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Adventure Mystery Teens & Young Adult

Anna and Kari had graduated high school last spring. They had been best friends since grade school. It was almost Halloween which was Anna’s favorite holiday. She loved exploring cemeteries and old vacant homes and anything paranormal. While walking home, they passed the old Dell mansion. It was vacant for at least twenty years. Once owned by a woman named Agnes Dell. She supposedly died in the house on Halloween. Since then the house was left vacant. It was an old Victorian style home. Back in the day it was probably quite the sight to see. But now it was falling apart. There was talk about it being torn down.

There were rumors about the mansion being haunted. People would report lights going on then off, some claim to hear whispers when on the porch, there were even rumors of kids disappearing in the house. Anna and Kari didn’t believe any of it. Anna was more interested in ghosts than Kari. But Kari usually went along with the adventures that Anna would come up with. Like, last year on Halloween we sat in a cemetery trying to conjure up spirits. We never seen or heard anything that night. As they were approaching the old mansion, Anna said “Wow, look at the place, it would be awesome to go in and do a seance!” “Oh, hell no!” Kari yelled. “Oh, C’mon Kari, it’s almost Halloween and it would be fun.”

”I’ll think about it, maybe, it would be fun, bring back old lady Dell.”

It was only a few days before Halloween, Anna asked Kari “So, are we set for the seance on Halloween?” “I guess so” Kari answered. “ It’ll just be the two of us, everyone else is to scared.” Anna laughed.

The night of Halloween the girls met up at 11:00 p.m. on the porch of the old house. It was a cool, breezy night just what you’d expect for October. The old porch boards were squeaking under the weight of Anna and Kari. “You ready to walk in?” Anna asked. Anna put her hand on the old door knob and turned.

The large door opened with a squeaky sound. Both girls stepped inside. It smelled musty and dirty. Dust covered everything. Dead bugs were scattered about. They turned on there flash lights and looked around. It was mostly empty but a large table and chairs sat in the middle of the room. Almost like the table was welcoming them for the seance. Ahead of them was a large staircase to the upstairs. “I’m not going up there.” Kari said.

”I’m not either.” Anna said. Both girls continued exploring the main floor. There was the kitchen with ancient appliances. A library was next to the kitchen but only shelves were present, no books. A door across the hall was probably the basement. The girls didn’t want to look there. There were a few more rooms on that main floor but all were empty. There was nothing in the house except that table and chairs. As they headed back to the living room both girls stopped suddenly.

Creeeak came a sound from upstairs. Then again creeeak. What was that?” Kari said whispering.

“I don’t know, maybe just a cat or a rat.” Anna said. “Or it could be a person or a ghost or a serial killer” Kari added. Anna just laughed at her.

They sat at the table to begin the seance. “I don’t know about this.” “It’s fine let’s get started.” Anna said.

Both girls turned their flash lights off and joined hands.

”We are here on Halloween to bring back Agnes Dell, Agnes are you here with us?” The girls waited a minute. Nothing. “Agnes, give us a sign if you’re here.” Suddenly, a gust of cold air blew thru the room. Both girls looked at each other. “Agnes, is that you?” Crash! A chair flew across the room and hit the wall. Oh my God! Both girls yelled. “Ok, just calm down, I think Agnes is here with us.” Anna said.

”Agnes, are you here and angry about something.” Anna asked.

They heard a low voice mumble YES. Now, Kari was getting really scared, she scooted closer to Anna and held her hand tighter. “What are you angry about?” Can we help you?

Again, a gust of air blew thru the room and and angry voice said GET OUT NOW! Anna yelled back to the disembodied voice “No, we’re not leaving, why are you so angry?” Then the room seemed to fill with smoke and a cold breeze could be felt, it was ice cold. Then an apparition appeared.

It was an older woman with long gray hair and wearing a black dress she had an angry look on her face and waving her fists “You girls don’t belong in my house!” The lady ghost yelled.

”That’s it!” Kari yelled, I’m out of here. As she got up and broke the circle, her chair flew across the room, then the table flew across the floor and slammed into the wall, windows were breaking and doors were opening and slamming shut. Anna and Kari ran to the front door, Anna tried turning the knob but it wouldn’t open. “You want us out so bad then open the door, now!” Anna yelled. She tried the knob again but it still wouldn’t turn. “Run, now to the back door.” Anna yelled. Both girls ran to the kitchen and then to the back door. Anna grabbed the door handle and it flew open and slammed into the wall behind it. “Leave now!” A voice said. They ran out the door and onto the wet grass both falling and trying to catch their breath. “What just happened? I never really believed.” Anna said. “Don’t ever ask me to do a seance again, not ever.” Kari yelled.

Both girls ran from the house yelling never again. Anna turned around to look at the haunted house and seen the lights flicker on and off one last time.


October 21, 2023 05:34

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1 comment

Bailey Minard
14:47 Nov 02, 2023

I like the whole thing you should add more on to it but overall I enjoyed and would read it again


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