Rainyday's curse

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



It all started with rain. Then slowly a nightmare formed. People who don’t understand would think what is happening is a gift. News flash its not. I would do anything thing to get rid of this. Its my personal hell. Something follows me. Today a have a bad feeling that someone is going….

   Rein's writing was interrupted by the sound of his sister’s voice. He quickly hid the journal he was writing in. “ Rein are you ready?” she asked. It was their little cousins birthday that day so they were visiting their uncle’s house to see her. His uncle lived in the outskirts of town. He was a single dad with two kids. On the way there Rein starred out the window. He liked seeing the cacti. Each cactus was tall and different shades of green. The stood like spiky green statues watching over the other plants. There were some plateaus. Some seemed to have a beautiful mix of light brown, orange and crimson tinted dust. The sun was a bright vibrant yellow raised high in a soft light blue sky that was streaked with thin whit clouds.   

  They arrived and were greeted by their uncle. He smiled and said “How have you both been.” “We’ve been ok.” His sister said. Rein just waved and smiled “ That’s greet to hear, also I would like to introduced you both to some one” He introduced them to a women. “This is Talia, we got engaged about a month ago.” Talia smiled and shook both their hands“I’m Shyanne and this is my brother, Rein and my son, Matthew. Rein smiled and said “hi". Talia was medium height and had light brown Sun-kissed skin and long jet black hair. She seemed shy but kind. 

  The younger kids wanted to play in the yard so Rein was sent outside to watch them watch them. The yard was huge and full a bushes with small vivid green leaves. The was a bright flower garden full of vivid yellows, soft cool blues, deep purples, fiery red, and an energetic looking orange. He didn’t know what kind they were or how the grew in the burning summer heat of Phoenix Arizona. The kids were playing tag they ran around squealing with joy. Every thing was fine until he spotted something out of the corner of his eye.

 There was a diamondback rattlesnake slithering in near a bush the kids were playing by. He saw only one way to keep them safe. It was to use one of his strange ability to manipulate water, fire, air and plants . He focused on the bush causing it branch to wrap around the snake a hold it still while he moved the kids inside. Once inside he told his aunt “ Don’t let the kids outside again. There is a rattlesnake outside.” “Oh no thanks for telling me.” Every thing was fine now but something told him that more danger was yet to come. 

  He felt presence of the thing the follows him. He turned to see it hovering over his sister’s five year old son and then over his cousin’s sister. He cousin was named Lizzy and she was turning six. Her sister was named Dahlia and she was only four. Dahlia and Matthew were so tiny and fragile that anything could kill them. The thing was grey like a storm cloud and its eyes lit up like pale blue stars. It smiled in a sinister way. Fear filled him but he couldn’t do anything because he was the only one who could see it.

  It quickly faded away because it can only appear for long extends of time if it’s raining. The party ends and they say goodbye to everyone. Then began their long travel back to their house. “Rein why do you seem so anxious is something bothering you?” his sister asked calmly. For someone who is only 22 , and became a mom at 17, she was well put together and mature. She was always calm and caring towards everyone and tried her best to raise her son and her brother. “ No I’m fine.” Rein said quietly. His sister sighed. She knew he was lying. A couple of weeks passed without misfortune. That was just the calm before the storm because then one night rain poured down heavily. The thing now had access to the world and was able to cause harm.

In the middle of the night Rein awoke with chills running down his spine. Rain was pounding against his window. What scared the most was not the rain pounding on the window, it was the message on it. The message read : you used the powers. Now I'll take from you like you took from me.

He sprang up from bed and climbed out the window. From there he ran to a river near by and jumped in. Then he focused his mind on the water. Trying to control its speed. "Flow fast and steady" he repeated this phrase over and over again as the flow of the river increased in speed.

The monster took his parents but it was not going to take his cousins. He was determined to end this once and for all. The water rushed with the force of a thousand strong hands pushing him forward. Despite its speed the journey felt like forever.

"Stop" he whispered as it reached the are where the river comes close to his uncle house . The current abruptly stopped. He climbed out and with all his energy he took off running.

As he approached the house he heard someone crying. It was Talia she was on the roof holding Dahlia. The monster faced them while laughing.

There was a huge tree next to the house so he used his power to make it grab them and bring them to safety.

" well look who came. You stole what was supposed to be mine." The thing screamed. " The serum in the needle you fell on was what I was searching for. You used the powers as if the really belonged to you. First it was for b fun that you did it. So as I punishment I killed your parents the next time it rained. Then it was to save a bunch of retched children. Now you did it again to defile my plans." It voice sounded like a raspy distorted melody.

It them flew at him but he made one of the tree branches slapped it out of the air. " Why did you even want it? You can't do anything without rain." Rein asked.

Then he thought of something made it could also control rain since rain is water. He focused his mind on the rain. The amount of energy he forced into was draining him but the rain faded and soon it disappeared. The monster vanished as well.

Rein was so relieved but after a couple minutes he collapsed from utter exhaustion.

When he awoke Talia, Dahlia, Lizzy his uncle, his sister and her son Matthew were standing over him. "What happened?" they asked "Also what was that thing?" Asked Talia.

Finally he could get the story off his chest. "I was walking and it started raining. So I started to head home, but the in a field I saw something glistening. So I approached it. It was a needle and I stupidly picked it up. Then I saw the thing that appeared here. I tooked off running and I ended up falling. When I fell the needle pierced into to me. I felt strange and soon found out I could control fire, water, air, and plants. The next time it rained my parents went outside. The next day they were dead. The thing left a note on my window telling not to tell anyone about it and that this was punishment for me using my powers. At the birthday party I stopped the snake by using my powers on a bush. Afterwards it was hovering over Dahlia. So tonight I woke up to a note on my window telling me that it would take from me. Some in me told me to come here so I used the the river to get here quickly." He said in a sad tone. Then he passed out again and though he was still breathing he didn’t wake up.

July 03, 2020 21:53

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