Spoonfuls of Peanut Butter

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt

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To: noahhall@outlook.ca

From: registrationdesk@luxfitness.ca

Subject: Congrats on signing up!

Hello Noah,

Congrats on becoming part of Lux Fitness family! We look forward to having you. Currently you have our BASIC PACKAGE, which means access to the pool, cardio floor, and weight room. Our hours are 5am to 8pm on weekdays, and 10 am to 5pm on weekends.

We look forward to seeing you soon! Remember, the Lux life is a fit life. 


The Lux Fitness Team

For more information regarding and to book a personal trainer, please click here.

To upgrade your package, or to become part of our DeLux programme, please click here.

Unsubscribe from email notifications

To: noahhall@outlook.ca

From: welcomewagon@myfitnesstrainer.org 

Subject: Let’s get started! Your FitnessTrainer info.

Hello Noah, 

Thank you for signing up for My Fitness Trainer™, here for all of your fitness needs, both here and on the go! 

Your login info is as follows: 

USER: xx_Hallmaster_xx

PASS: letmein123

Now that you have signed up for the app, there are many exciting features now available to you such as the workout and calorie tracker, BMI estimate, and live 24/7 trainer support. 

We look forward to working with you, and may your fitness journey be a good one! 

To unsubscribe from My Fitness Trainer™ emails, please click this link

To: noahhall@outlook.ca

From: donotreply@myfitnesstrainer.org

Subject: Thank you for registering My Fitness Trainer

Hello Noah,

You have now registered your info and statistics with My Fitness Trainer™. This will be used as a metric to measure your progress, so whether you’re looking to bulk up or slim down, we will be with you every step of the way. We ask that you fill in a small in-app questionnaire every day, to keep this info as accurate as possible. Here is your reading for February 15th, 2014. 


Weight: 220lbs

Height: 5’7

Approx BMI: 34.46

9:47 am: Workout logged 

Workout length - 15 minutes

Average calories burned - 113kcal

11:15 am: Caloric intake logged

Peanut butter - two tablespoons. 

Calories: 188. Total fat: 16 grams. Saturated fat: 3 grams.

3:40 pm: Caloric intake logged

Medium chocolate chip cookies - four

Calories: 592. Total fat: 29.6 grams. Saturated fat: 9.6 grams. 

3:42 pm: Caloric intake logged

Medium chocolate chip cookies - three 

Calories: 444. Total fat: 22 grams. Saturated fat: 7 grams. 

3:50 pm: Workout logged

Workout length - 2 minutes

Average calories burned - 10kcal 

7:40 pm: Caloric intake logged

Peanut butter - two tablespoons. 

Calories: 188. Total fat: 16 grams. Saturated fat: 3 grams.

May your fitness journey be a good one! 

To unsubscribe from My Fitness Trainer™ emails, please click this link

To: noahhall@outlook.ca

From: donotreply@myfitnesstrainer.org

Subject: My Fitness TrainerProgress Report

Hello Noah,

Here is your reading for March 1st, 2014. 


Weight: 200lbs

Height: 5’7

Approx BMI: 31.32

9:14 am: Workout logged 

Workout length - 30 minutes

Average calories burned - 305kcal

10:02 am: Caloric intake logged

Meal replacement drink - one bottle. 

Calories 160. Total fat: 2 grams. Saturated fat: 0.5 grams. 

2:15 pm: Caloric intake logged

Peanut butter - two tablespoons. 

Calories: 188. Total fat: 16 grams. Saturated fat: 3 grams.

2:40 pm: Caloric intake logged

Medium chocolate chip cookies - four

Calories: 592. Total fat: 29.6 grams. Saturated fat: 9.6 grams. 

2:52 pm: Caloric intake logged

Kettle cooked chips - 230 grams.

Calories: 1280. Total fat: 72 grams. Saturated fat: 12 grams. 

5:34 pm: Caloric intake logged

Peanut butter - three tablespoons. 

Calories: 288. Total fat: 24 grams. Saturated fat: 5 grams.

May your fitness journey be a good one! 

To unsubscribe from My Fitness Trainer™ emails, please click this link

To: noahhall@outlook.ca

From: donotreply@myfitnesstrainer.org

Subject: My Fitness TrainerProgress Report

Hello Noah,

Here is your reading for March 30th, 2014. 


Weight: 180lbs

Height: 5’7

Approx BMI: 28.76

9:14 am: Workout logged 

Workout length - 30 minutes

Average calories burned - 305kcal

10:02 am: Caloric intake logged

Meal replacement drink - one bottle. 

Calories 160. Total fat: 2 grams. Saturated fat: 0.5 grams. 

2:15 pm: Caloric intake logged

Peanut butter - two tablespoons. 

Calories: 188. Total fat: 16 grams. Saturated fat: 3 grams.

5:34 pm: Caloric intake logged

Peanut butter - three tablespoons. 

Calories: 288. Total fat: 24 grams. Saturated fat: 5 grams.

May your fitness journey be a good one! 

To unsubscribe from My Fitness Trainer™ emails, please click this link

To: noahhall@outlook.ca

From: admindesk@charlookdentalassociates.com

Subject: Your Dental Appointment

Hello Mr. Hall,

You have a scheduled dental appointment for April 4th, 2014 at 11am. Please confirm your time by using the tools below, if you have any questions, or need to reschedule - please respond to this email as soon as possible. 

Thank you. 

To: noahhall@outlook.ca

From: donotreply@myfitnesstrainer.org

Subject: My Fitness TrainerProgress Report

Hello Noah,

Here is your reading for April 5th, 2014. 


Weight: 175lbs

Height: 5’7

Approx BMI: 26.86

9:01 am: Workout logged 

Workout length - 60 minutes

Average calories burned - 845kcal

10:02 am: Caloric intake logged

Meal replacement drink - one bottle. 

Calories 160. Total fat: 2 grams. Saturated fat: 0.5 grams. 

7:40 pm: Caloric intake logged

Medium chocolate chip cookies - eight

Calories: 1184. Total fat: 59.2 grams. Saturated fat: 19.2 grams. 

May your fitness journey be a good one! 

To unsubscribe from My Fitness Trainer™ emails, please click this link

Text Message | Received: 9:05 am

Mom 👑

Hey, I just got a call back from the dentist. They

said there’s a problem with your teeth. Please

call me back. 

Read 9:07 am

To: noahhall@outlook.ca

From: donotreply@myfitnesstrainer.org

Subject: My Fitness TrainerProgress Report

Hello Noah,

Here is your reading for April 28th, 2014. 


Weight: 165 lbs

Height: 5’7

Approx BMI: 25.86

8:30 am: Workout logged 

Workout length - 75 minutes

Average calories burned - 1056 kcal

9:48 am: Caloric intake logged

Meal replacement drink - one bottle. 

Calories 160. Total fat: 2 grams. Saturated fat: 0.5 grams. 

12:15 pm: Caloric intake logged

Meal replacement drink - one bottle. 

Calories 160. Total fat: 2 grams. Saturated fat: 0.5 grams. 

6:22 pm: Caloric intake logged

Meal replacement drink - one bottle. 

Calories 160. Total fat: 2 grams. Saturated fat: 0.5 grams. 

May your fitness journey be a good one! 

To unsubscribe from My Fitness Trainer™ emails, please click this link

Text Message | Received: 8:42 pm

Mom 👑

Please please call me back Noah, they say 

you’re sick.  

Missed call: 9:01 pm

Missed call: 9:02 pm

Missed call: 9:10 pm

Missed call: 9:22 pm


Sent 9:23 pm

To: helpline@nedic.ca

From: noahhall@outlook.ca

Subject: please help me

My name is Noah, and I am a detriment to myself. 

I have been binging since before I can remember. Food was always a comfort to me. My mom would always make it - and her cookies were the absolute best. So, naturally, I was a chubby kid, and kids being kids, I got made fun of. What I realize now was a vicious cycle was reality for me at that point: I would binge, get chubbier, get teased, eat for comfort, ad infinitum. 

When I got to university, things changed. I was on my own, and so I was solely responsible for my diet at this point. Being on my own budget as well, I played things fast and loose. It was like a game: what could I get for the lowest price that would feed me for the week. That’s when I started to deny myself food. Don’t get me wrong, I would still binge with snacks and cookies and the like, but I would take pride in how few meals I’d eaten that day. 

I knew it wasn’t healthy, but I also knew I didn’t want to stop. I was getting a little slimmer, so I decided to lean into that. I joined a gym and started going every day. The results were immediate and amazing. I was slimmer than I’d ever been, so I’d deny myself more. And more. And more. But I’d never deny myself a binge. There was never an inbetween. 

Then I hit a plateau. I was still losing weight, but not fast enough for me. So I started purging. Taking laxatives is what I started with, but throwing up became the best. I could expel just about everything in my system in a matter of minutes. It too started to become routine. It too started to become pride. 

I can not deny I feel a slight twinge even now. 

But recently I passed out on my bathroom floor. I don’t know how long I was out. I woke up clammy and cold.

My body is failing now. It won’t let me stop. I can’t eat without discomfort, can’t work out because I’m too weak, and I’m too ashamed to reach out to anyone until now.

I will be checking myself into the Quikton general hospital for urgent care. I don’t know if I can reverse what I’ve done - but I know I can’t go any further. I will let the doctors know I’ve contacted you. Please send a therapist, or someone there who can help me. Please.

I need your help. 

March 23, 2020 19:47

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1 comment

Izzy Anderson
21:30 Apr 01, 2020

I really like how unusual the plot of this story is. It was a 'twist' that I certainly didn't see coming. I would like to read more from this author.


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