Creative Nonfiction Kids Funny


I'm bewitched. Well, that is, I'm becoming a witch. No, not the true, crone looking, broom flying, cauldron cooking kind of witch. But still a witch. A pretend witch, that is. And only for one evening. Not so bad. And I'm actually being encouraged to become a witch or something I'm usually not. Don't intend to cast any spells on unsuspecting souls, good or bad. But you never know. Could happen unintentionally, you understand. Since I'm only eight years old how bad could it be? I have never been schooled in becoming a witch. I'll have to work on it. And, of course, I don't want anyone to know that is what I'll be. So don't tell anyone. It has to be a secret. Now, let's do this!

We, my whole family, don't have much money so Mom will never agree to buy a ready made witch outfit. Those aren't easily available out here in the country anyway. I have to be creative. What am I going to need to make myself look like a witch? Witches always dress in all black, right? I'm gonna need a black dress. One that reaches all the way to the ground. I don't have one of those but my older sister has a long black skirt. Maybe it would reach the floor on me. Now I have to be sure she doesn't need it tonight and will let me use it. Maybe she will help me turn into a witch. She is very resourceful and she knows how to sew. Dad had an old black shirt, once. If we can find it and cut it up some, it would work for the top half. Long sleeves and all, maybe even a cape or shawl. Sis can fix it, I know.

But for the hat? Has to be pointy on top, right? I saved some black construction paper from school. With some glue and scissors bet we can fashion a proper witch hat. Boy, that will look fine! Mom will help draw some lines on my face with her eyeliner makeup to look like wrinkles and mold my silly putty into an extra long nose maybe with a mole on it for good measure.

Wish I had a better pair of shoes to wear. Curly toed boots would be wonderful but I can't think of anything to mimic that. The long skirt won't let them show anyway. I'll put my striped socks on and call it good. Mom's letting me carry our old outdoor straw broom as long as I don't lose it.

Okay, okay! I'm so excited. It's time to go. My two older sisters are ready, too. Even though they are only in fifth and sixth grades, they are going as teen-age boys with their hair swept into Elvis style pompadors including a bad-boy curl in front. They look so goofy with their letter sweaters on. The party is for the whole school and their families. Mom will stay home with the three little one's. They are only five, two and one years old. Way too young to have a good time. Dad will drop us off then come and get us again. He doesn't like these kind of events. You gonna ride with us? Remember, we don't want anyone to know who we are. It's more fun that way.

Our gymnasium doesn't even look like the same place! Sure you can still see all the classrooms spaced around the center open room where the basketball hoops are but the eerie decorations, the orange and black streamers, cobwebs and jack-o-lanterns transform the place into a spooky backdrop for the activities they plan for us. Do you see the graveyard in the corner? Skeletons, ghosts and everything. The cafeteria is serving all kinds of treats, too. Over there is a witch's cauldron. I need to stand by it and stir in some bat's teeth. This is gonna be fun. I heard someone say there will be a costume contest. We all have to parade in front of judges. Maybe you want to volunteer to be a judge. You are new here. You'd be an impartial observer.

Anyway, I see a bunch of my classmates. I'll go hang out by them. Hmm. Nobody seems to recognize me. I'm not going to talk so they won't know who I am. See how long it takes for someone to get wise. I know who they are. Kay Anne is the angle, as always. Martha is a spotted ladybug. Billy is the ghost, I can tell because he has his glasses on the outside of his sheet. Charlie is a caveman just like Fred Flintstone. Jimmy, the hobo or Freddie Freeloader, keeps following me trying to figure it out.

This is so funny! This costume is working out better than I would have ever guessed. No one knows me. Maybe I'll have a shot at winning the costume contest. Wonder what the prize will be. I'll make a clean sweep with my broom. I'm enjoying this whole night except Jimmy is starting to make a pest of himself. He is asking everyone around who they think I am. Did I come with them? Don't tell, please. Hope my sisters catch on and keep the secret.

Gonna have to cast a spell on Jimmy if he doesn't quit annoying me. But I can't talk. Oh, good! Some games are starting. Maybe that will distract the little detective. He could bob for apples. I can't or my nose would fall off or my makeup could smear. I'll paint a small pumpkin. Dracula is whispering scary stories in the graveyard. The skeleton is leading a scavenger hunt. Teens are doing the Monster Mash. I see my sisters joining in.

Finally the parade is lining up. We walk around and around the room while people pick out their favorites. Oh, these stupid annoying shoes. I have the same problem all the time at recess. They are hand-me-down flats a little too sloppy big on me. Every time I try to run or hurry one falls off nearly tripping me. I have to double back to pick it up.

Suddenly Jimmy calls out, “Ah, ha! The witch is Mary! Those are her shoes! I'd know her anywhere!”

November 07, 2024 23:11

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Annie Persson
19:03 Nov 08, 2024

So cute! The shoes gave her away! This was very fun to read, and a really charming little tale. I hope she has new shoes next year! :)


Mary Bendickson
04:58 Nov 09, 2024

Thanks That was me a few decades ago.😂


Annie Persson
14:25 Nov 10, 2024

We can all still be young at heart! :)


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Alexis Araneta
17:26 Nov 08, 2024

Adorable !!! Hahahaha ! I loved the perspective of child you trying your best to win the contest. Lovely work !


Mary Bendickson
04:57 Nov 09, 2024

Glad your enjoyed it.☺️


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Linda Kenah
15:09 Nov 08, 2024

Fun story, Mary. Very creative, as usual. I smiled to see this was creative nonfiction. I am guessing that this is a take on a wonderful childhood memory. Thank you for taking us back to an age of innocence! Well done.


Mary Bendickson
16:57 Nov 08, 2024

Thanks. Sure was! Third grade school wide Halloween party. Those darn shoes!


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12:34 Nov 08, 2024

Ah cute story, much enjoyed sláinte


Mary Bendickson
15:07 Nov 08, 2024

Thanks. Had enough of scary over last few weeks.😂 Will get over to read yours soon.


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