The day the nerds saved earth

Submitted into Contest #53 in response to: Write a story that begins with someone's popsicle melting.... view prompt



   It was summer, there was child standing outside staring at the sky as his popsicle starts to melt. A man with a hose letting his plants drown as he stares up at the sky. A woman burns her pie as she stares up at the sky. What are all these people staring at? Well it’s not something normal. If you must sit down, you can because this is kind of shocking. Ok you ready? There was a SPACESHIP! I know mind blowing right!

  The news said there was supposed to be meters hitting earth. Everyone just thought it was what those science nerds usually tell people. I take that stuff serious though. Remember what happen to the dinosaurs, but that could just be a myth like how vegetables are good for you. Everyone just went on with their life. Then all of a sudden this big huge ship came from outer space, and hovered over my town Buttsville (don’t ask me why it’s called that some say it’s because our founders name was Sir Buttsalot, but that could just be some childish rumor.) To stop you from rolling on the floor laughing every time I said my towns name, we will call it “The Beginning”. On this day I was in class “Mr. Robinson Please do not take naps in my class.” Ok pause I was not taking a nap I was just resting my eyes. Ok play “yes Mrs. Duncan.” A scream from a girl in the back echoed through the class and all of us looked at her, and she was pointing at the window. All of us went and looked and there it was (Ok for those who don’t understand what I meant by “there it was” was meaning the spaceship I decided to just add some dramatic effect).

  This thing was huge now. I know I said it was cool but at the time it was freaky. Everyone went into a panic (except me of course). a few hours go by, and it was just sitting there. Now no one knows why it’s here. Like were not Las Vegas we don’t capture aliens in Area 51. they were here just sitting there. The military came telling everyone to evacuate, but I decided to text the bravest, smartest, and strongest people I know… my friends. I told them to meet up at our secret base (an abandoned store behind my house) I ran out of the school and had to dodge some cops to get to the base, which believe me was not easy, because there everywhere telling everyone to move. When I got to the base, I turned on the lights and grabbed a soda out the mini fridge. When we found the base, we cleaned it up and put little lights up. To stop people from seeing us we boarded up the windows. when I sat down in one of the lawn chairs my best friend Scarlet walked in. She had pitch black hair with hazel brown eyes and little freckles on her cheeks. She’s not to short or to tall and dresses like a skater unlike us she could be popular. Ok can you guys keep a secret? Ok so I kind of like Scarlet. We have been friends since preschool, but you know I’m a nerd. Anyways forget about my love life and back to the story. “Hey Ben” she said, “I had to dodge so many cops to get here so what’s the emergence meeting for?” she asked, so this is the first time you’ve heard my name. I’m Benjamin Robinson. I’m kinda tall I have brown hair, green eyes, and I wear normal clothes. I’m a big computer/technology nerd. “We have to wait for the rest” I said. Then out of nowhere my friends Jack, Steve, and Mike busted in with water guns yelling that there ready to kill some aliens. Jacks your typical nerd he wears glasses, suspenders, pocket protects, and is great at math and science, and basically every academic except P.E. He has a big nose that his taped glasses sit on and has bright blue eyes with reddish hair. Steve was not a “Nerd”. He’s a “geek”. He wears t shirt, and jeans, play video games, reads comics, and does decent in school. He has blonde hair and brown eyes. Mike was tall, did great in school, and he did a lot of public speaking. He played trombone. at first, we all hated Mike because he was annoying, He had dark green eyes with black hair.

 After getting them to calm down. I started the meeting. “Ok I know you all are wondering why I gathered you here” I said “we all have seen the thing in the sky and everyone is just trying to run away from it, but not us.” As I was talking everyone was getting more intrigued. “Those jocks are running to their mommas crying, but not us. I say instead of running we see how to get rid of it” I said. “Ok so you say we try to destroy that big hunk of metal in the sky” said Steve “I think we should just run away” “ Ah shut your trap Jack of course you wanna run away you ran away from the lunch lady” said mike “Ok in my defense that mole looked alive” “Yea alive enough to make you pee yourself” I said laughing. Everyone laughed except jack who went fire red “Ha ha ha yea we will see who’s laughing when I beat those Aliens!” said jack which made everyone laugh even more. “Ok back to business” I said wiping the tears from laughing so hard “ we gotta find a way to send it back where they came from, maybe we could take it out from the inside” I said. “Yea are we just going to walk up with gift baskets welcoming them to the planet they might take over or blow up” said Mike mockingly. “Wait. For them to be able to take over the planet they need to send troops down” I said.  “so, we could take over a mini ship and keep one to tell them to let us in” said Scarlet. “But if movies were right, they might have really powerful weapons. I mean were just nerds with no upper body strength, or weapons” piped in Steve. “Well then we can do it the smart way like getting some jocks to fight with us  and if we can see if you have num-chuks or something useful” I said. So, with that said we went to our houses. In my room I found a Katana and some stink bombs (which I had because those dumb jocks pranked us by taking our clothes while we were taking our showers after gym class, so we put a stink bomb in the locker room before a game). After finding those things I decided to hop on my bike and go back to the base. After chilling drinking soda for like 20 mins my friends finally came back with all sorts of stuff Jack brought a boomerang and a nerf gun, Steve brought a Bow and Arrows (which I didn’t know he had) and a swiss army knife,  Mike brought pepper spray, and Scarlet brought hair spray and a lighter.

  With all the stuff they gathered from there houses we decided to make a plan. Once the ship sent down something like a mini ship or like tanks, we would ambush them and take it over. We will keep one alien and force him to let us on the ship. “Guys what if this goes wrong? I mean we are just nerds” said mike. “That’s our advantage “said Scarlet. Then we set out. Just like we thought they sent out these little hovering things with the aliens on them. There were three. one was around us, so we hoped on a roof and set up our plan. Steve and Jack would stay on the roof with the bow and boomerang. Scarlet would spray the hovering thing distracting them while Mike and I hoped in with the swiss army knife and katana. We sat there for about 30 mins about to give up hope, but then it turned into the street we were at. When it was about to reach Scarlet, she jumped out and sprayed it. Heating up the ship. They stopped, and two aliens with lazer guns jumped out, but Steve took them out. then mike and I picked up the guns and went in telling everyone hands up. These things had scaley type skin, two dots as noses, big eyes, and with long skinny fingers. they had an egg-shaped head. Then one started talking “$!@#^&%!@$#%#” it spoke. “Anyone speaks Mars” Said Mike. “Actually, there is no life on mars” said Jack. “Yea, and there isn’t supposed to be aliens” said Scarlet. “Humans we have come from the planet Globster that has been overrun by the race known as Gilligans. We have come to move to this planet.” Spoke one of the aliens. “Yea well we don’t enough room. So, scram!” Steve said angrily.“ Alright listen aliens your gonna takes us into that big flying rust bucket in the sky, or you’ll end up like the two outside” I said. “We can call it in saying we found Humans” said the alien. “Then your gonna do that and don’t pull anything funny. Now get this thing moving” I demanded. They did and was moving toward the big scrap metal in the sky. “@!#$@@$#$^%^&&$$%^^&$%” said an alien on the radio in the ship. “!@^*^$%&%^&%%^&%” replied the alien. Then this big door opened, and they flew into it.

  When we got in there, we knocked them out and tied them up with some rope in the ship. I gave Jack my gun, and I took out my katana. This ship had blue light all over the place with bright silver around us. We went to one of the doors. “Ben you think you could find a way to open this thing?” asked Scarlet. “Yea I got something I’ve been working on in my bag” I replied and pulled out my door over rider that opens face scan, or hand scan. I put the flat piece of metal on the door, and it went to work. It took about 3 min, but then suddenly, the door opened, and we walked down the big steel hall to a room that had a huge door. “That’s probably the control room” thought Mike. After about a min the door opened, and we took out the guards, and knocked out the control man. “How are we going to fly this thing?” asked Jack. “We won’t” I said as I brought a big round shaped metal Computer fryer.  “This will send out electricity that will fry the controls sending it to the ground” I explained. “we’ll have about 5 min” I told them. They all nodded. “Ok 3…2…1 RUN” I said. We all ran as fast as possible, but there was this big group of aliens walking down the hall. “Are we going to fight them?” Jack asked horrified. “Do we have an option?” said Mike. “Not really” said Scarlet. We ran at them fighting our way through, but one got Mike. He was holding him hostage. “GO WITHOUT ME” he yelled. “WERE NOT GONNA LEAVE YOU” yelled Steve. “HES GONNA HOLD ME HERE, AND WE DON’T HAVE TIME” yelled Mike. “He’s right we have to go” I said. They all agreed and with sadness we left and got in the ship. While we were flying out of there the ship started falling. Everyone started crying as we flew away. “It’s over. the ones in the ship will die, and the government can take on the stragglers” Scarlet said wiping her tears. “He’s gone” said Steve staring at the ground. “What are we going to tell his parents?” asked Jack. “We’ll tell them he died saving earth because that’s what we did. The nerds saved earth”

  About a month went by, and we had a funeral for Mike. All of us got medals for taking down the ship. At school we became some of the most popular kids at school. I finally worked up the nerve to ask Scarlet out, and she said yes. Steve was torn up about mike because that was his best friend, but he is getting back to normal again. Mike’s parents think it our fault he died, so we’re not on good terms right now. Hey who knows, maybe next time were going to stop a prehistoric lizard from destroying our town. Whatever happens all I know is that nerds will save the day.

August 07, 2020 19:17

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E. K. Rebeles
21:18 Aug 12, 2020

Hi Colin! I love the premise and your narrator has a fun and engaging voice. It's a big story to try to tell well in a short story, so kudos for doing it!! A few recommendations for your next adventure - from my point of view: • The grammar was a bit rough which was distracting from the overall story. Most specifically, the tenses weren't consistent, which makes following the timing more of a struggle. • I felt like Jack's character wasn't super believable. If he was a super nerd who was afraid of the lunch lady, I have trouble belie...


Colin Mullen
01:39 Aug 14, 2020

Thank you for the feedback. I will definitely take your advice in to consideration next time


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