "last season" clothes, with a big round glasses. She didn't have friends because her mates considered her too slow, too boring and she was an extreme introvert.

She walked into the school hallway that faithful day, going straight to her locker. As usual, people looked at her and murmured, little did she know that someone had planned to disgrace her.

Splash!, that was what she heard the moment she opened her locker. She was covered in thick ketchup. She turned around to see different phone cameras pointed at her. Someone had pranked her. Tears began to form in her eyes, for this would ruin the remaining little social life she had left, and make the topic of hot gossips in weeks. As she was looking for what to clean herself up with, she felt something on her ear. She turned and saw a very handsome boy trying to clean her up.

As it is said, the rest became history.

They became two inseparable love birds. Her name was Jasmine and his was Jason, so they were known as Jsquared [J2]. They became very popular and also envied. Every girl wished she was Jasmine, for their love life was so dreamy. They did everything together, and went on various dates. He taught her how to come out of her shell and mix up with people. They never thought that they would ever separate.

But after graduation, they both pursued their different careers in different cities, losing each others contacts along the way. Jasmine would wet her pillows every night, praying that she would see Jason again, but it didn't happen. She lost hope of ever seeing him again and moved on with her life.

But now, after twelve years, here he is smiling and trying to take a selfie with her. This she considered as a very big miracle that would never be forgotten. That was when the right caption came to her mind. She wrote, "#J2 is back#. Me with Jason, my long lost high school sweetheart".

August 14, 2020 19:59

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Ugwu Nkechinyere
12:57 Aug 21, 2020

Don't kill this talent. The sky is your stepping stone


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