Contemporary Fiction Inspirational

"It doesn't count if you're already planning your defeat." Reema from the kitchen shouted over Vidhya.

Vidhya was all ready to quit the hearing. She had decided to sign off the petition she filed to save her home. The day was of the final court hearing. Whereas in intense surrounding Vidhya forgot her diet, life and smile. While sitting in the dining. Reema stood inside the kitchen. While preparing Lemonade, she was blubbering her thoughts to make Vidhya realised her faults. But in last she stooped at the only question she wants to ask- 

"Is this the right decision?"

Vidhya breathed idle and confronted her dilemma.

“I lost my parents when I was 15 and 16, respectively, and I was left alone with my other nine siblings. I later dropped out of school due to financial instability in the family. Our home being in a region where girl-child marriage is commonly practiced, I literally ran away from home joining my elder sister for my safety after two men came to ask for my hand in marriage. One of them was a drunkard driver.

But later, with the pace of time. My marriage got fixed with My husband who owned an empire in the state. He had as much wealth to run his whole life in butter voyage. I found happiness but a cage of not doing anything because of the ease of everything in person. I got our children at tender age of life, and those were the best years of my life... a happening life I had. But there is always a guilt I had, of not doing anything of my own."

Reema interrupted her in the middle and told her - "So this is the time for doing something of your own.

You are not alone, every lady who is here had the same story you are carrying. Sometimes judging ourselves is much easier than others. And you are doing the same. Reema passed Vidhya the glass of lemonade, she was preparing. However, like this lemonade Vidhya, "you are the water, and you are balancing the taste of sour lemon and sweet sugar but as moving with time you forgot your taste. The power you had. You had power of hydration, neutrality and energy of your own but you are lacking it. As like water you are only trying to neutralizing your surroundings and system but not trying to hydrate the system in your surroundings which get lost.

And here Your son is playing sugar, who already over imposed his essence to won. Whereas sometimes the sourness of society you are fearing from is over imposed at yourself. But you are not done yet, Vidhya.

Age is only a number. And you are enough capable to give a try for your evolution 

And trust me the decision of defeat you're making; will make a regret to you. quitting is not worthy. You will be not fighting with your son in the court Vidhya, You are fighting against injustice, unworthy and bad deeds.

But before Reema completed her words, Matrika banged-in the room where they two were having their words. She knew what was both discussing. But innocently she threw her stone, turned over Vidhya and said - "It's okay if you are thinking of defeat. It was all our destiny to lose our family, then home and now this.

As a woman, I always waited for respect but when my husband threw me out and my children didn't made me feel worthy. I found out the most important thing a woman need is Self-respect. Whatever she sacrificed her whole life either for their parents, then husband and later children will be no matter at some time. But only the tag of Capable, Working and Empowered matters. 

I never tried to build my tag as Working, Capable and Empowered because I thought there's enough I sacrificed. But I was actually struggling myself in my whole life, yet either way."

Reema, again continued her point - 

"I believe if I tell someone my story, I can empower a person through my story might be 5%, but It will do."

Vidhya assented at Reema's point of opinion. And headed for preparation of case further. At five in the evening, they got alarmed of "the Court of Empyrean Justice". Grim Reaper took Vidhya's son to the next realm. And in the front of lord of justice. 

Lord again dropped his question-

"Who was responsible for the barging down of Vidhya's Old-age home?"

Where Vidhya's spouse showed his support to her and ladies were too sat in the bowl. Vidhya threw her words, whereas turning towards God she told every spirit sitting around. She was trying to control the emotion of revisiting her troubled past, Vidhya stopped, looked down and shaked her head as if to send the memories away.

While clearing throat she continued, Lord! "I've committed my life to help women. I urge everyone working for women's health to make thoughtful evidence-based decisions and to take action to promote successful interventions like the midwifery mode of care to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity. I started an Old-age home for giving those a shelter who couldn't claim a place for there of own."

Earlier, I was willing to make them comfortable in their very own home. I tried to make.But running away was like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire since it was in my hiding place where we encountered the miserable- macabre massacre by reputed businessman along with my own son for a piece of land. It was painful, although it is painful and will a question - 

"why are humans forgetting their humanity?"

Vidhya fought with every evidence of her loyalty and she was fighting against what she faced because of his own son in the earth.

She was not fighting for claiming her win. She was fighting for her first try. Whether the result will be on her side or not.

But for the very first time, Vidhya as a spirit claimed her tag "Empowered Woman".

November 06, 2020 15:38

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Wolfy 🐺
13:34 Nov 12, 2020

Really nice story, but I think you could maybe work a little more on "showing, not telling". Keep it up tho!


Aakriti Anil
18:37 Nov 16, 2020

Thankyou so much for your words. I'll mark them and try to fix my writing though. 😁


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