A Kiss to Remember

Written in response to: Center your story around a first or last kiss.... view prompt


American Fiction Funny

The clock tower sounded the time of 7 am. in the morning.

"Mmmm..mmmeeehhh", the voice said putting the pillow over his head.  


He had tried to back to sleep after waking up 5 am. to the sound of the PT run. This was one of the issues caused by having a dormitory near an army base.

"Hey man. You know breakfast is at 7 right? You don't wanna miss out!"

"Mmmmmm.. . Bmmmmmm..mmm.."

"Okay, whatever man. I'm bailin'"

The door opened, then shut again, it's sound reverberating in the hallway outside the room as his roommate walked down the hall.

"Guess, I gotta," Sean said as he got up from bed and started the morning routine.  He held his head in his hands., trying to get the cobwebs out of his brain.

Yawns.. brush brush. Wash,wash. Yawn again.

"It's what I get for gaming at night."he said as he went to the closet to retrieve some clothes.

A few minutes later, Sean was out the door and headed to the cafeteria for breakfast. When he got there, he joined the long line of students, grades students, and faculty for whatever was left. He sighed as he looked at the line in front of him, hoping he would get a chance to eat before his first class.

"Just got here, Sean?"

"What?" he said, turning around, trying to find the source of the voice.  

"Over here, Sean." 

He turned and saw a slightly familiar face sitting down at the table. She had a heart-shaped face and brown hair and a quirky grin. "I'll save you a spot! Looks like you might need one!"

"Oh, umm,.thanks!, "he replied, smiling slightly, scratching his head, then yawning some more. "Who is this, girl? ", he thought to himself.

It took Sean a few minutes to go through the line and get some breakfast. While he was getting some eggs, he noticed some faculty members giving him a strange glance, then quickly turn away.

This happened again when he got to check out as well, but no one said anything. People juar kept starimg at him.

"Weird", he said to himself.

"Hey, Sean! Over here", the girl said to him, motioning him to sit down.

He was still tired, but, he didn't argue with her whoever she was.  Besides, she seemed to know him. It was odd feeling. He felt so exposed.

"Ummm, thank you for saving me a seat, I appreciate it," he said as he sat down across from her.

"No problem,.babe!", she replied to him, sipping her iced tea with a straw. She placed one hand under her chin and stared deeply into his dark eyes.

He blushed a little and gave a nervous laugh. Why did she call him "babe", he wondered. Sean had no experience in flirting.

Sean took a sip from his drink and then, looked at her again and spoke

"By the way, I'm a little embarrassed. You seem to know me, but I don't know you Who are you exactly?", 

'"Hah hah, hah! You don't need to be embarrassed , Sean. I'm Jenny." She offered her hand to him.

He took her hand and shook it. She had a firm grip anyway. "Well, nice to meet you, Jenny...but...how do you know me?"

"Oh, we have biology together. I'm in the row behind you. Btw, did you study for the test or did you stay up all night,.playing Doom?"

Sean laughed and said, "well, yeah", then stopped. "Wait a sec. How did you know I played Doom?"

She gave him a sly look.

"Who do you think was playing with you last night?"she replied with a wink. "Sean5050!"

Sean shook his head. How? How could she have known that he was Sean5050? What tipped her off.?

"Another thing to be embarrassed about?!?", she giggled. "No stress on that, babe!"

There was that word again. "Babe". Sean noted it in his mind while also keeping an eye on the crowd that seemed to have formed.

"Okay, I have to know. How did you know I was Sean5050?", he asked her.

"Well,.it's not like you don't advertise. Your backpack is labeled "Sean" and one of the patches on the flap is a DOOM patch. It's not hard to figure out."

"Oh, yeah... he said, nodding his head. "I guess my next question is , have you been studying?"

Jenny laughed at the statement. "Touche!"

Sean smiled and found himself just staring at her. Some words tried to tumble out of his mouth, but they wound up going back down his throat after he drank some of the coke.  

"Cough! Cough! Splutter.."

"Easy, Sean. Don't die on me, now."

He breathed a little, slowing down. It felt weird having this girl basically read him like comic book.  

"You good now, babe!"

Sean nodded his head slowly. "Sorry. I just choked. This day can't get any weirder."

Jenny's eyes cast a few glances at the ceiling, then the walls, then back to the table and she looked at Sean again.


"Yeah?", he said to her continuing to stare at her.

"Do you trust me?"

Sean's eyes popped open wide. "Do I trust you? I just met you!! What do you mean, 'trust you?'

She looked at him again.

"I know but do you trust me?"

He paused for a moment and finally said "yeah", while feeling like a fish on a hook, wondering when he was going to be reeled in.

She leaned closer to him. "Come closer."

Yeah, this did feel like being reeled in like a fish. Where was this going?

Sean leaned forward getting closer to her face. Her eyes were a vivid blue.

"Little closer."

He moved closer still, close enough to smell her perfume and lipstick. She pulled him a little closer and kissed him full on the lips for almost 5 minutes, while the rest of the cafeteria cheered and clapped.

She released Sean from her embrace, leaving him wide eyed. She tilted her head slightly downward and smiled again and stood up.  

"You're really hot, you know that?",

Sean stared at her, his mouth hanging wide open. He barely could make a gurgling sound.

She sighed. "It takes a lot of guts to walk around campus without any pants on, but, damn! You did it!"

February 21, 2025 06:06

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