The Disappearing Act

Submitted into Contest #88 in response to: Write a fairy tale about an outsider trying to fit in.... view prompt


American Drama Suspense

Haylee was a little girl, not bad looking enough to be ugly, but not good looking enough to be pretty. She always had trouble fitting in and never felt safe enough to share her mind. Although, she had a secret, making it harder for her to fit in.  No one knew that secret, not even her parents. How that came to be? She didn't know, but she still was not going to tell anyone.

“Mom I really don’t want to go today. It is not fair; Myer isn’t going today. Why do I have to go?” She complained while she rolled out of bed. Her mother rolled her eyes, “Myer is sick, Haylee. You aren’t” she replied. Haylee ignored the favoritism and got dressed. She slid down the stairs and sat down at breakfast. 

On the way to school she said, “Dad? Why does mom always have an attitude?” Haylee was used to her mother’s attitude but still didn’t like it. Hee shrugged his shoulders and stopped the car. She hopped out and ran into school. 

Once she got to her classroom, she noticed all the eyes that were on her. She stopped dead in her tracks and said, “What? Have you never seen someone better than you?” They all shook their heads, some no and some yes. She asked the teacher where to sit and the teacher pointed to an empty seat by the back of the class.  

She sat down and heard, “Does that girl have a disease? Why does she look like that?” From one and “Haha she’s funny if she thinks she’s better than me,” From the girl sitting beside her. Great, she thought, another preppy princess. She sighed and started writing. 

After the class was over, one of the girls came up to her, “Who do you think you are? Acting better than me? Coming into MY territory like that?” the girl said. Haylee whipped around and cocked her head. Her ocean blue hair fell out of her bun and flew back in the wind, after she was done turning around her hair rested at the back of her knees.  

“I don’t think I’m better than you, I KNOW I’m better than you. So, scurry on, you do not want to make me mad, not today!” Haylee said. The blonde-haired girl stared at her, not knowing what she was capable of. Haylee walked off and went to her next class. In some cases, Haylee would have blown her top, but she learned that keeping her life a secret was more important than making people scared of her.  

The rest of the day went by fast, then it was time to go home. She told her parents she’d be walking home, to see the pretty sights. She went to find the blonde-haired girl, but she was no where in sight, so she Haylee took off to go home. 

“Yeah, there was this creepy girl at my work, she wore braids with pink ribbons and a white dress,” her father said, “I wonder if they’re related,” she jokingly said back. 

The next day at school was the same, after every class she got interrogated by the same girl. She started to wonder if the girl was the school’s bully. She asked around about the girl and the girl’s name was Peach. Also, no she was not the school bully, that was Hazel and Lily Rae. She didn’t know what Peach had against her, but she also didn’t care. It was obvious that Peach was jealous, but again, Haylee didn’t care. 

After school one day, Haylee decided to go wandering out behind the school. Since the school was surrounded by woods, she had to make sure she had everything she needed so she went to the store. She went to three different stores and took four hours to get everything and get back. While she was at the first store she got, granola bars, beef jerky, water, grape flavored water packets, and a small bag of chips. At the second store she got gloves, a book bag, insulated socks, hiking books, a blanket, and a flashlight. At the third store she got a box charger, earplugs, headphones, a hoodie, and binoculars.  

When she got out of the third store, she called her mom, unfortunately she didn’t answer, so Haylee left a message, “Hey mom, I want to go explore the town, so I got enough supplies to last me a few days. If I am not home by 10:45 tonight, call the police officers, I am with my friend so I should be okay, love you mom, dad, and Myer, bye” truth be told she was not with anyone, she had no friends. Either way, Haylee was going to be fine. 

After she got back to the school, she wandered around it and into the woods. She went a few miles back and didn’t notice anything strange until she came upon a small log cabin. The lights were on there were two people dancing around the living room part of the cabin. She came and peeked her head through the window. An elderly couple were dancing to a record player, playing Dean Martin.  

She thought it was a cute thing to see. Until they started talking to each other, and both turned their heads to the window. Haylee ducked her head, but not before she noticed their completely black eyes. She ran as fast as she could until the blonde girl, Peach, stopped her. “Where are you going, new girl?” She said in a distorted voice. 

Haylee felt like she was going crazy, then everything went in slow motion. She woke back up in her bed. "Must have been a dream," she told herself

The next day at school was the worst day she’d ever had since they moved. Peach was turning into a real bully. “Haha you scaredy cat! You look like someone just kicked your dog!” Peach said. Haylee turned around and her hair started blowing in the wind, only there was absolutely no wind.  

“If you do not shut up, I’ll kick you! I want to see your eyes glow yellow, yellow, and only yellow! Haylee held out her hand and yellow liquid poured out of peach’s eyes. Her head fell from her neck and Haylee disappeared. She was never seen again, “I didn’t mean to let them see me” her last words were 

Thank you for reading, hopefully you like it.  

April 05, 2021 16:30

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