Romance Fiction Drama

Brian stood at the altar awaiting his bride’s arrival with his 5 groomsmen behind him; Jason, Michael, Jaxson, Lennon, and Craig. They all had several drinks before the wedding rooting on Brian and giving him courage. He was occasionally swaying slightly but still managed to hold himself straight. On the opposite side, in the Bridesmaid area, there were Jenna, Alyssa, Terese, Belinda and Christine. Of course Jenna, Brittany’s sister, had to be the maid of honor. She threw a fit until Brittany agreed, but this was supposed to be Brittany’s day.


Michael was the closest groomsman to Brian. He nudged him in the back and said, “I think I see her coming man…hold yourself together!”


Looking back at the other groomsmen, they all gave him a thumbs up except Jason. Jason was staring at the door where Brittany was supposed to walk in. Brian thought there was something wrong. He realized the doors weren’t moving. “What’s the matter, man?” Brian asked Jason in case he knew something. Straightening his tie he asked it again through clenched teeth. The heavy large doors creaked open shooting an alarming echo through the church. It sent a rush of relief for Brian like finding a lost winning lottery ticket.

Brittany’s father walked her down the aisle. He and Brian had always not seen eye to eye, but they both loved Brittany very much which was probably the only thing they had in common. Her dress swayed at her every step, mesmerizing Brian’s gaze. Her beauty made his stomach drop rhythmically with her every step to the altar. By the time she reached him, he felt like he melted into a puddle on the floor. He swam through memories of compliments his buddies gave him, “You’re so lucky man,” and, “How did you ever catch her?”


His smile stretched as she stood in front of him for the vows. The priest adjusted his outfit, held a book closely outward, and put his loose hand in the air. “We are gathered here today to join these two together in holy matrimony under the Lord’s eyes and with all of you as witnesses. Brittany and Brian have decided to secure their love with this union of marriage. Are there any who wish to object to their union…” he asked as silence hovered over the 200 guests.


Close to Brian, a man’s voice shouted, “I do,” and a hand slightly rose.


“Jason?” Brian asked out loud.


“…I love her man…and you don’t treat her right.” Looking at Brittany as he stepped away from his assigned role as a groomsman, he said, “You deserve way better and I would like to be that for you for the rest of your life…” he stumbled a little down the velvet red steps but regained his footing.


Brittany’s parents were standing in the front row of the church pews, her mother’s hands over her mouth and her father’s arms crossed with a scowl; he paid a pretty penny for the reception and honeymoon.


“If I could have a word with you outside,” Brittany’s sister said pulling on Jason’s arm. Brittany’s sister and Jason dated for 6 years while Brittany and Brian were together for 7. Jason suggested it even though he rolled his eyes at Jenna most of the time they were together.


“I am not going anywhere,” Jason demanded. “I have loved her since the moment I saw her and only dated you to be closer to her…”


Jenna whispered, “I knew you shouldn’t have gone out drinking before the wedding…you always talk a lot of bull shit after, and right now you are embarrassing me, yourself and everyone else involved in this wedding. Just tell me this is one of your pranks.”


Ignoring Jenna, Jason pulled his arm out of her hand and said to Brian, “If you are willing to step down right now Brian, I am willing to marry her so her father won’t have to lose all the money he put into this…” a few chuckles echoed from the church pews. He continued, “I know you don’t love her man…I have been with you every time you fucked around behind her back. It killed me inside to see you treat her like that…” and a dozen sounds of surprise swept through the crowd.


Brittany slapped Brian and Brian went to slap her back before Jason grabbed his wrist. “See? This is what I mean,” he said with a twitch at the corner of his lip. Jason threw Brian’s hand down and said, “Get the fuck out of here before half this church tries to beat you for raising your hand to her.”


Pulling his jacket down, adjusting his neck, and lifting his chin slightly high he said, “This is fucked…” and looked at everyone in the church. Jogging down the aisle, he raised both of his middle fingers at the aisles of visitors and said, “Fuck you all later!...” Changing the direction of his words to the rest of the wedding party he yelled, “Drinks are on me guys after the wedding, down at the Shamrock!”


Jason said, “I’m sorry everyone, give me one minute,” as he pulled Brittany through the door to the priest’s office, he grabbed her face and kissed her. “I should’ve told you sooner…I don’t know why I didn’t. Will you forgive me for waiting so long?”


Brittany had a look of surprise and anger on her face from the moment he objected. Not letting up her shock she shook her head yes and no.


Kissing her again he asked her, “Can you say something? You need to say something.”


“I’m sorry! My life just got turned upside down and I am not sure how to feel. My future husband is gone, my secret admirer wants to take his place and I have an angry father out there ready to rip anyone’s head off, and probably a sister that is crying like this is a funeral!”


“I’m sorry about your sister, but she treats you like shit too. Let me treat you better. Let me show you how you should be loved. Let’s get married…do you trust me?” He asked Brittany without unlatching his stare in her eyes, “Do you trust me when I say I can make you happy? That I will never hurt you?”


He guided her behind him to where Brian was to stand during the ceremony. Jason kneeled in his absence. “Will you marry me Brittany? Will you please make me the happiest man in the world?”


Brittany looked over at her father who had a I-will-never-spend-another-dime-on-you-if-you-say-no look on his face.


A year later, Brittany walked past a fortune teller and decided to stop. “For fifty dollars I can tell you your fortune,” the lady said from an unseen location in the store. Brittany digs in her wallet and sits down.


While she orientated the room with her eyes, she saw what looked like a monkey’s hand, an elephant ear, jars full of unknown animal parts, a tarantula in an empty fishtank, and countless beaded curtains. Brittany knew the woman entered behind her when she heard the clacks of round plastic softly slapping one another. There were gaps of beads showing its age. “Ah. An unsure woman of love,” the woman said in a chanting tone. “Let’s see now, what did you want to know my dear?”


“I just want to know if I made the right choice with my husband,” Brittany quickly muttered sliding the fifty to the woman across the table.


The woman put the fifty in the air and looked through it and then looked at Brittany with a soft scowl. “Fine,” she said as she reached for Brittany’s hands.


Putting her head backward, her eyelids flickered from her rolling eyes. “Yes. I see,” she released Brittany’s hands. “They tell me that you made the right decision. That you will live a long life with your new husband. Don’t worry my child, he loves you and you will have many kids together.”


Brittany smiled strongly and said, “Thank you.” Excited to get home, she left the store and walked briskly. A note laid on the kitchen table that said, “I have a surprise for you tonight hun since it is our anniversary. I hope you didn’t forget!” Brittany put her hand over her mouth and gasped in disbelief. She couldn’t believe she forgot. She called to order flowers and then pizza. The flowers came quicker than the pizza. The doorbell rang and when Brittany opened the door she searched in her wallet asking, “How much do I owe you?” A familiar voice responded, “It’s on the house.”

Brian. Was. A. Pizza. Deliverer.

“Thanks Brian. I will tell Jason you said hi,” Brittany responded with a confident smirk.

September 07, 2024 03:56

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Danielle LeBlanc
22:07 Sep 12, 2024

Fate brings people together in the oddest ways, and we often have the choice to turn it into destiny! She wasn't destined to be with a pizza guy ;) Cute story. I was intrigued as to how it would turn out. Thanks for sharing!


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David Sweet
15:04 Sep 10, 2024

I was going to say, this is why you don't have the statement about objections included in the ceremony! But evidently, according to the fates, she made the right choice. Good for them. And good for you! Thanks for sharing.


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