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The long, winding bridge leading to my home smelled of the morning dew that appears on fresh, green grass, the first of spring every year. In fact if it had a sound it would be the song Morning Dew by David Karp, or maybe Harp Étude, no Harp Étude perfectly describes the calm flowing water hidden beneath the bridge. I could stand on the bridle overlooking the water, the specks of colorful flowers, even the frogs with most girls in my village would run from, afraid of there dark green skin and long tongue, possibly scared that long tongue will scoop them up and carry them away, all day long. And I probably would have if I hadn’t heard the blood curling, body shaking, ear bursting scream is just heard. I ran all the way up the hill, through the field, and jumped across the rock filled river, until I finally got to my village.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” I heard a woman, Mrs. Loraine screaming from her attic

“What‘s wrong Mrs. Loraine!” I yelled whilst climbing the ladder.

“Ch-Charlie I think he’s going to drown my baby in the river!“ She cried “Richard told me to stay up here!”

I shuttered the very river I was just ogling at could be the same river Mrs. Loraine‘s son is drowning a baby in.

“W-what.” I could’ve fallen off the latter, people started to gather around, offering Mrs. Loraine a cup of tea or a blanket. I slowly backed off of the latter, and ran back to the river. I crossed the whole thing from beginning to end, until I saw something slowly sinking in to the water, and heard a voice calling from the woods.

”Charlie!” Mr. Loraine yelled. “What’d you do with the baby?”

I slowly grabbed the object from the water. It’s the baby, I thought.

“Mr. Loraine!” I yelled “The baby, it-it’s dead!” Mr. Loraine‘s pounding footsteps filled my Vibrated my body, my ears began to ring, and my legs weakened. I felt arms carefully grip the baby’s body, and u watched slow tears steam down the face of Richard.

“Martha!” he cried as him and I sprinted towards the Loraine residents.

”My baby!” She bawled info her husband shoulder.

The next day I heard a knock on my door, I was still spooked by the baby but i still opened the door.

”I’ll get it mother!”

”Isabella, thank you so much for you help!” Mrs. Loraine shook her head, “I was knitting this blanket for the baby, but then, you know, but if it weren’t for you he wouldn’t have the body, so I wanted to give you this.” She handed be a pink box with a silk purple ribbon.

”Thank You so much Mrs. Loraine.” I smiled widely at her.

”Oh please dear, call me Martha.” she forced a smile towards me. “Open it!” I tugged the purple ribbon off and picked up a light blue, blanket with the words magnifique printed on the corner.

February 04, 2020 00:01

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Teagan May
02:32 Feb 15, 2020

This isn’t the best story I’ve written but it came to me and I wrote, the music in the beginning just really reminded me of what I was writing about. I know I’m rambling, I hope you come across this story it was very meaningful to me.


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