The Secret Passageway in the Dark

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a secret passageway in their house.... view prompt



    Mary Liper was a student at Sharkette Junior High School. She was the prettiest girl in the 7th grade because of her beautiful dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Everyone always admired Mary and most boys had crushes on her. Everyone wished that they were Mary Liper. 

There was a giant school mascot in front of the school, a Sharkette, with a head heavier than the entire body. One day, a windy and dark overcast appeared, like there was going to be snow. Mary Liper was in her homeroom classroom learning about algebra, when there was an earthquake. All of the books on the shelves slid down onto the ground, leaving a sloppy mess. The mascot outside slammed to the ground blocking the double french doors going into the school. 

The intercom went off and Mr. Losedart, the Principal, said “ The mascot just fell outside… I am very sorry for the disruption and please----”. Just then a scraping sound blared and all of the students, terrified with fear, realized that the massive mascot  had been picked up by the wind. The mascot laid in the baseball field next to the school while the weird, gray overcast blanket remained in the sky. 

 Mr. Losedart finished his sentence, sending everyone home for the day. Mary Liper ran out of the school building already telling her friends that she missed them, when she ran into a pole. 

Mary Liper went into her condo along the beach, where she lived with her Mother, Jessica Liper. Jessica is a single mom who works as a Flight Attendant. She also volunteers with the Humane Society. When Mary arrived home, she had a major bruise on her head from the pole. She walked into her room then tripped on a latch on the floor that she had never seen before, but to be fair, she had only been living there for a week. “ This  latch must have been under one of those boxes.” She exclaimed angrily. 

She pulled on the rope handle until a weird gas summoned and flowed out of a circular tunnel that was under her floor. It had a wheel shaped handle on the top but a large brake in the middle. Mary yanked the brake and she dropped into the open floor.

 She shrieked, but she couldn’t hear herself. Later on during the fall she could hear her shriek echoing. Finally, she hit the ground and landed on a pile of faded green towels that luckily softened her fall.

 After sitting for a few moments, Mary realized that she had found a secret passageway. Mary got up, checked herself for any injuries, and decided to explore. She started walking and found a room filled with weird tools and chemicals. What scared her the most was that she saw blood stains on yoga mats that laid all over the room and on the wooden oak shelves lining the walls. There were even bloody and rusty surgical tools including a scalpel and tweezers.

 Mary then turned back to her left to see a huge cabinet. This cabinet stuck out because it was maple, just like the furniture that her grandmother used to own.  She opened it and it creaked like any old 1920’s cabinet. There, in messy piles, laid several dead bodies.

 Mary realized that the late owner of the condo that her and her mother had just moved into, was a murder who had hid the victims in their home. She had to go tell her mother right away.  She turned around and there stood an old lady with a taser in her hand. 

She tried to shout but the old lady tased her in the side. The “late” owner was not “late”. She was perfectly alive. “What are you doing in my lab.. And my house, you freak. You never come into Linda Moulacondila’s lab.” she said. 

“Linda Moulacondila, are you a murderer?” Mary said. “What murderer would ever admit to being one.” She said “And do I look like I am one?” “Well… I mean you do have a bloody apron on and you do have asp venom. And will you excuse me? I have to go tell my mother that some elderly lady named “Linda Moulacondila” is living in a random hole in my bedroom floor.” Mary said. 

“ You live here? I owned this property in 1945.” Linda said. “ And you will not be telling anyone about this.”  “Please, I live here lady so get out of my---.” Linda Moulacondila tased Mary Liper again and knocked her to the floor.

   Linda Moulacondila was officially a murderer because the barb from the taser killed Mary Liper that night. Well, that and the dangerous chemicals that Linda injected into Mary’s skull. 

Jessica never saw her daughter again. She didn’t know what happened to her daughter until, one day when Jessica heard a squeaking sound in the pipes overhead of Mary’s old room. 

Jessica swore to never go into Mary’s room ever again. Mary’s mother tripped on the rope that Mary pulled out from the tunnel to the secret path.

 She fell into the circular tunnel and landed on the bloody yoga mats right where Mary had landed. Jessica hit her head with a thud and started bleeding. She stepped to her right to get a Band-Aid and reached down on a metal rack to get one but she knocked down a poison that  leaked on the all onto Jessica’s hand. Of course Jessica didn’t know this because it was a gas. 

She turned around because she heard a creaking floorboard. She saw Linda and screamed. Linda this time didn’t have a taser. 

She had Mary’s brain in a jar. Linda lied and told a story of finding Mary down here, and finding her with a swelling cut on her collarbone. Linda got one of her many poisons and poured onto Jessica, the same one that she had injected into Mary’s skull. Linda Moulacondila had killed several people and never got caught for her crimes.

March 28, 2020 02:10

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