Adventure Drama Friendship

Up high on a hill sat a tree. In 1992 the tree was found by a trio of girls, who knew that they needed a place for their secrets to be shared and kept forever. They knew they had found the perfect place when they laid eyes upon the tree. They whiled away building the treehouse for months, and when they were finished, it was the most magnificent tree they had ever seen. The tree stood tall and strong, when the girls sat in the treehouse, they could see the whole town. A large platform surrounded the branches of the tree and streamers were hung from the leaves. Cushions and chairs soon decorated the treehouse. For the trio, this spot was their favorite place and a place of many memories. As the years went by their friendship turned sour and so did the tree. The termites had invaded, and the wood had rotted away.

However, the tree still stood there, although not as magnificent as before. On a winter morning one of the girls from the trio. Decided to check out how the treehouse, as she drove up the driveway she spotted the tree from afar. The tree had brown leaves and the whole treehouse was falling apart. She glanced at the tree and felt a gush of anger. She got out of the car and slammed the door shut. She walked towards the tree, Everything was eaten by termites, a light bulb clicked and she walked towards her car. She had an idea to fix and repair the treehouse, but she couldn't do it alone.

As she walked towards the car multiple thoughts ran through her head, a million miles an hour. she drove up believing that she was going to make the treehouse better than before, or at least better!

She came up the driveway of her old best friends, just to find that they are in Mexico. I tried calling them, but they didn't answer, I told myself why would they chose to go on a holiday now. I felt as if I had just been hit in the head with a pan. Nothing could compare to the emotion I was feeling at this very moment. I walked to the car with tears rolling down my face, I couldn't believe they didn't tell me, or could I haven't talked to them in years. After a bit of discussion with myself, I decided to go to the shops, not any shops, the shops! A shop I like to call the hardware store. I drove off not feeling the emotions I had felt before it was different, it wasn't happy, but it was in the middle of sad and joy, happiness. it took around five minutes to get to the hardware store. I found everything I needed and danced my way back to the car. As I drove off to go and fix and rebuild, our treehouse. When I arrived, I looked in amazement it was my old friends standing right in front of my face. they had told that the minute they heard their phone they went searching, but it was nowhere to be found. By the time they found their phone it had stopped ringing. we looked at the phone and we were so happy to hear from you so we drove all the way back home as we knew it had something to with our treehouse, that we built together. I was so happy to see them that I couldn't speak, It was like something was holding my tongue and there was no way I could say anything . my heart raced and I couldn't stop crying it was like someone or something had died, but it wasn't, it was the day my friends came to the rescue to help me save our treehouse from the evil destructors, Termites! This was the best day of my life and from that day forward I told them that nothing would break us apart from kingdom come. we sat up all night in our treehouse telling stories galore of what had happened in the last years of our friendship shriveled, just like the treehouse, we told us that the treehouse from no on was our symbol of friendship. this was a great night as we built our symbol and we became friends again. We chatted all night until advent we went to sleep, in the treehouse. The termites were gone for good and never to be back as long as we were around to protect our treehouse. We decided since the people that were living next to the treehouse were moving out that we were going to buy the house so our children and their children would look up at the tree and remember that their parents and grandparents made that beautiful tree that stands before them as a symbol of their friendship, even when they hit a harsh patch, they always made it through together as friends and be there for each other. Time went on and we grew old our children had children, this house and treehouse were going to be looked after. until we found out the people next door were making their bought land bigger, so they were going to chop the tree down. we looked at each other, and we could see that even know they were destroying our symbol of friendship, it was time for us to go anyway, we knew this day would come where we would no longer be around to look after our children and our treehouse forever. we thank the treehouse to this very day, as it made our friendship stronger than before. As we watch the treehouse being knocked down memories flashed and I could remember all the adventures I had with the treehouse and with my friends that will last forever and will never change. This was a sad and memorable moment as my whole family was there to comfort and remember the tree that was attacked by termites, that I built when I was young. forever shall the treehouse be in our hearts. goodbye, I whispered and the tree was gone, not forever though. we planted a tree on our side of the property and it was our new treehouse, that I built with my family. now this was a memory I did not want to forget at all.

May 31, 2021 08:34

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Daniel R. Hayes
05:19 Jun 02, 2021

Hi Abby, I thought this was a really good story. You did a good job writing your first story. I also liked your Author's note here in the comments about friendship. Very nice touch! :)


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Abby Hamilton
08:38 May 31, 2021

My story about how you make friends, but you sometimes don't keep them. You should hold on to the friendships you care about the most! This story gives a perspective with a differnt understanding. Hey, remember this, make sure you always have someone in your life that you love and care about as much as they do to you. As you need someone you can count in any emergence! Like the tree house.


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