Fiction Funny Science Fiction

So here I am walking down the street, passing by the same way, seeing the same things I do all the time, when I noticed a shadow hunched over and trying to remain hidden from sight.

I headed in the direction of what I saw, not sure of what I saw, then was confronted by this stray, who appeared timid and frightened by seeing me.

At first, I was not sure how to respond to this surprise meeting of a stray, which had been near where I was walking all the time, yet I was feeling saddened by the idea that anyone was having to be out in the cold, especially on the coldest day of the year.

I looked more closely, was shown what this stray was, and after a few minutes, the stray revealed themselves, standing upward and it was a human stray. More was shown, as they began to go from a crouching position, then stood up equal to where I was. She was about the same height, and about the same build as me.

I was unable to move, as the shock was beginning to set in, and then I regained my composure, reaching into my pocket, to offer some money.

They were not interested in money it seemed, they were not interested in anything more than finding shelter from the frigid wind blowing and I spoke quickly. "Would you like to find a better place than this, so you will not continue freezing?" "It looks like the day will be worse than yesterday".

As the stray, who will be identified as she, was trying to find her voice, I waited patiently. She was trying to make out the words that she wanted to speak, but none came. I found a pen and some paper, signing for her to write what she was trying to say.

It was then; after reaching for the pen and paper, she wrote some words, but what she wrote was jumbled. I asked her to rewrite the words slowly, and she did. Then handing the paper back, she asked me to take her someplace that would allow her to shower and a bed to sleep in too.

I read shower or bath and bed, catching onto what she meant, and nodded. I motioned her to follow me, which started slowly, then began to move faster, until she was in front and leading the way.

We walked quickly by a mission, then a clothing store, then we arrived at the building, where I lived on the eighth floor. I opened the door, motioned her to enter, but she just stopped and stood there. I looked at her and said, "This is where you will find your shower or bath and a bed to sleep on.

She was still not moving, but she finally realized what I was saying, and went through the doorway hurriedly. She went towards the hallway, turned around and seen me as I walked to the elevators. She then ran towards me and sat down beside me, trying to flatten her hair.

There was no reason for her to do this, she had already made an impression on me, but it would be cool if she were doing this. The elevator doors opened, she went flying in, and I was right behind her. She proceeded to stand up again and fell on her butt. She looked embarrassed, then with my help, stood up once more.

After some time passed, the elevator doors opened on the eighth floor, she bounded out, into the hallway, turning to see me pointing to the left. She then headed down the hall, waiting on me to show her which apartment was mine. Before I was near her, I stopped at Apartment 808, and she then ran towards where I was standing.

I pulled out my key when she reached for the key and placed in the lock to open it. I was amazed at the idea; this stray person was able to open doors or use keys. When the door flung open, she let out a loud laugh. She was excited at the idea that she had done something right.

After I entered, I seen her slowly touring the apartment, taking in all she saw and was fascinated by what she saw. I pointed towards the room that was the bedroom, she went towards the door, and then the door slammed shut.

I feel as though she was wanting to feel more secure before she would allow anyone to see her, but I headed to the bedroom, not finding the door locked and saw her lying on my bed, fast asleep.

I then decided to shower myself, and I undressed quietly, so as not to wake her up or disturb her. I was showering when I heard some noise and after stepping out of the shower, was met with an open window, and blistering cold.

I would look for her later, not sure how to take in all that had happened nor being able to figure out what made her decide to leave or why. I looked over at the nightstand, and noticed my cell phone was missing.

I knew then I needed to find her, search for her, and get my cell phone back. This was a sign for certain and I knew where she was.

I dressed hurriedly. I ran down the steps, and out the door. I was ready to return to the place I had found her, when I heard a loud laugh coming from the side of the apartment building.

She looked at me, sizing me up, then handed my cell phone back to my waiting hand. She then spoke for the first time, "Did you think I had returned to the place you first seen me at?" I replied, "Honestly, I was not sure". Then we both laughed, and this time she walked in with me to the elevator.

Now imagine after 5 years of us being together, where we are and what took place during this whole time. We became closer and more made what we would do. We chose to share a life together, had even talked of moving, to a hotter climate. The chance meeting had made us both realize something.

"How do you know for sure, when you meet that someone, whether you both will find out you were made for each other?" "How do you know what words to say or what to do until you find someone special enough to make some kind of commitment?"

Never know, until you make a commitment, and see it through from beginning to the moment it arrives.

February 17, 2025 18:13

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