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Chapter 1

30 December, 4:44 PM.

Finally. Sarah stared at the card in her hand. She thought of a thing or two about how she felt at that moment. Excitement, nervousness or was it fear? She couldn’t tell. Nor did she want to. After looking at the card one more time, she started preparing for that special day. A whole year had again passed away in the blink of an eye. Yet here she was, uncertain for the third time in 3 years. But she would do it this time, wouldn’t she? At least the determination shining in her eyes said so. She was standing outside of the flower shop.

Bravery, was the name of the flower shop. Ironic as it seemed, Sarah lacked the very same thing in every new year eve, thinking of the same resolution again and again.

Not this time, She thought. She stopped as gaze drifted to the name of the flower shop. She chuckled lightly, remembering the ruckus Mrs. Phillips’ daughter, Millie had created while naming the shop. Smart kid as she was, she decided to name the shop Bravery when her mother did not accept the name Brave as it was the disney princess Millie adored.

She went inside and a smile made its way to her lively face watching Mrs. Phillip trying to discipline her rebel of a daughter. As soon as Millie saw her, she ran to her arms excitedly. Mrs. Phillip smiled and asked her,

“I am assuming you are here for the same this year, too?"

Sarah nodded half-heartedly, her nervousness radiating around her. Mrs. Phillip picked some gladiolus and started packing them gently.

“I am going to do it this year,” Sarah said. Mrs. Phillip heard the same thing the year before. Yet she just gave an encouraging nod to her. Handing her the flowers she said,

“My best wishes are always with you.”

Chapter 2

31 December, 11:45 PM

Sarah stood in the dark street, shivering slightly as the wind blew and whispered encouragement to her. A puff of air blew from her mouth, proving how anxious and cold she was. The petals of the gladioli in her hand were slowly trying to escape with the wind. The moon shone in peaks, clouds and fog trying to protect it as a shield.

The metal gate whined loudly as she gave it a push, making the surrounding somewhat horror. Sarah kept taking deep breaths and counting her steps along the way.

1, 2, 3, just a little more, 6, 7, 8,….

She was almost certain that she was there. She had memorized the number reading the card too many times. Her heart beat must have resembled the sound of the footsteps of a running giant.

No more turning back, she thought.

Her steps started to falter as she slowly reached her destination. Her heart was trying to leap out of her chest, running faraway from here. She came to a stop. She stood in front of her.

“Hey,” Sarah whispered so softly, her voice almost got lost in the whistling of wind.

Chapter 3

New years’ resolution, a deed you are determined to fulfill. A mission craving to be touched and accomplished. Yet the excitement with which you made it slowly starts to vaporise. Every people have different kinds of resolution. Maybe they do fulfill it, maybe they don’t. Let’s be honest here, it’s mostly the latter.

For Sarah, the new years’ resolution was slightly different, for it has been same since the last 3 years, meeting her. Needless to say, it has been the latter for Sarah, too.

So here she was, finally touching her mission and not backing down. She could not produce a word to say to her. Almost every emotion of a human being passed through her face, happiness, sadness, excitement, nervousness. But nothing reached the most revealed emotion, guilt.

The urge to cry could not be suppressed as tears flowed down her cheeks, captivating the wind around her and making her feel hard to breath.

“I am so sorry,” a sob wrecked through her body, making her seem helpless.

She gathered up enough courage to let it out of her chest.

“You know I come here every year, yet I back out from opening that gate and coming inside. I make it on my top to-do list every year to come and meet you. But do I do that? I don’t. And I am really sorry for that.”

Sarah kept roaming in her memories, thinking of the day she was taken to the hospital while trying to save Sarah from an accident. She remembered the way she looked at her while taking her last few breaths. She remembered her every word.

“You know people think that orphans need love. But all they need is strength. A little strength to lead their lives with determination and hope. I held onto the strength. So I let the car hit me instead of you. You are a stranger. But our strength and courage will keep us connected. That’s why every orphan like me deserves a gladiolus. Do you know why?”

Sarah nodded through her tears and answered, " They resemble strength and courage.”

She smiled and said, “When I die, I want you to come and visit me with a gladiolus. Maybe you will hesitate, feel guilty. But I will always wait for the strength.”

A wind brought Sarah to the present. She smiled and said,

“You were right. I felt so guilty that I could not come here the first time. I did try last year, but as you can see, I failed misrably. Your heavy words made me feel so horrible I almost broke down there. But this year, I was determined. And I also came with the strength you asked from me.”

Sarah put the gladioli in the beautiful gravestone, decorated by nature. It was so beautiful with leaves and flowers that they reminded Sarah of her smile. She talked to her for a long time, pausing slightly to look at her.

Isabella Rosaline

30 December,1999-

31 December,2016

Every orphan deserves a gladiolus

Sarah smiled touching her favourite sentence. She glanced at her watch, 12:00. With her resolution finally being accomplished, she looked at her,

“Happy New Year."

January 04, 2021 13:49

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1 comment

03:10 Jan 14, 2021

Why the story is split into chapters seems a mystery! Didn't understand the story!'Sarah kept roaming in her memories..............while trying to save Sarah from an accident'?Writer must not ramble but must stick to meet the prompt which must come clearly to reader. CRITIQUE CIRCLE


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